Disney Parks

When are they going to fix the fucking yeti already?

Did you not get your answer in the last thread that was identical to this one or are you trying to make this a Disney Yeti general?

Asking a question with an obvious answer encourages people to respond. Plus I already had the yeti picture saved and didn't want to find a new image to start the thread

Literally never because they have to tear the mountain apart to do it.

Fucking this.

Now stop making threads about this.

It's overdue for an update anyway. I'd say it's fixed within the next 5 years at the most.


What is the inevitable fifth park going to be based around?

How long until you think we see it? 50th Anniversary is only a few years away.

Lurk more

They will have a hall containing the heads of conquered franchises

>tfw no beastly kingdom
>We get a ride based off of a fucking singular movie that came out eight years ago instead
really grinds my gears

Realistically, how long do we think Avatar Land will last? If Avatar 2 flops, I can't imagine Disney cares enough about Cameron's nonsense to keep it around, but on the other hand, with the recent buyout, they officially own the franchise so I would imagine they want to push it as hard as possible.

10 years maximum?

>stepping down in 2019

Fucking finally. Hopefully the new president cares a bit more about the parks. I hated how Bob handled things.

Yeah geez guys, what does Disney have to do with cartoons?


If it flops they will start handing spin-offs to other directors. Hell once Star Wars numbers start hitting the basement, I can see them trying to make Avatar their young-women franchise instead.


Okay, so there’s this Yeti on a Disney ride, presumably Florida, and it’s broke and they would have to tear down a mountain to fix it?

Would somebody please explain what’s going on?

Never because the part that's broken is incorporated into both the Yeti and the mountain (it's a support of some kind) so they'd need to take him down to fix him which would mean dismantling the entire fucking mountain. Financially it makes no sense when the average visitor doesn't give a shit, you scream by the thing at such a high speed and in such darkness there is zero point in expending the effort/money required to mend it.


It's a ride called Expedition Everest (pic related) in Disney World, Florida. They built a gigantic replica of Mount Everest to house the ride, which is a rollercoaster with various scenes.

Basically the grand finale takes you inside of the mountain where you encounter a huge-ass animatronic yeti. When the ride first opened, it moved and leant down and swung its fist at you as you passed. This eventually began to put strain on its supports and there were concerns about it one day falling down/onto guests, which would be lawsuit city, so they just switched him off and darkened the lights so average visitors can't tell he's off. These days they just use strobe lights and fans to simulate movement (something people have affectionately dubbed 'Disco Yeti') although many fans of the park keep asking Disney when they're going to fix him which is literally never going to happen because they'd need to take apart the entire fucking mountain to reinforce the supports.

Never ever.

Author of here, GIF is of the functional Yeti

So they built too powerful of an animatronic for the support structure they have. Huh. Thanks for explaining.

Essentially, yeah. With how precise the Disney park engineers usually are it baffles me they never thought of this. If you're gonna have a giant yeti flinging itself about, you need strong supports.

Supposedly there was a problem with the software they used for all the algorithms. From what I understand, it told them everything would work fine because it didn't take into account a certain factor

Can't they build a lighter one and put it one the same support?

Then it wouldn’t be able to move.

to take it out it would involve taking apart the entire mountain
the mountain was built in such a way that the supports the concrete that make up the mountain and the yeti all fit together permanently

What's wrong with the yeti?
I haven't been there since 2006.

It doesn't move anymore

No workable fix. So, never.

What is the worst hotel at Disney? I'm always interested in bad Disney experience