Whats the difference between the fashy hairstyle and numale cuck hairstyle
They're both undercuts
Whats the difference between the fashy hairstyle and numale cuck hairstyle
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I have that haircut and pretty similar facial features as that guy.
The difference between me and a numale faggot is how I carry myself. I act with confidence around people and I'm not afraid to express my real political views
One haircut is worn by faggots, the other is worn by men.
You can look manly with any haircut or dress style as long as you have balls which produce 800+ ng/dl testosterone
I have that cut too and I pull off the fashy look pretty well
But I mean it fundamentally is the same hairstyle that cucks have
Maybe its because I dress like a man and not like a standard fuck party faggot
>ITT everyone on Sup Forums is an alpha male with a 10 inch dick
Lol fuck off you're all overweight neckbeards.
I mean I can prove it if you really want
I dont have a 10 inch dick though, I was cursed with a 6 inch
b.b.but i have a fullbeard and semi long hair and my cock is only 7.1inch
am i still alpha?
The uniform.
There's no need to project your own insecurities to a mongolian throat singing board
I would post a picture but I'm not crazy
first, as people already stated,the way you carry yourself, second, the rest of the face - if you have that hobo beard numales are so proud of, you're not fashy
and third, look at his hair, it's pretty flat, numales tend to puff it up
If we had a new cut to shill there wouldn't be a problem...
I present to you the Sergeant Buzz
6.2" cock, but I have a six pack and a large social circle. I drop the red pill sparingly, but people know I'm racist.
>I carry myself with style and confidence *tips*
But that is exactly what you should do if you want people to take you seriously
No one is going to listen to a mumbling faggot in oversized sweat pants
The trick with under cuts is don't over shave the sides to the point where the only hair is on your top. Leave a least a decent amount on the sides. Also don't have a shit ton of hair on the top as well.
The difference is the beard, piercings, and to an extent glasses. It's not just the hairstyle, it's the overall look. Beards are good for hiding shit jawlines, piercings and tattoos signal that you're not comfortable with your own body, gauges especially indicate shortsightedness.
Big, thick-rimmed glasses are also shit-tier, closer to "look at me so d0rky lma0" fashion pieces than anything else. If you're unfortunate enough to need glasses for everyday functioning, take the time to get a pair that goes well with your face structure.
In general, try for subtlety and modesty in appearances - don't look like you're trying to look like a thing, just be the thing. Contrast OP's clean-shaven face and well-trimmed undercut to pic related - it's the difference between the real thing and a tryhard.
Not a good example cos its too long, need a cut
I have to have a beard because I have a fat jawline, I'll shave it when I finish college, though because nobody will hire a degenerate with a beard
That hairline - bad genes, many such cases!
If you're going to have facial hair, groom it. Keep it short, trimmed, and under control. You don't have to go full moustache-wax, just keep the lines clean and the length fairly uniform. You want to be disguising your jaw fat, not looking like you don't shave.
or short buzzcut
What do you ask for when you're asking for a cut like yours?
I have a 5 mm max rule, I hate the hipster beard look
I used to be 5mm max, then I went down to 2mm and never looked back
Buzzcut isn't so good these days, tends to look too milfag. Plus it really shows off the head structure and hairline which might not be so good for some people.
There's no difference.
You can have whatever look you want, but if you are a libcuck numale then that's all you'll ever look like.
If tintins hair is the next in thing, then those fags will look like fags still.
Haha you know your dick is small when you add .2 of an inch
U wot m8
Whats wrong with my hairline? My hair is thick as shit
Better that than being in the same boat as these guys...
So was Jude Law's m8.
The hipster glasses.
That's about it, nothing other than that.
Nah nigga I dont have my fathers hair, I have my mothers
Father was blonde and had very thin straight hair
Mother is wavy brown and thick
Pretty sure I'd be seeing a receding hairline by now, I'm getting old
I trim down to 3 mm every week, I'll try 2 mm next Saturday, cheers
I haven't cut my hair in three years and it's down to the middle of my back now. I like to think that it has some metalhead/biker appeal but it probably just makes me look like a Gen-X Silicon Valley desk jockey in reality.
My hair is exactly like in the photo, but I've cut my own hair for the last 14 years so I can't really help you.
I prefer it, it's more of a designer stubble look than a full grown beard, I feel it looks more professional and maintained.
I look like Mark Zuckerberg. You cant chose to not look like a nu-male. You are just born with those looks
Ay I used to have long hair too
This was a pic from way back after the first republican debate
>ITT everyone on Sup Forums is an alpha male with a 10 inch dick
Why, what a nice compliment from the left. How's the salt, salty enough? We can administer more.
Workout, especially focus on build your traps and neck.
You now immediately do not look like a nu-male
>cut the sides starting from around 3-4mm and gradually increase the length as you go up
>fade the line between the top and the sides
Not that complicated. The length of the top part is up to you. They usually get the gist without me having to explain the whole thing
I still think this is based as fuck, but its been overtaken by libcucks who have no idea of the meaning.
I have to specify that I'm not a fan of the hard undercut. I like to have a kind of soft undercut
Hey this Nazi looks just like that actor. Reincarnation or Immortal? Don't ask me his name faggot, I don't have time for that kinda research.
Deadlift, bench press, barbell row, squat, overhead press, barbell curl, 200g protein daily, 2700-3000 kcal to bulk
Cut at 2000 kcal, 2150g protein daily
Also, stop being a defeatist pussy
215 g protein on cut, not 2 kg kek
What the fuck
Goddamn nip
/fit/ + /k/ + Sup Forums = I'm ready for race war
>tfw no qt semi-auto 5.56 rifle in eurocuckland
Shorter on sides, reduce some volume of the top.
I have that cut since the 80's
What do you call a rats tail?
>Pull Start for a Fuckwit
O-oh no I mustn't do X because it isn't good for my muscles. Oh no, I have to Style my hair or else I will Look bad. I have to eat my protein brownies and preworkour or else my muscles will be sore and I will not notice optimum muscle mass gain. Oh no, I have to do X because Y will be too bad for me.
Bodybuilding, weightlifting and such are nothing more than beauty pagent preparation routines.
>t. weakling
yea i'm sure you look like this by just jacking off and laying around
fukin bulgaria
>t. baby sister
I actually do lift regularly. I'm saying you should no longer suck the fitness industry's big dick that has come into EU all the way from America.
>t. contrarian faggot that just rustles peoples feathers even though he lifts himself
croat literally listed optimum exercises and nutrition but you're right barbell rows and eating enough protein are (((fitness industry))) schemes to subvert the working man
you tell em dimitar
That is actually not small. To the surprise of no one, there is a Reddit for this.
Again, that is actually not small. Google is your friend for once, or need I provide a link to a simple chart? This of course assumes you guys are being honest.
Btw, neither of you bitches mentioned your girth.
I have a cardiovascular I cant do those kind of exercises. Either way I am not worried about my looks I can get women without much trouble while gym monkeys believe that going to the gym will fix all their shitty lifes
The fashy one is shorter, well styled and elegant, also requires a clean shave. proper clothing, no hipster shit.
i don't want to bulk up and look massive because it would make my cock look very small then, it looks small already but i know it'll look miniature if i got bulky
There is only non degenerate hair cut and its a shaved off haircut. Ppl need to deal with it.
Are you trolling? That is the actor, Ralph Fiennes.
Have you never seen Schindler's List? You should.
Regardless of how you feel about the holocaust propaganda elements, it's an excellent film in it's own right.
That picture is him playing the disgraced SS-Hauptsturmführer Amon Göth, Aka The Butcher of Płaszów.
He oversaw the construction of the Kraków-Płaszów labour camp in occupied Poland and shortly became camp commander.
He was notorious for brutality that even his fellow officers found inappropriate, he was known to frequently personally execute prisoners under his charge for minor irritations, sometimes even at random. There is a famous story of him shooting the camp cook because the soup was too hot.
Eventually he was dismissed from his position and arrested by the SS for unreasonable cruelty to the prisoners under his charge and violating camp regulations, including stealing from the belongings seized from the prisoners.
The progression of the war meant that he never made it to trial.
He was captured and tried for war crimes in Krakow at the conclusion of the war, notably he was the first person to ever be charged with murder at a war crimes trial, because of his personal tendency to kill without authority.
He's a really interesting guy, one of the rare examples of a mad dog who even the Nazi's thought too vicious.
Skinheads are nigger tier
Have some self respect
Fashy goys should look handsome and attractive yet imposing, not like white trash
Forgot pic
any haircut except for shaved off requires grooming which implies caring about it which in turn implies faggotry.
What kind of confidence problem is that? Also, there is a chance it actually isn't as small as you think, this is a common perception problem.
Fuck it, y'all are gettin' the links whether you like things found on Reddit or not.
There used to be a couple of links with rulers showing what was considered below, avg, above avg, big, huge and "monster." I can't find'em.
IIRC anything 8 or longer was considered monster in terms of length.
i can show you the perfect aryan male, i am Him, dirty blonde, BLUE EYES, SCRUFFY, SAVAGE LOOKIN, READY TO KILL, u fags wanna see a man
Gandalf-tier is no grooming. You have to keep shaving your head which is a type of grooming.
>taking care of yourself
That's not how it works. As I've said above, you need to look and act like a responsible human being if you want to be taken seriously
M8 just because you're a bald fat fuck don't have a go at people who can actually manage haircuts.
>still types like a nigger
Into the trash.
i do, a day after Trump became prez i got yelled at by blak ppl and i didnt even vote thats how aryan i am
well there is a difference between eating anything and being a vegeterian. They both eat, but the later is a faggot.
if you take care of you hair on daily basis - yup you are a faggot
> manage haircuts.
do you also 'manage' your boyfriend's cock?
I believe black people will on occasion yell at other black people.
Are you possibly a nigger, unaware of the fact?
You look like a lesbian. Either wear a proper shirt, or a polo.
Its okay user, some people lose their hair. Just dont reproduce.
>all these faggots who don't just shave their heads yet
How about go fuck yourself, i'm wearing my comfy shirt for comfy shitposting
8 inches reporting in. I go for the Don Draper haircut.
How's your dirty looking taliban beard coming along?
>will never be able to use that hairstyle because receeding hairline since 19
death is the only way
How do people know you have that haircut if you don't take off your fedora?
>if you take care of you hair on daily basis - yup you are a faggot
Tryhard insecure cuck
The trick is to be an actual fucking man and not give a shit what other faggots are doing. Sup Forums is such a well of fucking insecurity jesus christ.
Caring about presenting well =/= Insecurity
>doing your own thing = not being clean.
If having matching hairstyles makes you finally feel you're a part of somethong then go ahead.
well when in rome go lenin always liked his style... not so much his legacy but he looked powerful and he was bald as fuck.
I wear a fedora made out of clear plastic so that people can see my haircut despite my rampant autism
Numales have extremely short hair on the sides and long hair on top. Fashy goys have short hair on sides and only moderately longer hair on top. Makes all the difference.
m8 ur like 24 and you've got a five-head
Nigga what? You can totally do those exercises with a cardio condition.