Will this bitch end up in prison???

Will She got to Jail?

what are the chances she will end up in jail?


why is that? what do you think will happen to her in the long run?


She'll continue on doing speaking appointments at schools and businesses and being a nominal head of the Clinton foundation. She'll die in her sleep.


what a cunt...she sold the American people down the river for $$$$$

seriously.....a pure shit bag..


As much as I'd love her to get locked up, it be a waste of resources.

Oh yeah. Ooooh yeah.
Trump's gonna purge and purge hard. Her crimes will be exposed and it'll bring down 3/4ths of DC.

maybe if we meme hard enough kek will give us her head

seriously though people have to try and keep the issue in the spotlight so the situation is ripe for trump to push for something

Zero. She's going to die before then. Soros and his buddies put loads of money into this election. They don't like being humiliated like this.

Everything will depend on the DOJ and AG if they want to make a case out of something (and there are lots of options) she could possibly go to jail... Now seeing at Trump protesters and the fact she won the popular vote, it would be a bad idea to jail her. But then again they said the same about him running for president.

This. Just leave the poor witch be, she's away from power now.

If Obama doesn't pardon her, pretty good.
If he does, it will be up to local prosecutors in DC, NYC, and Arkansas to bring charges.


A person with as many favors in her pocket and as much dirt on her opponents (if they aren't already dead from "suicide") as Clinton has goes to jail every once-upon-a-never.

Locking people up is a waste of resources in general but HRC cannot stay away from power.

Literally who?

He'll keep us in suspense.


Low if there's no new leaks.

If the child human trafficking shit comes out then the entire nation can unite and sing kumbaya during her live televised execution.

O'nigger has to pardon her, the Republicans get too much political capital for PROVING that cunt guilty in a court of law. It verifies all those accusations made against the Clintons over the decades.

Think about it, right now, all of the accusations in the campaign trail looks like a witch hunt. Once proof is given and corruption is laid out, it forever taints the Democratic party as the party of corruption. As if the Wikileaks already haven't done that.

The wildcard is that, does O'nigger's """female wife""" want a political career. A pardon will taint them both, with both sides. The GOP will say they are complicit with the crime family, and the Democrats will be salty for making that cunt "look" guilty. If Micheal Obama doesn't want to get involved in public life, a pardon will be granted.

Obama cannot pardon Hilary as she has never been charged for an offence.

Same with Assange, same with Snowden.

Obama cannot pardon 'future crimes' or 'future sentences.

Hillary would need to be charged now if Obama was to help her out before leaving office.

I still don't think anything will come of the e-mails though.

She might have fucked herself by blaming Comey for her failure to be elected too.

one can hope


She's a prisoner of her own shame, knowing she's in irrefutably a loser.

>low if no new leaks
WTF are you on about, if they can prosecute a concentration camp clerk for (((muh holohoax))) 60 years after the supposed fact then, yes, they can charge that cunt with treason no matter how long ago it was.

Trump better hope so. As a 23 year old in America, I can tell you that the main reason that anyone in my age group voted trump is cause shillary needs to go to prison. Most people in my age group will view him as "just another member of the establishment" if he doesn't

Probably won't be jailed sadly.

Jail isn't the same as prison.

Nope, she lost so now all of the "scandals" will suddenly not exist again.

The president can pardon anyone for anything, regardless of whether they've been charged for it or not. Nixon is the best known example.


even if she was found guilty she wouldn't have to do time

Probably not, she deserves nothing less than at least a charge for treason though.

Probably not, because most of the establishment is corrupt.
I don't think they would risk indicting her because the whole system would grind to a halt as she dragged everyone one down with her.
Besides the CIA, FBI and DOJ are in on it as well. They won't indict themselves.
I think in 20 years it will all come out when they can't do anything about it.

The only window of her cell should be an unbreakable glass ceiling.

And he's going to give a shit what you think? Topkek.
You've been rused my friend,,by the Jews yet again. Both candidates are Israeli vassals, you're just too dumb to realize it.

Only if it has lots of tiny holes so that the rain can pour in.

She's not a threat anymore. Soros is still running rampant creating a race war.

Only a kr*ut could be this naive. She still has shittons of money and connections, she'll be a threat until she dies.

Surprise surprise, she will not go to jail.

Trump will not build a wall.

He will not deport all the muslims.

He will not repeal Obamacare.

He said all that shit because he knew you angry inbred unemployed hicks would eat it up like shit off a shovel.

You seriously believed a shrewd businessman-cum-politician wouldn't lie to get votes?

What purpose does Hillary have besides having her spirit crushed over and over.

Putting her in jail would be merciful.

None. Trump dodging questions about it left and right.

he will do all that and even more

I voted for Trump, but with all these concessions he's been making about repealing Obamacare I seriously doubt she's even be charged.

Trump was just telling us what we wanted to hear.

Even though hed be in the right, rest of the world wouldnt see it that way and would just see it as him putting himself into position of tyranny.

>Now seeing at Trump protesters and the fact she won the popular vote, it would be a bad idea to jail her.
I disagree.

This is an emperor wearing no clothes. All those people can continue to deny the fact that she's a criminal, and continue supporting her and her posse, until she is convicted of a crime. Once that happens they will be forced to face reality.

My opinion anyway.

I really want to see her locked up but it probably won't happen. I have a feeling that people are going to react poorly if Trump pushes the issue even though he made it a campaign promise.

Looking several months forward, if he tries to lock her up then it will reignite the feelings following the election and then triggered lefties will go back to kicking and screaming about fascism like they always do.The last thing Trump needs is to be dealing with chimpouts the first few weeks into his tenure.

Furthermore, I feel like even the people who aren't reacting as sharply won't think of it as high priority task by the time Trump takes office as we will have better things to do.

All that shit will happen the day before brexit actually occurs, Nigel.


>he fell for election rhetoric

Trump is not going to bother with Hillary, it's a waste of time. The FBI is busy with the RICO investigation of the Clinton Foundation and that should be enough.

Brexit ain't gonna happen either.

This. Quit thinking anyone in the us government is on the level. The only good ones aren't powerful enough to do anything.

Rico for what?