based chinks in Australia are going to protest in the street over 'Safe Schools'; a bill that imposes a pro-trans pro-same sex marriage pro-feminism ideology on young teenagers
Based chinks in Australia are going to protest in the street over 'Safe Schools'; a bill that imposes a pro-trans...
>omg i'm queer
what the fuck is that
Good on 'em. At least someone has the balls to. Schools are going to shit. I've just finished and they are fucking cesspits.
The pendulum swings back
It's probably over in Sydney, shame i can't join em being a perthfag
Chink here btw
yep its the christian chinks based in sydney.
About time. Also I saved the pic. The original gave me horrid feels, while this one gives hope.
They may be protesting degeneracy but they're not "based" nor do they belong here.
Chinks don't give two ships about faggots and would be deeply ashamed if their kids were indoctrinated into becoming one
Yellow niggers.
This is not the country I purchased
Please tell me it's not only the chinks against this, right Kunts?
Dont let them cuckold your country
I've worked in a Chinese-heavy environment for years now.
Chinks are fucking based. They love good food and banter, and say things like they are.
So where are the white protestors?
I couldn't even make it 40 seconds in
Shame on you australia for having to have chinks show you the way
>chinese save the white race once again
God they're the fucking super heroes we deserve
>white people
If its the same problem in this country, its not the faggotry that is bothering them, its the fact that when ever they have a list of ethnicities, Asians are listed in "Other".
Fuck off, I don't know how it is in your country but 90% of Asians here are fucking scum.
They have no interest in assimilating and the majority of Asians student want to get an easy degree and go straight back to China. I do 5th year engineering at uni in WA and we were in a presentation class the other day where an Asian lady about 25 years old did not know the word 'angle'. They're going to fucking university for engineering and they don't know a primary school English word. Fucking disgusting.
A few months ago in marketing another Asian stood up in front of class and said "English is taking over as a language in Australia". I was so close to standing up and curbstomping her. The arrogance of Asians in this country is unmatched by any other racial group.
The other 10%? They're the Viets in my MMA club that actually understand Australian and Western values. That said, they always want to eat at Cho's Noodle shop #5717258
im surprised the sydney muslims arent protesting
maybe their schools have agreed to not teach this stuff but still collect the money for it
We need more violence.
No they aren't. Half of them don't even bother learning English when they live here.
muslims go to muslim colleges not normal schools
Saved by the chinks, holy shit.
No is the time for Chinamen to revoly and overthrow they degenerate cancerous anglo imperialist and his "culture".
yup. eastern suburbs chinks iirc.
Thank god the central coast is full of bogans, so we got our own shit sorted.
>Chinese come out against the bullshit first
how the fuck
>posts movie
>doesn't understand message of movie
eh, i've worked with them too in construction
>exclusively work as gyprockers or tilers
>only one on the whole site knows how to speak english
>usually work for a company that's run by a leb
>shit and piss in buckets around site
>most likely working illegally
don't get me wrong, they're hard workers but they're shit to work with and they're usually being exploited.
is this happening in perth? If it is im gonna go out and support them.
Why don tu pussies do the same? get off your computer and support them
im pretty sure Muslims won't be forced to do this because Turnbull is a fucking cuck
A lot of these "private" Muslims schools get public funding too, so they should be forced to have this, but they won't
>lives in Australia
>doesn't understand patriotism
I've said this for years, Australia becoming more chink/nip is a good thing. Chinks and nips are based and with the right balance of euro and slant population, you can achieve a literal perfect utopia where everyone has waifus, no one is degenerate and teh economy and infrastructure are S teir.
Chinks are literally going to uncuck our country because chinks will not tolerate any % of islam
Which century are you living in bruh
I agree. Especially on the nip part.
Also chink women are gorgeous and actually behave like proper women. They can also cook which is something that no white girl I've ever met could do.
Don't be fooled by that slanty pussy mate! Chink women can be fucked in the head just as much as any western woman. It just takes longer to find out because they fucking talk with that chinky accent!
Good send fags to special schools away from my kids. And all the gooks that think they're Australian your not, Australia is the name white people gave this land. Aboriginals don't even call this land Australia. So to be a true Australian you need to be white. Now all you gooks go squat while you eat your white rice and dog dinners and call yourselves Australian if it helps you sleep at night
>perfect utopia where everyone has waifus
>Also chink women are gorgeous and actually behave like proper women.
Entire generations of Elliot Rogers manlets will be the death of this dream. Eventually the hapa girls won't have enough actual men to look to, guess where they'll turn to then?
>muh current year
fuckin beetch
Fuck off gook you will never be white no matter how many white guys cum in you sister so just kill yourself now
i don't think you realise that westernised asians aren't much different to white western girls. how do you expect a girl who was born and who grows up here to turn into some ideal wife type? regardless of their race, most western women are degenerates.
u let them in
u allow 'degeneracy'
>speaks volumes on how "based" you are
>kicking them out OTI doesn't count as based
At last, flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone!
Go ride a trap's dick, u disgusting chink!!!!!
They're doing what you aren't doing, fuckboy.
Your problem is that there is a difference between expats and immigrants. Immigrants are fucking based. expats just want to cut and run
Mate just remember the white Australia policy is what this country was founded on. If anyone says we're multicultural show them that and say that's what our parents wanted Australia to be. I have a copy framed in my office. It's beautiful
I wasn't talking about chink/nip women that were born here though.
I speak Japanese and make regular trips to japan so I've met Japanese girls first hand. I make the occasional business trip to China too and their women are quite nice too.
Ended up getting real chummy with the son of a major Chinese trade partner over drinks and he actually offered to marry off one of his daughters to me.
Almost took the offer, but figured I wouldn't be able to proceed with my plans of marrying a Japanese woman and gaining Japanese citizenship if I did.
The standard of living in Japan is just far too high to pass up the chance to stay there.
To Leftists:
So patriarchy was a socially constructed ideology?
And Christianity was a socially constructed ideology?
Yes, of course.
And white supremacy? And capitalism? And heterosexuality as normative? And two genders as normative?
Yes, you fool! You cis-het-white-scum! These are all socially constructed ideologies!
And what about feminism and transexuality as normal and homosexuality as normal? Are those socially constructed ideologies, too?
No! They express the essential truth of what human being are! They are tools of liberation to ultimate freedom! Any who disagree disagree with truth, and are slaves to antiquated ideologies! But this is no ideology! It is truth! And it must be put into law!
Fuck sake, this will only make the kids swing back hard.
I'm sure a few will buy into it but majority will rebel, they are literally going to be grooming actual racists, sexists, fag haters ect.
How fucking stupid is the left?
The future is bright indeed.
Forgot to link
>When Brexit happened all the fags feared Farage's army of chavs
>When Trump won all the fags feared roaming KKK death squads
>Now all the fags have to also fear Jackie fucking Chan
Amusing as it is the Chinks can still fuck right off.
Australia for whites. The problem is the white Aussies are huge leftist faggots. I don't know how to fix this problem. Maybe conscription. I dont know. Seems to be a common theme with Anglos.
Christian chinks are good because they are uncucked and don't give a fuck about being whipped PC fags, but also embody all the ideal Christian values, including the ones about smiting down your enemies.
Fuck off Americunt. It's your country's media's fault we're like this. Kids see your television and media here and they get brainwashed just like you let your children be.
That literally means nothing
The US used to have the same laws, in our Constitution even. Now look at us.
A true blue patriot. God bless!
keep listening, its a critique video that is very illuminating
Private school fag here, seemed fine really.
What's it like in the government ones though?
Let's deport them all.
And the food they eat always smells fucking awful, without exception
You legalised fag marriage Paddy PooPusher. Most people wouldn't support it but don't want to be ostracized.
Didn't safe schools already get defunded?
How is it my fault you consume our shit media and let your children watch it?
Keep your people in check instead of blaming someone else you faggot Anglo
Too many chinese.
>Most people wouldn't support it but don't want to be ostracized.
You're very out of touch with reality if you think fag marriage wouldn't pass a vote with a clear majority
>a teenaged girl stufed my friend's mouth with her tampon removed from her pants
Now, that's bloody awful.
Are you fucking blind? If this behavior is positive in your eyes, then they are better than you. He was in STEM, and one of the Asians had a tampon shoved in his mouth by a """"""white"""""" woman.
What is to point of being white if you degenerates are worse than niggers?
Aussies that act like this probably have abo admixture, and regardless should be fucking deported. I'd take someone from Singapore over some drunk barely literate dole bludger any day.
Weird. In QLD it's too many kiwis who somehow have the power to drag a school down to the gutter and bring turn all the women into cock-craving sluts who skip school and drink down endless amounts of booze and cigarettes.
Wrong. Public schools to this day are far from PC and are fool of racists, myself and my old mates included. This will probably have the desired effect. You understanding is too simple if you believe that the exact opposite of the intended outcome will happen all of the time with things like this.
Half the Aussies on here are burning the rice themselves with their chink girlfriend and wives. Then you want to blame America. Look to your own traitorous countrymen. Even here on this right wing envelope folding forum your "proud" whites are racemixing.
You'll be Elliot Rodgers Island well before the turn of the century.
You're what's wrong with the West traitor faggot
not just teenagers they are starting safe schools in primary schools where they teach children about different genders and having 2 dads etc. lots of leftist bullshit here in australia.
If everyone is getting Asian poon, who will go Elliot Rogers?
And mixing with Asians is a hell of a lot better than mixing with Mexicans and niggers. Our societal collapse will result in more Asians, yours will result in total nigger/spic admixture.
Of all of the non whites in the world, the East Asians are by far the best, especially the Nips.
>I have literally never left the USA, let alone been to Australia: the post
Asian parents don't let their kids marry whites.
Fuck off chinks. You are ruining this country more than Muslims are.
Race traitor.
You'll be one of the first on the list.
No, leftists, as well as people eating out society from the inside are the problem.
The later being composed of bogan degenerates. Fuck them. They are good for absolutely nobody. Tones are on the dole, and the others works shitty jobs, because now days you have to be more than a waste of food to get an apprenticeship.
The nation isn't run on urban trash like a """"woman""" that is disgusting enough to shove an tampon in someone's mouth.
My point is that the Asians were the whitest people in that whole pick. The whites were exhibiting grotty negro behavior.
I'm not saying breeding with Asians is good, I'm saying it's better than breeding with niggers, or the subhumans that would bash two defenseless people doing STEM, who are probably on the dole and are complete eaters.
>a teenaged girl stuffed my friend's mouth with her tampon removed from her pants
eeww that's going a bit too far
Good. I'm sick of the direction this fucking country is going in. If ridding this place of all this leftist bullshit means siding with the chinese for now then so be it.
Friendly reminder that if your only metric for good or bad is skin colour you're literally a leftist.
Fucking maori untermenschen!
I don't care about good or bad. White is right. Chinks, Muslims and Poos need to fuck off, their population should never be allowed to reach the percentages they have now. This is our country.
What if it's skin colour and nose size?
Japanese women are fucking based. The more of them that come here the better.
Their skin tone is to die for too.
Burn the rice pay the price traitor Anglo scum
Except that skin tone is literally white.
Japs are yellow, my man.
See this? If the Asian is teh bad guy in this picture for you because he is Asian, then you are a complete retard. Whites are good because they are good, not because they are white.
Are whites right because they act right or because they are white?
They've got more Neanderthal in them than even white people. They are more white than whites apart from the mongoloid admixture, which isn't even that bad.
You do realize that like, nearly half of all full blood Japanese women have that skin tone? That woman in the image is 100% purebred Japanese.
Have you ever actually been to Japan and traveled north of Tokyo? I know that very few tourists ever head far north from Tokyo but I'm always speechless that people don't realize this fact.
tripple digits confirm it.
>They are more white than whites
Except they aren't white.
>A tomato is more apple than an apple
>That woman in the image is 100% purebred Japanese.
1st, no one is "purebred" anything
2nd, try and prove it
3rd, why does she have AYY LMAO eyes
4th, what the fuck is up with her wrist