Enough self-congratulation, Sup Forums

Enough self-congratulation, Sup Forums.

Time to admit that this community had no impact on the outcome of he election.

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Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

>Thanked by the President-elect's staff
Yeah, ok




We allow recreational marijuana use in The Netherlands because we are a first-world country which long ago embraced the importance of personal liberty.

USA is a fundamentalist Christian shithole. You should not be celebrating the legalization of marijuana. You should be slapping yourselves for making it such a 'big deal'.

Thanking someone on Twitter does not mean that the someone had any influence on the election.

> Jesus give me strength to endure the stupid

I didn't say that, though.


Dude we JUST got official thanks from the Trump campaign

People sure do talk about us a lot for a place that doesn't matter at all.

Katrina Pierson is a dumb nigger. Not saying I wouldn't fuck her, but would definitely smother her with a plastic bag afterwards.

This is now a "Things Which Never Happened" thread.

Link? Didn't think so.

CTR I now you've been useless but this is really pathetic. we won and you lost just get over it.

I already posted the screenshot here but sure, have the link twitter.com/KatrinaPierson/status/797673940936196096

Now go smoke your weed, faggot.

>Trump's Campaign Spokeswoman

WTF moron. You think they thanked us for mlp tulpa advice on /x/ you George Soros dick sucker? Fuck off and die. You are shilling for a LOSER which makes you far less than one. A fucking paid harasser running on Saudi blood money and Wall Street donations. You deserve to hang from a rope, you seditious piece of shit

>high taxes and regulations
>personal liberty


I am not CTR. I am a white supremacist anti-immigration dutchman who hoped every day during the past year that HRC would drop dead on camera.

While I appreciate the banter on Sup Forums, I am also tired of the self-congratulations during the past few days. Sup Forums never influenced anyone who did not visit here.

In fact, all the racism and hitlering probably galvanized curious visitors to vote HRC.

So you're just a party pooper that ran out of weed.

OP, posting froggies and roleplaying as meme magicians is the only thing Sup Forumscucks have going for them. Just let them enjoy this before the reality sets in and they realize they are bitter losers.

A typical brain-dead response. Congrats on the repeating numerals tho.

>implying Sup Forums memes aren't subtly influencing a generation of young people

37% of millennials voted Trump. Imagine how much more right wing we'll be when they get out of school and get jobs and pay taxes. The next generation is supposedly poised to be even more conservative.

>some faggots ITT actually believe we mattered in the outcome
We had fun for sure but stop being retarded.
Your life must be shit if you force yourself into thinking that you did something for once.

Do any of you have any idea how stupid you look to the rest of the world when we see pictures like this?

How can you not realize how stupid you are?

You're just trying to disarm those who pissed in your cheerios. I'm calling for more memes, better memes, and Marine Le Pen memes. We'll need French anons to check the google translations as we produce them.

>Somebody making a tweet about 4chin and reddit means we totally magicked le election!!

I would say the election was won by Trump at 60% credit and Sup Forums (as humble messenger for kek) at 40% and you at exactly 0%

>0.000000000001 has been deposited in your PayPal account

We will get you. Stay here and keep posting your shill threads, cuckolds and their retarded logic only strengthens us. Enjoy your rightwing Europe and libtard free American government. We made that fucking happen for you, traitor filth

>Enough self-congratulation, Sup Forums.
>Time to admit that this community had no impact on the outcome of he election.

#DraftOurDaughters Hillary.

Also it's not like Hillary didn't entirely validate us when she went after Pepe. Your candidate was literally scared of cartoon frogs.

Yeah, you're right, digging through all those emails so that journalists could copy and paste our lists of interesting finds into their articles was nothing. Those same emails fueling discussions in all three of the presidential debates was nothing. The now president elect posting memes on fucking twitter that came directly from this fucking site was nothing.

But you're right, Trump didnt win this election with out help. Hillary lost it.

and 63% of millennials voted for Clinton, if anything that just means that your guys' meams are even shittier that whatever advice animal Clinton's staffers posted.

People deep down want to express their opinions but can't due constant leftist censorship. Sup Forums is where pot smoking retards like yourself or people supporting a less than socially acceptable candidate can come and support.

Basically you're fucked in the head if you think Sup Forums didn't have an effect.


That somebody works for the Trump campaign retard. Google it.

We are a force to be countered next time.
They know now.

Get a grip, spergs

Time to wake up to the reality that normies elected trump and not basement dwellers such as yourself, memeing only perpetuates your own loserdom

no it means despite being indoctrinated for 12 years in public high schools and 4 years of liberal universities, despite every celebrity and media outlet screaming racism, there is hope for the future.

There was a 5% swing in the 18-25 age range towards the right. Learn to derivative yank.

Literally had endless threads dedicated to making memes for normies. Went out and spread them on social media. Leftists have begun attacking their golden boy Mark Zuckerberg and blaming him for Donald Trump winning the election.

Stop it. You're embarrassing us. If you think NL is a free country you better wrijf de poep uit je ogen.

>he actually fucking believes it
>I did something with my life by shitposting memes and checking digits on a Chinese cartoons image board

Yeah we sure decided the fate of america. We are the new illuminatis, fear us, we will take the world from our computers in our mom's basement with our rumors and redpills!

>I am also tired of the self-congratulations during the past few days.
>Sup Forums never influenced anyone who did not visit here.
Do you enjoy contradicting yourself?

You just congratulated his repeating numerals. His digits caused you to reply.

What do you think THIS caused?

Even if it only caused 1 single vote, it still made a difference.

Post more election highlights.


Always happy to kill russians, don't need (((her))) for motivation.

Fuck off toothpaste. This is some stupid trolling.


It will consist of







Well Hillary got so assblasted that they made poor pepe into a nazi war criminal, so we must have done something. I know it was to make Trump look like a evil rascist and for him to lose the election.
But it just made her look stupid and desperate.

>We are a force to be countered next time.
They know now.
You can stop roleplaying as a cartoon villain now, you geek

Are you autists seriously delusional enough to think that every person under 30 would be a libtard if it wasn't for Sup Forums?

How fucking pathetic and lonely do you have to be come here and waste everyone's time like this? you may as well say you're a shill, even if you're not, since the very thought of you sitting in your stinky room, hunched over you screen, annoying everyone with piss-tier retarded threads without even getting paid for it makes me tell you to just END YOUR LIFE.

You lost, get over it.

Hello there aquafresh newfag.
Fresh off the reddit boat?

Has Trump still not beaten Romney in the popular vote?

this, at the very least we baited hillary and the media into going on the most retarded tangent imaginable for a few weeks

dafuq are you on about? His numbers beat Obamas in 2012.

Don't feed trolls

Cameron proposed an in/out referendum in 2014 as a political stunt to woe back the Ukip voters to the tory party. Brexit was never suppose to happen

It was suppose to be win/win

1. Ukip voters leave and go back to Tory giving them a Majority government. If this would have happened Ukip would have got a couple percentage of the vote and would have been made irrelevant.

2.Ukip voters don't defect and the Tories lose their majority government, now Cameron is ruling in a minority government and can hide behind the labor party.

So what to do? Its obvious you keep Ukip as the third party with 12% of the vote plus you give the Tories a majority government of course.

So how do you do that how do you get both right wing parties landslide victories with a limited pool of voters. Well its obvious you get Labour voters to vote Tory

How do you get labour voters to vote Tory? You make them strategically vote against "Hitler"

That's just a taste of what we did here.

Completely disagree.

Sup Forums led to the creation and popularity of the that "donald" subreddit. And reddit sure as fuck has influence.

It brought Trump tons and tons of free media attention and advertisement.


Sup Forums had an effect on the election because the memes Sup Forums produced helped to normalize Trump.

Sup Forums created memes were on reddit, facebook, twitter, imgur daily. People saw jokes at Clinton's expense, jokes at Trump's expense, MAGA anime girls, and pepes all from Sup Forums.

The result is that Trump was 'normalized' in the eyes of most people. Even memes that mocked Trump helped, because if you have a genuine chuckle at something about a person, you'll relate that enjoyment with them, even if it was at their expense.

Sup Forums may not have driven voters but it at the very least demoralized and depressed Hillary voters, especially millennials. By keeping Trump in their faces at all times, they got used to Trump and wouldn't so fervently oppose him. Hell, before TRUMP TAPES TRUMP TAPES REEEE most millenials, even the super liberal ones, thought Trump as an inevitability. Cause of Sup Forums.

Hilldawg named the jew when she outed Pepe

Sup Forums played a part

You have no idea how much the draftmydaughter and spiritcooking shit mattered.
We might even the the fucking reason he won, atleast we were the tipping point.

there's a fucking reason pepe is a symbol of hate now

It at least helped me to counter the MSM bullshit being parroted by my family and friends. I was able to set them straight, with sources even.

Stuff like this which says we're all racist.

I don't even support Trump but people thought I did because I didn't voice unequivocal support for Hillary and said she was a corrupt warmongering cunt.

Let's see if the world ends as promised.

You're making too much of a big deal of the influence of social media boy. Most normalfags did saw a single sight of the memewar
But this is fine, What could I possibly win by taking out your fun and delusions? Nothing

>ITT CTR is butthurt and tries to make us lose our sense of selfvalue so we feel like the useless pieces of cuckshit they are

just admit finally that you have no power over us and that dispite all you efforts of you were the ones who didnt have any impact on the election what so ever.


we are the afterthought... fucking friendzoned again .. she is fucking reddit chad because of the memes he steals from us :(

>implying pepe wasn't announced as a hate symbol

>Time to admit that this community had no impact on the outcome of he election.

After our memes are directly referenced by both presidential candidates?

After seeing my Pepe's in the national news talking about the election?

After pundits on both sides have spent hours on television trying to understand what the "alt right" is and why Hillary would be scared about a cartoon frog?

Serious political commentators having to talk about "those people with anime and frog avatars"?

There's not a chance in hell you can downplay this. Our biggest achievements before this era was references to Sup Forums in general or local news segments about exploding vans.

Sup Forums was directly influencing and even calling into the Zimmerman trial live. That was hysterical. This is on a whole other level.

may kek smite you

Then why is Pepe an alt right symbol now?
Trump won't directly thank us cuz it's bad to be associated with Sup Forums since we are essentially a pedo hacker community to the average American, but he and his staff now we did a lot for him and we did it for free.


everyone knows who we are


*tips fedora*

>apologist toothpaste
Color me surprised.

I'm 99% sure you're that homosex poster, kys

As if this site will even be around by the next election.

Katrina thanked us and Hillary had an event denouncing us. The ADL attacked our memes labeling them hate symbols. Go fucking hang yourself you degenerate.

Our memes are too intellectual for brown face millennials

>the last two political campaigns Sup Forums took interest in turned out the way we wanted
>Sup Forums had no impact on the outcome of the election


That's the correct term you fucking leaf

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

Do you see this man in the pic? Do you know who he is?

This is Stephen Bannon, Breitbart's CEO, former Trump's campaign manager and now member his inner circle.

Every decision by Trump that caters to the alt-right is influenced by him: pepes, meetings with Farage and the European right, reviving nationalism, shitting on globalist elites, destroying political correctness. It's all his influence. Without him, Trump would become a puppet of mainstream neocons.

And it's because of him that Sup Forums indirectly reaches Trump. Sup Forums has huge influence on the alt-right movement of which he is part, and that is the reason Trump is posting our memes and using our jargon and ideas. The same controversial ideas that made him so popular. Without our help, Trump would never have become president.

we are the afterthought... fucking friendzoned again .. she is fucking reddit chad because of the memes he steals from us :(

Don't forget Maddow and the others.

We got them freaking out over cartoon frogs and making themselves look fucking stupid.

wow I hate Aquafresh now

>Quintillion USD

Yeah, well, thats just, like... your opinion, man.

who can forget Trump unironically posted a pepe and retweeted this video by 'CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP'


he might as well have thanked Sup Forums personally

If Sup Forums didn't exist, Hillary would be president.


We always knew. MSM narrative only applied to Twitter users, while we live in the real world more or less.

Infowars gets a lot of its info and memes from us.

Donald Trump called Alex yesterday to thank him and his audience.



error : only nu-pol matters?

Al-ham-dulill-ah الله ملاك العلم يأتي الآن
Ektar* Dybbuk לִדבּוֹק



Do you feel in charge?


It's pretty pathetic watching you losers try to meme this shit when the guy hasn't even been in office yet.

can't say that when pepe made it to the campaign

How many religious Latinos sided with Trump after the "Spirit cooking" shit hit MSM?

If there was no impact then why this...
