California Proposition 67 Plastic Bag Ban

>At Ralphs
>Self check my burritos out like a boss
>go to put them in a bag
>no bags
>look around, no other bags, bitches carrying shit out of the store
>carry my frozen burritos out like a pleb
>Check online to see the propositions
>67 bag ban approved

I cannot believe 52% of idiots said yes. we truly are fucked over here.

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its good.

why do yank not give a shit about the environment? and not only that, they're somehow proud of destroying the planet? what kind of attitude is this and where does it stem from?

Living in Cuckifornia has a price.

Tell me about it. How the fuck does this benefit us?

Plastic bags fucking suck.

Are paper bags already banned or what?


Get a reusable tote bag or whatever. Fuck if In know what to do with your rubbish, though.


Good law, don't be a lazy ass and bring your own bag.

Fuck you. Bring your own bags.

I hate your fucking state. I've been there 3 times for work. The weather is nice but everything else is insufferable. The fuckwads that pass shit like this don't even care about things like people visiting from out of state. I just want to buy some shit and carry it back to my hotel! I don't live here I don't have a 100% hemp free trade manpurse!

>2 seconds of googleing
>find out OP is a faggot as per usual
The vote was on whether or not to VETO the existing legislation banning certain types of plastic bags.

You must be a serious dunce to not notice legislation that's been in place for a fucking year.

I like to reuse my plastic bags for my bathroom trash and my cat's litter. Now I'll have to buy bags explicitly for that purpose. And if you didn't reuse your bags, they were recyclable. How does this benefit anyone

Just go and buy a whole lot of sauces and try to carry them out but drop them at the door and say "I wish we had plastic bags". Do it once a week.

bag bans are fucking retarded
Here they made bags cost 5 cents each, so every cashier would ask "how many bags do you want" then punch it in and charge you

completely retarded, and was eventually removed.

The only thing that really needs to be done is make the bags fall apart in the sun/water

Plastic bags are gonna be made anyway, we just can't use em now.

They're fucking awesome if you grew up poor in Long beach with degenerate parents, you can use them as trash bags for your itty bitty wastebaskets.

Also fuck the connection errors on this damn site, I leave ads on for them and it's still laggy.

use a paper bag you pleb

Where are you from? San Jose has had plastic bags banned for years.

why don't they just give you paper bags? some shops in my town are doing it and its perfect. also you can bring your own bag.

> implying you are the pinnacle of the human race
> in reality you are retarded

Rio's beach is still full of shit? Oh what am I asking of course it is.

I hate your fucking state. I've been there 3 times for work. The weather is nice but everything else is insufferable. The fuckwads that pass shit like this don't even care about things like people visiting from out of state. I just want to buy some shit and carry it back to my hotel! I don't live here I don't have a 100% hemp free trade manpurse! If you want to charge me for a bag, fine - I've got a perdiem - but I'm not carrying a bunch of loose items like a pleb.

I never get why burgers get so upset about doing basic things to clean up the environment.

Everyone in Europe just brings totes and we don't have all that plastic trash on the ground everywhere like in America.

Maybe just use a cloth bag like >muh ancestors did

No, fuck YOU.
I use those bags as trash liners in my bathroom, and to hold used cat litter.

I also use them as lunch bags.

now I have nothing.

Just use the Aldi method and put all your shit in empty boxes employees haven't removed from the shelf, or alternatively go to Aldi and get yourself 2 of those super sturdy banana boxes that just happen to fill a cart perfectly sitting side by side.

Easier to carry, less damaged food, stackable in trunk. Bags are for untermensch

You guys realize a plastic bag is literally nothing and a reusable bag probably takes more resources to make than a than substituting using plastic bags during its lifetime?

I know a ceramic mug takes more resources than using disposable plastic cups instead. Ik it makes you feel better, but it's not accomplishing anything.

I'm in Huntington Beach, we had a bag ban for a bit but it went away.

Everyone in Europe is also getting raped and killed by Muslims, and we're not about to start.

just have the plastic bags cost extra
fucking commiefornians

grocery stores tried to stop using plastic bags here years ago
it lasted a few months of people not bringing their bags along and asking for boxes before they gave up

>I never get why burgers get so upset about doing basic things to clean up the environment.
Because the entirety of the responsibility is levied onto the common man, which does very little to help and allows corporations to pollute more

>Not having canvas bags
Nigger, just get some canvas bags, I've been using the same three since 1999, it's well worth the investment.

we have a bag ban here as well (not really a ban, just a 1500% tax over them). We now use a grocery bag and carry our shit with it. It's really no big deal desu

>Welcome to the SF Bay Area for the past 2 years

And what colour are those paper bags, by chance? :)

liberals pretend they're the smart ones and then they do absolutely dumb shit like this

They are awesome but murricans are too fucking retarded to reuse them. My family and people I knew since growing up would bundle the plastic bags and put them inside a bigger bag, so they could reuse them when shopping.
Also paper bags are like 10 cents and they're reusable as fuck, are you a nigger OP?

Plastic bags have been banned in LA for a long time now confirmed.

You have to purchase the shitty brown paper ones for 10 cents each or bring a reuseable.

As stupid as it is, at least let me pay 10 cents for the fuckers, they don't even give me an option.

i'm not a green freak, but this is one of the initiatives I can actually tolerate.

Granted; plastic bags are effective and very useful. But for shopping, fuck. Just get yourself a few of the linen or cotton bags - or hell, a plastic bag full of plastic bags - and just leave it in the trunk of your car.

You get used to it after a while. And the cotton/woven bags are actually much better at carrying groceries than plastic bags. You can fill them with double or more groceries than usual and not worry about the bag breaking.

It's just a question of habits. Not a big deal. And you'll find that many of the smaller businesses and vendors will continue providing plastic bags.

It's not worth getting upset over.

I agree. And you should bring your own plastic wrap too. And your own boxes. And your own cans.

Think of the environment

The town I live in North Seattle did the same shit, now you gotta pay like $0.97 for a reusable or paper it's fucking gay.

Bring your own bag, bitch.

California here. Always bring my own nags to the store since they charged for them for the last few years. Get wit it burh.

Christ those plastic bags are literally nothing resource-wise. I bet you an avg reusable bag consumes more resources over it's lifetime to make than using plastic bags each time you shop as a substitute. Plus it's incredibly convenient and can be used for many other things. Ik ceramic mugs for example are like that in relation to using plastic cups each time.

You fail to understand how very little goes into making those bags but muh environment so it makes you feel smug and superior so that's all that really matters.

Next come bring your own plastic wrap and bottles.

the pollution potential of plastic bags is fucking astounding, so all you fags crying "LOL MUH NANNY STATE THEY JUS BAGS NIGGA" can go neck yourself

go watch Bag It, it's made by some liberal cuck gremlin who goes out trying to show the world how bad muh plastic bags are, and he ends up discovering they're a million times worse than we thought.

the amount of plastic in our lives is causing our sons to be born feminized and skyrocketing the rate of cancer in females. anyone with any respect for the preservation of masculinity should be vehemently against the frivolous use of plastics, especially when used in conjuntion with foods.

sorry lads, but this is one issue when the hippie retards are right, don't let guilt by association get in the way of the truth.

i cannot post

>talks about masculinity
>carries a bunch of canvas bags in his purse like a poofter

Plastic bags are a lot lighter and are in a lot of ways more energy efficient and use less petroleum than paper and some types of reusable bags.

The main purpose of the measure is preventing littering of plastic bags. I guess the people of California are such slobs they can't pick up after themselves.

It gets appealed after two months.. for the past 4 years this shit happens once January comes around we get plastic bags again... AND THE THE PAPPER BAGS ARE FREE BUT WHEN THEY BAN THE BAGS ITS 10 CENTS WTF PAPER IS WORSE
It doesnt it just kills more trees

>completely retarded, and was eventually removed.

Not in the GTA it's not

What about all the other plastic that we use? Why just go after shopping bags? You know they say America is oil addicted... Well, we are also plastic addicted too.

>plastic makes men cucked and feminized
>cuck nu-males become environmentally aware and fight against plastic

Nature finds a way

What about all the other plastic that we use? Why just go after shopping bags? You know they say America is oil addicted... Well, we are also plastic addicted.

Here's what we can infer from your post about you:
>probably neet
>voted trump

bring my own plastic bags to fuck with everyone

>not a green freak
>against something as insignificant as plastic bags
Plastics are used for thousands upon thousands of products...
In 2009, the United States International Trade Commission reported that 102 billion plastic bags are used annually in the United States... the weight of one plastic bag is roughly 5.5 grams, which is thus 5.61 kilotonnes.

Meanwhile... the world produces over 300 megatonnes in plastic produces annually... In non-mathematical terms: It doesn't fucking matter

There's not actually that much litter in CA. Hasn't been probably since the turn of the decade.

Don't worry, the liberal pussies have got it covered, we pay a CRV on plastic bottle cases, so you better recycle them or else you're not getting your money back.

Fuck you guy, I'm not a fat neet but I did vote Trump, he's the fucking man.

Come on fag! This isn't depraved gay marriage, or pro trannie agendas. This is using less of the stuff that kills seaside, and it does. I've seen the plastic islands first hand and I've seen the dying animals.



Some people need the bags. Some don't. Fuck the environment. Banning plastic bags will do NOTHING.

>not carrying your groceries in the front of your pants so your bulge looks really big and masculine

I do this at the liquor store sometimes. They only use paper bags, which is a bitch if you're walking and also carrying other things.


Instead they created a way to siphon money off the customer to fund more state bullshit. Just let us have brown paper bags and call it a day. I personally would ban nearly all red plastics because that's what attracts animals to eat it.

Take your own bag to the shop next time so you don't have to carry your shit like a pleb. It's not rocket science FFS!

thank you based ozbro

t. murrican hippie

We all know who is behind this.

Due in a fire you penny pinching kike piece of shit.

me when they banned plastic bags

top fucking kek.
that's commiefornia for ya son.

Paper bags

We've had something similar for a while here, and it's really not a big deal. All you have to do it reuse old bags

Been like that in supermarkets here for about a year now. I'm not going to take a bunch of bags with me from home just so I can do shopping after work. Major inconvenience. Now I have to drive home after work, then spend twenty minutes going to the nearest store with my bags or pay for a bag every time I go there.

I fucking HATE it. Envirocucks FUCK OFF.

They are not banned fag,your ralph is a dick.
They are not banned,now you are charged a fee to use them as way to reduce there usage

what is this costco now?

>bring you own bag,so you can rob the store more effectively.

> I don't need no gubment tellin me what I can do!.

> how dare those queers try tuh git married! Gubment needs to ban that!

> how dare that woman tries to make her own body choices! Gubment need to ban that!

By the way using your own bag is unsanitary since it builds up bacteria and can actually make you sick

HAAAAAAAHAHA You fuckers actually banned plastic bags because of hippies? Thank god Trump will abolish the EPA by 2020


Why do you say "commiefornia" ?

Paper bag master race reporting in to confirm

> failing this hard

Keep using memes wrong, you're doing great!

any faggot that literally takes their own bags into the shops with them might as well put their testicles in there too

put your bags in your car

i said 'can tolerate', i never said i was against plastic bags you fucking double nigger. i said they were effective and useful. don't put words in my mouth or ill fucking kick your ass

A G E N D A 2 1

In bongland plastic bags cost 5p and they shekels go to some charity for the environment or poorfags or some shit.

I think this is a decent law, because I get to use all the bags I want and pretend I care about other people.


>Tfw you grew up poor in long beach

>go to costco
>no need for bags because everything is too big
>roll cart up to car
>unload shit
>they actually planned the parking lots out nicely so the nearest cart return isn't 30 miles away
checkmate hippies

Back when I was a kid in the 80s the state banned paper bags and forced us to use plastic.

Which turned into an environmental disaster, tons of plastic bags in the middle of the oceans.

Liberals need to be purged.

Hey bozo, I carry my paper bags every time back into the store. My balls are just fine in my pants.

>tfw Texas
>tfw Brookshire's bags for you
>even has the bagger take your bags to your car for you
Love this state.

Fuck you, leaf.

I reuse my plastic bags as trash bags. Works great in the bedroom, bathroom and home office. The torn bags get tossed into the recycle can.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Checkmate, bitch.

Glad that I don't live in Commiefornia.

My store charges 10 cents now for both paper and plastic (both used to be free)
So really all this law has done is put more money into our pockets.

man what the fuck

it costs next to nothing to get a re-usable bag. quit your bitching.

>Voted yes to ban plastic bags
>Voted no on plastic bag fees to be used on environmental projects

fucking morons

i use pic related
it can carry more weight, you just have to buy it once and use it for years, in average they are bigger then plastic bags

superior in every way