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Lol why does Brazil need another trump? Is there an immigration problem or just a lot of liberal bullshitt?
Never mind I just read his wiki he sounds like a terrible human being
he's a absolute retard not even similar to trump in any way his big thing is that he's really anti gay
shut up if u know nothing about him
The wiki is full of lies.
A lot of liberal bullshit that are trying to bring a lot of immigrants from syria and venezuela.
Bolsonaro is nothing like Trump. Bolsonaro is a Soros acolyte ready to force Brazil to join and fight for the globalist agenda. He loves Israel and Soros.
i think he´s is more like ted cruz in a congress which 90% is socialists
Ok now that's a problem. I know you guys have a lot of corruption too how do you know this guy isn't corrupt like dilma?
>really anti gay
>literally streets filled with tranny prostitues in Brazil
When I visited londrina parana to see my grandparents I saw a lot of gay people. What can you do? Let them live their lives
he´s the one who not accepted money from corruption´´ the car wash operation``
he´s not antigay, he´s anti pedophilia, there was a project for put gay porn for kid in school for ´´confront homophobia``
Trump loves Israel too in case you don't know
Well at least Israel also loves Trump, ya' know?
He literally said in this article that he believes being gay is a "behavioiral issue". You know being gay isn't really a choice it can be biologically explained why men are gay.
ok its a religion view but he´s not antigay as media says
You shouldn't mix religion with politics that's just going backwards. Conservatives need to let that shit go and think independently. Not with the bible or whatever their priest says.
-The cleanest candidate to run in 2018
-Pro guns (Population cant have guns while favelas gangs are walking around with AK-47s, fucking joke)
-Harder punishment/sentencing (You will get around 20 years max for killing one person and you'll get MAX 30 years even if you killed 50+ people, all of this while we have 50k homicides per year)
-Wants a lower the age of criminal responsibility (To 16)
-In favor of chemical castration of rapists (Used in many countries, even cuck ones like Germany)
-Against drugs
-Against public fundings of Left wing "social projects" (Sticking their fingers in each others asses)
-Against multi-gender bullshit ("Im not a girl!!! Im a non binary flutual blablabla", stfu retard, seek help)
-HEAVILY against corruption
-Right wing economically (AKA not delusional 12 yo)
He's kind of a homophobe, but the "i wouldnt want my christian son to be gay" not the "kill all faggots" type.
Bolsonaro is Trump + Pinochet + pro-Israel Hitler
he focus on economy but the media dont accept that someone is against gender ideology,there was a project that finance kids for cut their dicks in cirurgy for example without parents allowed
He is a redneck who is completely ok in accepting small amount of money. Car wash is just the biggest corruption scheme in history.
Bolsonaro loves Israel because he believes in the mass media. He is not a pervert person or a globalist.
Bolsonaro is based even though he stands with Israel I like him.
t. Jacob Ben-Zahav Rabinowitz
we have to put english subtitles on his videos for this burgers
>he focus on economy
And he is completely economically illiterate, like all of his supporters.
>uh, yeah, we should join the Trans Pacific alliance, they ignored Brazil again!
Also to redpill other anons: even if Bolsonaro changed his name to Bolsowitz he would still not be 0,1% good for jewish bankers like the past 12 years of Worker's Party.
Bolsonaro will never put the interest of jewish bankers in #1 priority like PT(Worker's Party) has done for the past 12 years. He is a nationalist.
LMAO, yeah the PT fangirls that support social projects while we are BROKE AS SHIT after 14 years of a shit management and are against the PEC are the economics geniuses
Let's play a game
find the error(s) on this image.
I think you guys should separate south Brazil form north Brazil. Northerners are literally leeching off of south brazilians hard work. I know it's never gonna happen though. Also you guys aren't doing that bad for a 30 year old democracy.
is this your New York Times?
Lula and Dilma sould 92% of Brazilians natural resources to China and India
>FHC, Lula and Dilma sent our money to FARC, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Angola, Uganda...
>Our public debt is USD 2,1 trillion dollars
>Not doing bad for a 30 year old democracy
You are just 100% wrong burger.
Well, the state of São Paulo gives over 70% of the national federal revenues, and gets back less than 15%. The north is a shithole full of crimes that adds nothing. São Paulo + around 7 more states with closed borders would be top5 1st world.
Kinda, but not with the same reach NYT has, and Carta Capital is openly leftist while most people think the NYT are "neutral" or "unbiased".
Lol no, it's literally as left as you can possibly be
daily reminder PCC has ties with PT and PSDB and they will start a war if we try to separate.
In fact 3 of PCC lawyers "coincidentally" ended up working for PSDB in 2007 and for PT in 2011.
You guys seem kinda salty that southern Brazil has a lot of whites but middle and northern have shitskins everywhere
>Northerners are literally leeching off of south brazilians hard work.
That's bullshit that edgy teenagers spout. They believe that if the South seceded, it's statistical would improve and make South Brazil look like Switzerland and attract more white foreigners to come live here. But it doesn't make any sense to begin with since my state for example, Rio Grande do Sul is completely broke and needs bailouts and help from the national guard which is composed of brown people from northern regions.
Two of the largest South Brazilian cities are among the Top 50 MOST murderous on EARTH.
>capitals are shit
Thanks Captain Obvious
We actually have a lot of haitians coming to our country.
I live in the south states and most blacks I've seen around here were disgusting haitians and could really use a wall.
>I was talking about how our democracy is shit
That was the fastest bait-trigger comment I've ever read on Sup Forums
Bolsonaro is about the only politician who openly cares about the victims of crime and thinks criminals should be punished as opposed to coddled. He is also about the only one who wants to restore the dignity of the military. I just wish he hadn't gone Evangelical, because while the Evangelicals are keeping people away from the left they are a corrupting influence in the long run.
I know I'm voting for him in 2018, though.
Why is Brazil so desperate to be like the U.S?
Do you hate yourselves and want to improve, love us or both?
Separating will not solve any issues. In fact it will bring Soros and international money to our country in a bad way.
They will give 10 bucks to drug dealers to start murdering people and they will say it's the "NAZIS" doing it.
And everyone is going to believe that and in the end we will end up dead and without a separate country.
Brazil is situation is hopeless. Wake up.
We just want things that worked out for you like gun rights, jails and good economy.
Are you fucking retarded? He's talking economically, while you are posting a list of murders per 100k? Fucking PT rat kill yourself and make this country better please
How's the BR economy these days?
I went there back in June and the dollar was so high I could party shit tons with just 4k dollars
Dude brazilians literally worship us.
To be honest, fuck the south, it has the lion's share in the intellectual misery we live in. EVERY SINGLE leftist idea we have right now spawned in São Paulo, Rio, or the southern states, when they accepted Italian/German rejects full of revolutionary/anarchist ideas that went on to corrupt the rest of the country.
Haitians are way better than brazilian blacks. They work and don't commit crimes
he is right. RS is broke. SC is doing fine because of they export meat to China and United States.
Bear in mind however that China has the fastest growing cattle in the world
It was never good. Not as bad as last year but still bad. Inflation is pretty high and importing technology and general products is a pain in the ass
Still not better than brazilian whites
The southern Brazil IS richer and more developed than the north, but separatism is not a thing
Corrupt the rest of the country? Yeah sure, while the fucking North has 70 FUCKING PERCENT OF VOTES FOR PT ON A 49-51% PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.
Like, i have friends from the north areas, nothing against them, but 90% of the population there is completely useless shit
our election is fucked up. We don't know how much votes the north game to Lula/Dilma.
Smartmatic machines 2 hours after election give you the results and they erase the counting because of "safety protocols".
Economically it makes even less sense.
In Rio Grande do Sul, we have factories that only exist thanks to protectionism. Farms that survive off subsidies and a loose borders where gun, drug and even child trafficking happens. Can you tell me how are we gonna fund a border security or competitive factories that could compete against São Paulo cheap labor?
RS is broke, and still has double the GDP per capita and overall GDP of any North/Northeast state.
>brazilian whites
This is what I'm trying to say. My grandparents are German brazilians living in south Brazil. When I went to visit, I noticed that the living conditions between the north and south are drastically diffirent.
>how are we gonna fund a border security or competitive factories that could compete against São Paulo cheap labor
By joining forces with SP and leaving behind the leech that adds 5% to the country and takes 70+? HELLO?
because RS has solid companies and these companies don't invest in RS.
Speaking of infrastructure and sustainable production RS is dead for a long time. Goias and Mato Grosso produces more food for both internal and external markets.
They exist trust me. South Brazil has a large German population
The north/northeast voted for the PT RIGHT NOW, sure, but the corruption I'm talking about began in the late 19th century-early 20th.
Also, the north/northeast may have voted for the PT but that vote IS NOT IDEOLOGICAL. A bunch are poor shits who are frightened into believing they will starve to death because of how good the PT propaganda is. That is something that can be remedied by a good right-wing populist, plus laws that actually make voting not mandatory so these people don't actually go vote.
Give me three names of influential leftists in the North/Northeast right now. I assure you I can name at least three times that many from the South/Southeast.
Don't be naive. Our whites behave like animals. They dance funk, use drugs and behave like aboriginals.
They are a mixture of Sweden + South Africa.
Even in Sao Paulo you can find many 100% germans but that doesn't mean they are not degenerates.
>Im talking shit about about north/northeast
>Says Goias and MT are good, not north/northeast states
oh my
I was giving you an example of how "RS high GDP" is irrelevant to our discussion.
>they are a mixture of Sweden + South Africa
What? Like that's what their heritage is?
Sweden white skin (they are germans thought I was making an example of their skin color) + South African behavior.
What the fuck is your point? People like Sarney, Renan Calheiros and Collor were crucial for the Workers Party plans of turning the country into this mess
They also have their share of leftists ideologues like Marina Silva and Lula himself.
It still isnt, whether you think RS has no "infrastructure and sustainable production" or not, it still is the 5th largest state GDP wise
>Why is Brazil so desperate to be like the U.S?
We do have a lapdog complex of sort, but it is more complicated than that.
One: we aren't desperate to be more "like the US", we are also desperate to be more "like Europe", and a lot of people think the two are the same.
So why is that? Partly it is because, frankly, you people have shit that works, and we don't. Why not mirror that?
But another is that our middle and upper classes are kinda intellectually sterile. We actually do have a decent tradition behind us in Roman Law, Roman Catholicism, the latin language, etc, but we threw that out of the window when our monarchy was overthrown and we got a constitution copied from the US. We burnt our national identity at that very moment.
I know that but what good is GDP when half of the state works for the RS goverment and they are broke?
>A 1% retard says something retarded
>35% of the population believes in him and votes based on his ideas
>Blames the 65%
Okay, it's not like there are these 1% retards on every country spreading bullshit, the difference is that in most of the country people just laugh at him, in Brazil they believe him
Honestly, I've hung out with Brazilian young adults and American young adults. Let me tell you Americans are 100x worse in terms of degeneracy. The hardcore drug use, the house parties, fucking like animals etc.... Brazilians tend to be good people like really nice down to earth humble kids.
Look at Brazil trying to be relevant. Lmao...
Don't you dare say that the south is better even if it's true you neonazi :p
>The hardcore drug use, the house parties, fucking like animals etc
We have lots of these too
I think it's safe to say you got luck to meet good brazilians. Drug use may not bee as heavy as over there but it's pretty bad.
South and South-east have always been more developed because soil was better, plus São Paulo is the economic center of the country, so logistically, being near to it is better.
South Brazil's development has nothing to do magical Germans. My ancestors lived in Rio Grande do Sul decades before any German came here to grow lettuce. See the gray spots on this map? These are the regions with full Portuguese colonization, Germans and Italians are a minority in these regions and even in the white spots they're barely 50% of the population.
If we have paper ballots in 2018 election Bolsonaro wins in every single north/north east state except Bahia and Alagoas
Screen cap this.
In south of RS there are much more italians than people think. They mixed with the portuguese population and that's why it doesn't show up in maps like that.
In cities like Uruguaiana it's pretty much 100% mixed portuguese, spanish and italians
Our constitution is nothing like the American
The US constitution was made to not allow the government take away the citizens natural rights, over here it's the state who "gives" your rights.
Please don't fall for southern brazil propaganda
i am going to post this webm to every donald trump thread
Not our current constitution. But the 1891 constitution was an attempt at imitating the US one.
He will win IF Temer can make the voting optional AND if Bolsonaro doesnt end Bolsa Familia. If any of these factors diverge from this then he wont win one single state
>he thinks São Paulo would give up their source of cheap labor to run away
It's like you forget that most soldiers that fought against the Bento Gonçalves's troops were Paulistas. All wealthy Paulistas have companies that depend on the cheap labor.
Bolsonaro is not going to win this one because of the "hurr he is pro-dictatorship" scare. We don't even have the numbers to meme magic him into the presidency.
I really wish everyone got over the military rule already, it was actually pretty soft compared to every other authoritarian government in existence.
in other words: we have the right to be raped.
The moment we separate people from the north will try to join Brazil like North Koreans running from their country. We will keep the labor while ending the funding
yeahhhh our president is going to be awesome :D
Kind of hope he brings showmen ship to speeches on occasion.
daily reminder our military is a joke and they only think about how much % their salary will increase at the end of each year
"southern propaganda" wtf
Seriously, go fuck yourself, such thin skin and inferiority complex is disgusting
>Natal is more dangerous than Hellcife
Wow that really made me think
Best answer right here
We should discuss how we are going to remove drug dealers, criminals and communists before we think about separation.
I wonder if the dictatorship never happened and instead we went full commie where would we be right now. A left fascist regimee, or a full conservative country that felt what the left tasted like and never embraced PT's idea after that.
Pinochet > Our weak military leaders
to be honest
The right people on command could rebuild from the ashes and purge the communists
The people would support, the media would be powerless to do anything
It's not that bad of an idea, I wonder if it's possible to save this republic
If the military never took over, I don't think the communist milita would be able to get power by themselves. I think we would be in a situation like Colombia, in which the communists merged with the drug cartels and became something like a parallel power.
In other words, thank fuck 1964 happened.
We don't need to separate, we should stop being a federation in name only and give way more autonomy to the states