Now that full retard hours are over, Salt Thread.
Salt Thread
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Speaking of retards, the oxygen thief that "found" that on its car should be taken 'round back and shot.
>that fukkin swasticker
1599 my brother amirite
Hey rabbi, whatcha doing?
1377, threeg heil!
How long until he shows up this time?
>that note
I can't even... I'm literally shaking!
It's a joke you autismos
fucking kek'd heartily
also check'd heartily
my fucking sides holy shit
i need someone to put the fox news "How universities are dealing with a Trump presidency"
it mentions cry-ins and play-doh
The black woman crying realizes her life is about to change. No healthcare less social benefits.
Good one
how do you do fellow nazis
this can't be fucking real hahaha, please tell me people see through this
These are the people who go on about intelligence and race.
These are the people who call reddit "newfags".
These are the people who call liberals stupid.
You can help dump some shit any time m8s.
>These are the people who
When will the repeating meme end?
Obvious shitpost is obvious.
wtf i hate trump now
Are you ready for Le Pen?
Incitement lol.
Just as soon as people stop watching TV shows where someone gives an "Ebin powerful speech XDDDDD" and nobody has a rebuttal.
These people think they're living in a TV show and that if they say something condescending they "Shut you down!!!!"
Where'd you think all of that YASSS QUEEN SLAY shit came from?
no its that poe's law bitch git good
>all of them
How can one be so weak minded that they LITERALLY can't stop shaking and cease to function completely when somebody disagrees with them?
Do they genuinely believe trump will erect death camps for them for being "different"?
>ferris profile pic
That's all I had saved. Anyone else got anything?
>Im so sad about Trump that I decided to wear black and protest
>I will post a selfie to show how I look
Fucking social media
These people are so sheltered, they can't comprehend what its like to not be able to afford insurance, to lose work due to government policy... to them, the world is about men vs women, white vs black, and a million buzzwords to describe it. The real struggles of people like women or gays in middle eastern countries are irrelevant to them. Instead, they care only about what happens in their little bubble, throwing their toys at the first opporunity, the first moment something doesn't go exactly their way. We have no need for such selfishness in the modern world
>It's a joke
I guess the irony is lost on you
hurr durr salt u salty bro hurr durr memes xDDDDD
It's an obvious joke, dude. Jewish humor. Lots of Jews voted for Trump since he's a Zionist.
These people are emotionally frozen at edgy teenager.
Obama gave them hope, Trump brought back the rope.
Kek that should be his slogan.
can someone make Hitler version of helper pepe with that swastika ?
Every one of these videos I watch I feel like I'm becoming stronger.
>i've been visited by detectives for saying shit like this before
>its the current year
a slogan I would vote on
A cuck with a beard is still a cuck
Is that John Green? All these numale cucks look the same.
Ugh ignorant
Its LGBTQIUSB+ shitlords
>forcing homos to stay in the closet and try to convert back to being straight
>Trump literally making America Great Again
>In Santa Cruz
>See old guy with a cane walking down the street with a MAGA hat
>People literally staring at him as he goes by
>See him go into the taco place
That old man was the bravest soul I've seen in a long time. I fucking love that taqueria though, the tripe is fucking TOP.
Don't have a fucking clue.
I love how they always point out that they don't want to do violence but wish someone else would. If it wasn't for their pet niggers they would just cry and cry and cry all the time rather than the sporadic violence we see now.
How old? My grandpa does the same thing in San Jose. Fucker is 93. He says that because he's going to die soon anyway, he would be happy if national headlines read that libshits killed a WW2 vet for supporting Trump.
What’s with subhumans and hating dogs ?
Do they see dogs as competition for humans’s ressources and attention ?
Is that a competition thing ?
>Do they see dogs as competition for humans’s ressources and attention ?
You may be on to something there.
at this point i hope he ACTUALLY puts faggots in concentration camps. i don't mean gay people.
1599 was a great year
It's not salt, it's trolling
>kill a bunch of people that dont even talk about killing gays (excluding Sup Forums)
Take a load of this retarded logic.
Does she mean bill clinton?
fuck yeah boi, Felix is my go-to hentai babe for fapping
would love to tear up his boipucci hot damn
Liberals on literal suicide watch
Here's something kekworthy for a change.
Proof a Jewish conspiracy exists: Jews who brag about subversion control banks
Some fresh OC for ya lads
Don't call out any racism unless you have black friends first
Why do burgers insist on calling their president the leader of the free world? He's not my president, and there are plenty of countries that are way more free than burgerland.
>im feral
Then you should be put down
Do you think it was like this in the 60's as well?
I mean, there was a sane pacifist way of thinking in the protest, but if American people are this retarded now, they could have been more stupid back then.
What do you think beatniks and hippies were?
They weren't calling for lynching all soldiers, were they?
It's the Internet that gave everyone more voice, and allows for echo chambers, of course.
Felixfags truly are the worst.