What are the chances Le Meme will win? Will France tkae back their country like America and the UK?
Chances of FN being elected in France?
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About the same as Donald Trump being elected president.
1.5% give or take
50% it either happens or it doesn't
It's so hilarious that we can reuse the CTR Hillary memes like this.
My two last digits will tell you
I keep thinking these marine le pen pepes are Hillary pepes.
Yup, Trump did lose after all, there's just an establishment system stopping the true winner from being declared.
The establishment will burn for electing Drumpf.
Probably not because they will have run-ups, especially with sarkozy in the race
The chances incrase every day. The left have yet to comprehend that their temper-tantrums and oppressive methods are what caused Trump/Brexit to begin with. Their childish behaviour is destroing all support they have.
France is top-tier cuck, but even they might become red-pilled. Pepe is god. God is Pepe.
god dammit, these hildagw memes were really unsettling
they gave me this uncanny valley feeling, like if they were made by some kind of machine or something
Close to none right now. It's not like America where trump winning the GOP nomination meant there wasn't any serious challenge to him from the right on Election Day
Le pen might win a plurality in the first round but Is unlikely to win second round as of yet.
We need to meme magic. Ready your meme engines. Raise your hands and give her your energy
they are
the one in the OP is literally just a Hillpepe meme with the FN symbol slapped on
Dunno but Ill win £10 if they do.
the top bet at the bookies is that Alaine Juppe or something like that
There are nearly zero french posters here. Linguistic barrier is to big to allow us participate.
All we can accomplish is uncucking canada and australia maybe because they are part of alglosphere
Hello ctr
Who else is learning French to maximise the effectiveness of meme creation? Can't win an election with shoddy, poorly written memes bois.
The establishment ain't gonna light itself, shill. If you don't start some fires, nobody will.
doesn't help that she is nowhere as memeable as Trump
0% france and germany are now playing chicken. first one to pull out, loses all the EU member states. the winner gets a riech/kingdom
Checked. Someone cap an identical post about Trump?
Make Hillary Pepes Great Again!
French users need to play their part, we can't do everything for them.
We should turn all Hillary pepes they made into Le Pen just to make CTR even more butthurt.
Finland best land
Her chances are pretty low (2022 looks like a year where she got plenty chances).
Presidentials are useless actually, most impprtant are legislatives ones where you vote for your deputies (kimda like the congress).
Marion maréchal is the deputy of my area she'll be reelected easily, marine too but we need to meme into making FN wins a lot of sieges.
But I will be honest, if Brexit and Trump were given losers they still had chances. Le Pen however is almost guaranteed to lose. This country is fucked to oblivion and cucked swedish/10 style.
We should focus on Höfer who got strong chances of winning in Austria. I got no hope for France.
When is the election?
You will first need to get the FN and the Socialist party to be the runner up, it cannot be Sarkozy and the FN because then Sarkozy will win by a landslide. Just that, it's impossible
And then, you need to win the popular vote which not even Trump did it.
Why not both?
The problem with France is its full of nonFrench people who will never vote for her.
I believe Austria has more hope. Maybe even Germany, but its pretty slim there too.
Here we go
France needs a civil war at this point & a massive purge of Muslims
these cross-eyed Hillary pepes are disgusting
1st turn : 23 april 2017
2nd turn : 7 may 2017
1er turn : 11 june 2017
2nd turn : 18 june 2017
Really low chances.
Facts :
>France election system has 2 rounds. First rounds gets rid of all the candidates except the first two, 2nd round elects the candidate who gets +50% of the votes.
Which means it'll be harder than in the US since during the 2nd turn the voters whose candidate has been eliminated will vote for who they percieve as the least of the two evil, which means either the Socialists or Les Républicains (all cucks).
>The president has almost no powers if he doesn't get a majority at the Parliament
If the president doesn't have a majority at the parliament he has to choose a Prime Minister from the opposition who will rule the country while the president just goes to ceremonies
>The Parliamentary elections are strongly disfavoring the FN, they aren't proportionnal
The FN only has 2 MPs despite being the largest French party.
>Marine Le Pen is much less meme friendly than Trump
While Trump is feeding the medias a constant stream of things to talk about, Le Pen decided to stay out of the medias as much as possible this year and we didn't ear much about her at all.
Thats pretty much whats been happening
I just want to take a moment and thanks all the veterans who are joining this mouvement.
It...it beautiful... It's a good fight, it's a right fight.
For months, it has been an article of faith in France that Ms. Le Pen will reach the runoff in next year’s presidential elections, but will find it impossible to break through the 30-percent barrier that has roughly comprised the National Front’s share of the vote.
In France, voters on the left and right routinely join in the final round of voting, to form what is called a “republican front” to defeat the candidate of the far right.
Experts suggested on Friday that similar logic might operate next year, and that Ms. Le Pen is no Mr. Trump.
“Le Pen is the candidate of a party that is on the margins of the system,” said Jean-Yves Camus, an expert on Europe’s far-right parties. “Donald Trump was the candidate of the Republican Party. He had resources that were not comparable to hers.”
>Le Pen decided to stay out of the medias as much as possible this year
This should change once the campain gets going
>Le Pen decided to stay out of the medias as much as possible this year and we didn't ear much about her at all
Then our mission is to support our leader and raise her mood with dank memes
I know kebabs and niggers that vote for le pen.
But basically it goes like this.
1st turn = FN leads, lot of non-voters and people pissed off by the choices they got choose to vote FN to show they're pissed
2nd turn = media goes apeshit every political factions call to a vote against FN because if you don't you're a nazi.
Works everytime
The worst thing is that after french keep complaining about their government when they keep electing cucks.
Fuck this country. I hope I leave this shithole asap. By the time they will have a muzzie president within 50years.
The more important question should be: is she / her party a good pick? all the currently winning sides like UkiP, trump, FPO, AfD seem to have a free market traditional conservative bend, what I read about the FN is that they are some sort of socialists ideas like taking over banks etc.
My point is: is this really a party that would be successful if taken over the country?
FN is a leftist party. Seriously, go read the Wikipedia page or something.
Some redpill on Front National:
>Economically socialist.
They even want a universal wage...
>Socialy leftist.
In fact, Marine thinks she's more socially leftist than Obama:
>They fired Pierre Grandjean because he was like 5% libertarian, which is too much. He said that business is a good thing; Front National does not like business, it's to "evil".
Go educate yourself, please.
The FN's problem is that they keep holding on to some stupid policies completely unrelated to immigration - shit like wanting to overturn gay marriage or bring back death penalty.
It's because of shit like this that they will lose, I think. They turn away a lot of potential voters because of it.
>is she / her party a good pick?
fn is more of a traditional workers' party, but with nationalist and anti-immigration policies
most people in france agree with most of the fn's platform, but since the media portrays fn as neo-nazi it has traditionally become a hard sell (until, brexit and trump, where playing the nazi card hasnt worked out)
>repurposing failed Hillary pepe memes for Le Pen
>While Trump is feeding the medias a constant stream of things to talk about, Le Pen decided to stay out of the medias as much as possible this year and we didn't ear much about her at all.
That's not good. One of Trump's successes is actually the fact that he fucked the media. They covered Pepe memes for a week for crying out loud. What were they fucking thinking?
The only true redpilled is Henry de Lesquen, but no one knows who he is. He said that the Eiffel Tower must be destroyed (because it's too ugly), that we need to allow a "republican racism", that we need to deport a lot of strangers (the criminals and illegal one, mostly), that we need to ban "nigger music" in the public place, etc..
As others have said, for presidentials, I'm sure she can get past the first round if the picks are not that good, but beating the rival in the 2nd round is nearly impossible (I remember the campaigning against her father was pretty serious, and I don't think France has changed that much since then).
Also people need to understand France has some differences compared to other EU countries (they seem to be more lefty imho), like we still have stuff as 35h instead of 40h per week for work as the standard norm.
Despite our last presidents from both the left and the right being terrible (Chirac, Sarko, Hollande) I don't think enough normies will go vote for FN, and I don't think there will be much if any media support for FN.
Lastly, I believe normie's image of the FN is the one the media painted of Jean-Marie Le Pen, which was pretty terrible, so the general image they have to the uninformed youngsters is bad , though I can't be so sure about this last one, as I haven't been reading much french media over here as I did in the past.
"Oh I know I am on tonight my digits don't lie
And I am starting to feel it's right
All the attraction, the tension
Don't you see baby, this is perfection
Marine, Marine"
>He said that the Eiffel Tower must be destroyed
Je ne trouve pas mes mots dans l'immédiat.
Near zero.
Nobody respect a women in power.
Also, you cannot be a conservative and want to be ruled by a roastie