ITT: Tropes you LOVE

>Main villain gets off his high horse and decides to fight one of the main characters one time
>Kicks their ass without even trying

>villain is a huge, hulking slab of mass destruction
>is incredibly eloquent and cordial when he speaks

>Villain makes a promise/deal with the hero
>He doesn't break it

>Villain has better motivations than the heroes
>Is hard to find wrong in

>All the random people the heroes helped over the course of the series show up to help in the final battle

>hero breaks all of his own rules and unleashes everything against the villain
>the villain crows about how his much vaunted morality is just a lie, and that he is just as bad as he is
>hero comes to terms with it and obliterates the villain

>Character jacks off
>They're completely oblivious to the smell it leaves like in real life

>Rashomon episode
>characters all give different accounts of an event
>most of them put themselves in a much better light than all the other characters
>true version is shown, and it turns out they were all jackasses

>villain attempts to force hero into bind where they cannot escape without betraying their core values
>hero manages to outplay villain anyways

>villain is a dark reflection of the hero, representing what they could be with all the power but none of the morals

Can you give some examples in cartoons?

>Villain is evil, merciless and also a very kind and loving parent
>Hero defeats a technique, not by outright destroying it or the user, but by deflecting/reflecting it
>Villain is caught preparing to meet hero
>Hero unearths disturbing revelation about villain; ally either changes from pacifistic to downright murderous, or they do
>Hero pretends to act cowardly and clumsy; in doing so, they stall for time/sabotage the villain's equipment, and foil their plans
>Hero's foiled lethal plan to defeat villain turns out to be distraction for nonlethal plan to defeat villain
>Hero knows they can't save people without risking dying, and begins to leave; changes their mind, and does it anyway

>meek character had to sack up and become a leader

Villians that keep their word/promise with the hero are my absolute favorite.

Owl-man? General Zod maybe?

>we're still expected to side with the shitheel main protagonist

>Heroes and villains have to put aside their fighting because bad shit is going down RIGHT NOW

Pretty much all of Superman's villains.

>villain challenges hero to some big showdown
>hero wins quickly by "cheating"

>Heroes and villains decide to settle battle with baseball or some other game instead

>villain takes a hostage
>hero shoots anyway, possibly through the hostage

>Villain immediately betrays the hero the second they fix everything together.

>muh honor fags gets BTFO


>Character has ability they keep on lock down for fear of damage to themselves or loss of control
>someone important to them is in danger
>character goes all out

I can't decide if I like it more when the heroes see it coming and smack the villain down immediately, or the heroes get setback a little but power through it and win.

The Red Lotus embody freedom (which Korra started the series craving more than anything), operation without the interference of fuckwit governments (which stood in the way of her saving the day at multiple points), and Zaheer himself achieved his airbending by almost complete accident, just like Korra

I was thinking of this, the Robocop groin shot, and an issue of the Punisher where he shot some lady in the back

Name one that isn't fucking Veidt.

>Character who thinks he's hot shit and was hot shit for a while gets his shit pushed in by his own boss so the character who got his shit pushed in decides to help the heroes beat the shit out of his boss

Somewhat similar, but I love it when a cocky rival character says shit like:
"I'll only need 5 minutes to beat your pathetic ass" and then finds the protagonist a lot stronger than they expected. They still win, but take like, 10 minutes or whatever, and even though the crowd/audience/public still cheers them on for winning, THEY know how close they actually came to losing.

>criminal says they have rights
>hero tortures or kills villain to rescue or avenge an innocent

>Funny and non-threatening villain turns out to be extremely threatening when he wants to be


One that came to mind for me was Ralph Bakshi's Wizards

>Villain returns after he gets defeated a few seasons before
>You'd expect him to be defeated easily due to the amount of powerups the heroes have recieved
>He still manages to be an extremely dangerous threat

>actual technical fight scenes
>no woo shit
>no "I'm 100x stronger than u"
>no generic kicks and generic punches and sometimes generic MMA stances to tell the difference between brawlers and supposed martial artists
>no "let's throw coreographed impractical kicks and swings at each other like we're fucking dancing"
>good technical fight scenes that actually hold up under close inspection

>freakish killer slaughters anybody displaying immoral behavior
>last girl lives simply by not being a roastie

This is all too rare, but I agree. Bonus points if the fighters utilize dirty tactics (that actually work, no "seagal neck breaks")

I like this one too. It never made sense to me why heroes and villains wouldn't constantly be training to be deadlier.

>show has multiple recurring villains
>they often interact and play off of each other.

>Villain 100x stronger than the hero succeeds, and kills the hero
>it sticks
>the story now focuses on other characters/the hero's son training to avenge the former hero

> one of the villains fall for one of the heroes
>awkward at first and the hero is still pretty hostile
>hero then develops feelings for the villain
>cute romance forms
>happy ending that doesn't have the villain sacrificing them self at the end
I post this every trope thread but I like it and I need some cartoons with that in...or anime if need be, but maybe ones that arn't super serious, I want something I can switch my brain off, so bonus points if it's some trash magical girl show that doesn't require much thought or attention

>"only I get to kill you"

>hero kills evil mook
>no moral dilemma is ever brought up as soldiers and cops are called upon to do this everyday

See I never got this one. Because instead of saying that , an intelligent villain woyld just kill the hero

would be better if hero says this to villain

>tropes thread on Sup Forums
>most of them are from anime

Every time

But again, just kill them. Or say it WHILE killing them.

>character gets fucked up to the point where they've gotta be dead
>character doesn't die

>hero fucking goes ape shit on bad guys
>villains are actually scared/intimidated by this side of the hero

are there any moments like this?

Nearly ever Punisher comic ever. Spiderman pretty often actually.

the trope can be used in believable scenarios no one specified it needed to be during a fight

like a trial scene or near death escape

How would that come up during a trial?!

>hero suffers injuries that would incapacitate others, like losing a hand
>instead of passing out just slaps a chainsaw on the stump

>Random civilians start cheering the hero on and tossing shit at the villains

Makes me remember that not everyone is a cunt

The only recent one that comes to mind is Obi-Wan's final rematch with Maul in Star Wars Rebels.

>villains that genuinely care for each other and are basically one big family

I think I saw that on an episode of Touched by an Angel.


We truly were a Suicide Squad.

>hero and villain for whatever reason have to do obstacle course thing
>hero slips up, about to plummet to their death to the lava/spikes/etc. below
>villain grabs their hand, heaves them to safety, saying, "The only way you're dying is by my hand" or something

>villain is genre-savvy
>understands the protags will always successfully hard counter whatever they believe is the masterplan, barely succeeding after giving it their all
>so he makes two plans, the real one and the decoy
>the protags fall for it completely

>former hero is middle aged or older
>feels the call to adventure again and wrecks shit

I thought you meant a legal trial. But right there, grab their hand to save them, deliver the line, let them go

I love this. Even better is a benevolent villain boss.

“Sir, I have failed life is yours to take”
>”Stop whining, you’ve served me faithfully and skillfully all this time. We could never have gotten where we are without you. Now go and rest until you are back at peak strength. Even the best battle plans don’t survive against the enemy.”

>character is entertaining both pre and post development

This is good. Villain bosses should at least be pragmatic. Disemboweling your lieutenants in front of your army because they got injured fighting your archenemy is just bad business.

that's stupid, the whole point of the line is that the villain wants to kill the hero personally, to stab them through the heart or something during 1v1 combat or whatever. Letting them fall makes no sense since they would have died via 3rd party either way. The only way what you're trying to say even makes an iota of sense is if the villain hauls the hero up, then immediately impales them with their weapon or whatever.

>protagonist rescues woman
>woman offers sexual favors as reward
>protagonist takes her up on it

That seems more like a Sup Forums trope.

I hate any villain that breaks their word. Like the automatically go to the top of my shit list I swear.

Other than that gross scene in Alias, are there any superheroines who, in canon, accept backdoor guests?

No. Conan did that shit all the time. Punisher did a few times.

They're fucking villains. Who cares?

Kim Possible
Batman: TAS
Ben 10

not exactly Sup Forums but in hunterxhunter tons of past characters show up to protect Gon
they didn't do much but was still cool

>humanity discovers mutants, superheroes, etc, and doesn't immediately hate them for no reason

I never got that. Judging by human history, meeting intellectual and physical superiors doesn't cause a humans vs mutants response, it causes admiration at least. I know they were going for a racism metaphor, but racism in western society was initially caused because outsiders were viewed as INFERIOR. If you can lift a car or make matter move by thinking, you'd be seen as SUPERIOR if anything. There's no myths of Greek throwing tomatoes at Heracles.

>Main girl and guy get together at the last minute of the last episode of the last season of the series after seasons of will they/wont they


>hero gets ANGRY and fucks shit up

>villain has a justified reason for being a villain and explains it to the hero
>the hero understands the villain but still fights them
>no matter who wins, there is mutual respect

>Villain gets REKT in the middle of gloating speech like a dumbass

Yeah, I always roll my eyes super hard at mutant related Marvel stuff because they try so hard to act as though the X-men and shit would be hated

Meanwhile heroes like Captain America or Spiderman are a-okay?

>Pervert character turns shy around someone they actually like

>powerful villain is bound by some arcane law/ honor code the hero can exploit to win
Also a good one

Exactly. "Steroids and radiation are cool. But be born able to move metal objects? YOU FREAK!"
Also, I never got why ppl wouldn't just assume Spiderman is a mutant. Also, the Asgardians, Eternals, Deviants, etc would just be mutants who bred together enough to form a functional race of mutants (or mutants from other worlds who eventually through breeding became the norm). I think most parents looking at Marvel Asgardians or Eternals would be like "wouldn't it be great if our great great great grandson was that strong?" Not "gas the muties! Oh, hi flying strong supermodel people who never get sick."

I-I would like to know the answer to this too..

>villain does evil deeds out of love for someone rather than greed or hate

Punisher doesn't count because it's his default state.
I fucking LOVE when Spidey does that shit though.


>Cocky hero jumps into the fray
>Gets smacked back out in one hit and rebounds off a solid surface straight into the floor


>I prefer to defeat my opponents the old fashioned way. BRUTALLY!!!!

>Old Man is extremely frail, and doesn't look like he can do much damage, is either slow everywhere he goes or uses a wheelchair

>When shit goes down, he rises up out of the wheelchair, or just stands up straight and starts to throw down and ends up being one of the strongest characters in the whole cast

Killer Moth in the Teen Titans cartoon.

>Kicks ass while still in a wheelchair

The goddamn dreamstone

>Villain doesn't kill people but is just a thief or enjoys theatrics of villainy
>Character is a jokester but his jokes are really hide how scared they are when in times of trouble
>Streetlevel hero is well known in his neighborhood and people greet them

>>Happy, go lucky character who is chill all the time is secretly an elder god tier beserker who ran out of strong people to fight

Or one of my other favorites

>Main character likes to fight.
>Has a beserker state
>Goes beserk
>The antagonist goes beserk as well

This isn't true, right?