Has anyone seen a video showing donald trump saying this quote? Something fishy is going on here...

Has anyone seen a video showing donald trump saying this quote? Something fishy is going on here. I have a vague memory of it, my family does as well, as do many on leddit and elsewhere online. There are some reasonable ways it could be a false memory, but it still begs the question as to why theres the false attribution of the quote as shown in this image, to People magazine? Its been thoroughly proven the quote is not in the magazine, or any written interview. So then why would so many remember the video?

A senpai member claims seeing it momentarily aired on election night even, if this is true, I have no doubt someone recorded that shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wrong timeline



Its a fake quote

nice try ctr shill your woman lost you can go home now

No, I only got this video.


Has anyone seen a video showing donald trump saying this quote? Something fishy is going on here. I have a vague memory of it, my family does as well, as do many on leddit and elsewhere online. There are some reasonable ways it could be a false memory, but it still begs the question as to why theres the false attribution of the quote as shown in this image, to People magazine? Its been thoroughly proven the quote is not in the magazine, or any written interview. So then why would so many remember the video?

A senpai member claims seeing it momentarily aired on election night even, if this is true, I have no doubt someone recorded that shit.

Why is this debunked quote suddenly getting posted so much lately? it's the 4th time I've seen it today

because it's day 3 of hardcore shilling now which is too long for any raiding fag to be butthurt about so its almost certain that ctr is back on the payroll


still fighting eh CTR?

pls send debunk,

only CTR would advise against further investigation into something fishy

right, my vague memory of it made me think that but obviously not and I don't see reason to think its been edited or anything.

if this video exists, someone has it, so lets fully debunk it or find the vid

WHY THE FUCK AM I GETTING CONNECTION ERRORS WHAT ARE YOU HIDING (srsly anyone else getting this gateway error shit?)



Do you even still get paid? I thought you'd all be on suicide watch. Don't tell me you do it for free...

Everyone should watch this


Imagine...she traded "popularity" and constant media presence for just a few degrading sex acts with Bill Clinton.

Did she get ripped off, Sup Forums?

Also, why does this site stop working from 3-7am EST? This is attempt #18

Has anyone seen a video showing donald trump saying this quote? Something fishy is going on here. I have a vague memory of it, my family does as well, as do many on leddit and elsewhere online. There are some reasonable ways it could be a false memory, but it still begs the question as to why theres the false attribution of the quote as shown in this image, to People magazine? Its been thoroughly proven the quote is not in the magazine, or any written interview. So then why would so many remember the video?

A senpai member claims seeing it momentarily aired on election night even, if this is true, I have no doubt someone recorded that shit.

Well idk what the fuck you're on but the picture is from his Oprah interview where he said "If I were to run I'd run as a republican because I believe in certain principles of the republican party"

Fuck off CTR

When did he say this?

also fuck off op it's fake and u r gay




I do it for free to make america great again you dummy. I'm on your fucking side. This stinks of bullshit. I don't know what hillary would have to gain by it.

no shit the written quote doesn't exist. I'm trying to determing about the VIDEO

This was mentioned before a few times, but it was a video, not a written quote, not some people magazine bullshit. It never was in people magazine duh.


I do it for free to make america great again you dummy. I'm on your fucking side. This stinks of bullshit. I don't know what hillary would have to gain by it.

no shit the written quote doesn't exist. I'm trying to determing about the VIDEO

This was mentioned before a few times, but it was a video, not a written quote, not some people magazine bullshit. It never was in people magazine duh.


That's the point - it's a completely fabricated quote. No video, no article, nothing.

Did you even jewgle this shit? You won't find non-existent evidence.


I remember it too. The fishiest part is the posts that deny it say it didn't happen in 98' or wasn't said in people magazine. Which is true, I think, because I remember it being in a Oprah interview from '88.

>ctr is back on the payroll
and if not ctr as in pic related, some other entity not called ctr but doing the exact same shit

i think they might consider ctr a burnt asset now, our friend Ben Fischbein has disappeared

What bothers me the most about it being scrubbed from the internet is I didn't care; I liked Donald Trump anyway.

What bothers me the most about it being scrubbed from the internet is I didn't care; I liked Donald Trump anyway.

He literally said it in his victory speech.

What bothers me the most about it being scrubbed from the internet is I didn't care; I liked Donald Trump anyway.

>(srsly anyone else getting this gateway error shit?)

>only CTR would advise against further investigation into something fishy
If not wanting to look into Lena Dunham's snatch makes me CTR, then CTR I am


CTR shillbots gone wild.

What bothers me the most about it being scrubbed from the internet is I didn't care; I liked Donald Trump anyway.

What bothers me the most about it being scrubbed from the internet is I didn't care; I liked Donald Trump anyway.

After god emperor won our biggest newspaper went out of their way to bring up this quote and prove how much bullshit it was

What bothers me the most about it being scrubbed from the internet is I didn't care; I liked Donald Trump anyway.

>prove this video doesn't exist
Not hiw it works.

You can't find proof of something not existing. Could be from another timeline. If so welcome to the Berenstain timeline, there's no leaving. Anyway, I don't think you should be blamed for things other timeline versions of you did.

You are both retarded for thinking he would even win if he said such a thing. Proof youtube.com/watch?v=W_Dgu2o3BLA

It was fake and never happened

The pic is from his Oprah interview. He did not say that, even left wing snopes says it's false.


Fuck of CTR, it's over, Shillary lost

You niggers were supposed to go away once they stop paying you...


What bothers me the most about it being scrubbed from the internet is I didn't care; I liked Donald Trump anyway.

It's fake.

It's time for the CTR shills to fuck off now.


Amazing video.

Sky News just perpetuated this quote as fact.

People talking about the video being missing back in June.


Well it's from a fucking magazine and not a video, so no.

>omg if i BELIEVE i saw the video maybe it'll actually come true


And then this

What bothers me the most about it being scrubbed from the internet is I didn't care; I liked Donald Trump anyway.

>begs the question
That's not what that means. Stop trying to sound smart.

This is FUCKING disturbing.

Thanks for Correcting The Record guys.

I've never seen it, I've only seen the media claim it was real, with liberals posting links quoting it, but never the actual video.

And every person who ever looked into it said it was fake, that he'd never said it.

tl;dr CTR being fuckasses

The plan is now to report that everything Trump does for the next four years is a failure. I thought the media might try return to normal, but instead they are doubling down.

Apparently Trump has already managed to break all his campaign promises even before he's inaugurated, which is pretty impressive.

Don't buy into it.

Of course a fucking Maplecuck would be a Hillary voter.