Lack of Empathy

One thing I noticed after this election cycle and this year in general, why doesn't each site have any empathy against each side? Is there anyone who is actively trying make earth worse instead of trying to make it better in their worldview?

Both left and right, shouting constantly how either side is 'uneducated' and 'cant see the facts', accused of being puppets of Soros if coming from right or Koch from left.

I think this kind of toxic behavior to each other is harmful, and we need to have more empathy.

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Because the root problem is ideology. People cling onto it regardless of facts.

I only have empathy towards bernouts or people who voted Trump even though they dislike him.

Hillary voters are criminals, retards and grown up babies lacking a functional brain.

Why should you have empathy for those who have no empathy for you?

I am taught that I am privileged, racist, sexist, horrible, evil, that I am just about the most evil person in the world for being a straight white male. People actively call for my death, Lena Dunham received a lot of praise for calling for my extinction, there is no empathy for me because I'm so "privileged", and I was even taught these things in university as if they are facts.

So tell me, why should I feel bad for the other side with their lack of empathy and their evil ideas?

da joos are creating division to distract people from inevitable financial collapse. So that people wouldn't blame da joos, but each other.

Only Psychedelic revolution would bring empathy to the masses. Most people will never have feelings of universal, unconditional love towards other beings without heavy dose of psychedelics.

This would be disastrous for governments, that is why LSD is one of the most shunned substances known to man and people like and revolutionaries like Timothy Leary were called "The Most Dangerous Man in America"

In reality, psychedelic substances should be introduced in drinking water so vast majority of population would be at least microdosing on them frequently.

I blame you fuckhead

leftists try to have empathy but it's pretty condescending. see: all the articles about Trump voters being laid off factory workers swept up by his anti-trade message. (the reality is most trump voters are middle or upper-middle class though)

the right wing basically doesn't give a fuck, no

Leftists completely lack empathy, they are psychopaths.

Read the 13 Rules for Radicals:

It's an instruction manual for psychopaths, you must be a psychopath in order for those to make any sense and to apply them.

It's also old.

Leftism generally is just a front for psychopathy. People react to that once they have been exposed to it their entire lives. That's what happened to me.

>your flags colors
yellow is half red, half green
cyan is half blue, half green
Altogether, half green, a quarter red, a quarter blue.
red and blue mixed together makes 1/2 purple
1/2 green and 1/2 purple = Barnie the Dinosaur
What did Ukraine mean by this?

This is totally incorrect.
Microdosinf the masses would be great for governments.

Watch "The Congress"

Read Reddit's r/politics if you want to see leftist empathy in action. The closest to empathy they get is someone saying:
>Clinton lost because she alienated the white voter. Trump's supporters are working class white guys who spit their chew into a repurposed mountain dew bottle. You know what? There's nothing wrong with that.

Just belittling people who they can't believe disagreed.

Leary was a CIA shill, it's been proven.

Microdosing whole populations is absolutely retarded. How autistic are you Finland?

>the right wing basically doesn't give a fuck
That's cause we're sick cunts, unlike this fucking faggotI hate you so much you piece of shit

friend, please be advised that if you are asexual, or have a lowered sexual desire, that you are now a protected class by the LGBTQIA+ standards

I don't think so. I held hands with a girl at uni and some gay dudes shouted at us that we were breeders.

Agreed, but preaching that here is like dropping sugar into sewage in the hopes of making it palatable.

perhaps next time you could suggest their either one of you are infertile or that you have a lack of desire to reproduce in fear of potentially creating a person that subscribes to their anti-tolerant behaviors

Because leftists have been smug, holier-than-thou cunts for decades now and everyone is sick of it. These motherfuckers are openly racist and sexist while claiming to be the pillars of virtue in our societies.

They shit on everyone else from atop their ivory tower because they think it doesn't smell, then when they get shit on they reel back and pretend they never did it in the first place.

Plus, Hillary is a felonious she-devil. Fuck them, and fuck her.


There is a bizarre symmetry there user.
On the television the media calls you a monster for being white and minorities are saints. It causes you understandable resentment.
On the streets and in person, minorities are treated like trash and white people are given the benefit of the doubt. It causes them understandable resentment.

Honestly i forgive most of Sup Forums for its nationalist propaganda. Sure Sup Forums, border stronk, sure Sup Forums, immigration stronk. I just can't wrap my head around some of the really cartoonish hate though, especially for "social degenerates". I know most of Sup Forums is young relatively intelligent people, it really pisses me off that they don't know any better. Its really disappointing.
>no empathy
Empathy requires you to feel how other people feel, OP. People are averse to 'trying on' an ideology they disgust. You put it on a little bit and think 'no this is just ridiculous' and stop. There's a lot of disgust going around.

>On the streets and in person, minorities are treated like trash and white people are given the benefit of the doubt. It causes them understandable resentment.

Where the fuck do you live?

>implying we don't string up the jews first just to be sure

If it wasn't for those two running your country I suspect you would already have started.

Incorrect. Leftists have and insane amount of empathy. The kind of empathy a mother has for her child, but in the mind of a liberal the minorities are the infants.

There is no real dialog going on.
The left is convinced they are "on the right side of history" and upstanding people even though they make anti white tweets etc
All the left talks about is race and if you disagree with anything they say it is because you are a racist. It is a party based on enmity, and the animals who follow it do not have the self awareness to realize it.

There are two factions in the left right now. The corporate goons (ie hillary, globalists) which are really responsible for the sjw identity politics crap and actual liberals who care about the working class. The former has been in the drivers seat for along time now.
That is why trump won.

Honestly a trump win is the best thing that could happen to the left. Now they are either forced to self reflect or their irrelevance which has been apparent for decades will be realized in the voting booth.

It is detrimental to have empathy toward your enemy.

If they want to see you suffer, you should crush them with no remorse.


Liberals have been scientifically proven to have psychopathic traits:

The problem is when an election is over, you are no longer meant to be enemies, you're all on the same ship, it's best to get along and keep the ship afloat rather than bicker asyou drift into an iceberg.

>when an election is over, you are no longer meant to be enemies

Really? Tell that to everyone on Facebook posting about how all the "stupid racist white men" voted for Trump and caused the apocalypse.

Tell that to all the tolerant liberals that have been destroying my town for the last 4 days as "protest".

They still think I'm the enemy, so they will remain my enemy as well.

Depends on who you talk to and what you mean by liberal I suppose.

Hov can you tolerate mentally ill commies?

Well, someone has to end it first, we'll have to wait.

>Free Markets
That's obviously a right-wing site with bias trying to enforce the "No empathy, they are the enemy and want you dead" policy

See, you experienced an attack from someone with no empathy, How would have that gay couple took it if you shouted "Bum-drillers".

You both know that this no empathy thing climbed to get here and the healing process can't start, you need to put yourself in their shoes.

You watch nothing but CNN and spend time IRL and online in circlejerks, Trump devastates your candidate. This leads you to think that something is fishy.

You might have been up and arms if Hillary won, not sure what kind of a person you are but you could have.

Not sure if drugs is the solution but we need to try something.

I just want Clinton supporters to die because to continue to support her at this point is unconscionable

You have critical autism levels. I give you 2 months

Reality? Where do YOU live user, where you're not treated at least as good as everyone else?
>nobody ever follows me around stores or suspects me of shoplifting
>banks want to trust me with low interest money
>people smile at me
>nobody gets startled or look affronted if i come up to them to ask for a light or the time
>police are nice to me and let me go from tickets
>nobody screens me for interviews
>Forget to pay at places and people actually assume that i forgot and believe me.
Do you really think there's no advantages of being white out in the world?
People give me the benefit of the doubt all the time. Shit is fuckin cash user.

We can have empathy when everyone on the left is dead

Everyone who voted for Hillary either
1.) Knew about the obvious corruption that surrounded her, and chose to ignore it.
That is why I have so much trouble trying to come together with these people. When a majority of the population literally doesn't give a fuck about obvious corruption, just short of an indictment, why the hell should I try and find common ground with them? The same people who say they can barely trust the government, but at the same time vote for policies that would give the government even more power. Who vote for a career politician that has done fuck all and has voted for her donor interests vs a man who is beholden to no one and doesn't have anything to do with how the country is today.

Koch brothers didn't donate to Trump btw

Yup these people have no sense of right and wrong.

Trump winning the election is not going to change that.

this guy knows whats up

>Knew about the obvious corruption that surrounded her, and chose to ignore it
I did
I ignored it because the alternative was a supreme court full of Scalias, chris christie in the cabinet, and trickle-down economics. What was Hillary's dirty past compared to this disgusting future?
Theres no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump will be a corrupt asshole of a president the same way that Hillary would have been.
Hes not beholden to noone, hes beholden to the rhetoric and promises he took on to get elected. The republicans have no opposition in congress now and soon not in the supreme court.
I genuinely believe a man with no political experience, running with an unchecked congress, is going to run this country right into the fucking ground.
He is going to invade the political establishment as if it were Iraq, and its going to be just as successful.

This is why I can't be bothered with politics.

People are ideologues and never ever compromise with their views.

A great example is BLM. We all agree here that their movement is retarded, reactionary etc.

But do we want black lives to actually improve. Surely yes. Not in the way they want it to. But we want them to be educated, crime-free and in stable families.

If Trump is actually a brilliant savior and not just a meme. He would reach out to them in some way. And not just make us (the right) feel giddy by shit posting IRL against them.

Will they take the hand? Probably not. And back to square one.

>Is there anyone who is actively trying make earth worse instead of trying to make it better in their worldview?

Kind of. Most of the Communists that have infiltrated the schools here in the U.S. think that revolution is a necessary condition for there to be a communist state. One thing we definitely don't want to do is goad them into thinking that the situation is now so drastic that they have no choice but to act on it while the means to utterly crush them are still present. That would result in catastrophic things.

Empathy is what destroys the world, woman

>People are ideologues and never ever compromise with their views.

It is human nature to create teams, tribes, centered around an idea.

We will never be able to all get along.

Pick a side and fight.

Alright so tell me why/how/ and which policies you don't agree with, with a Republican controlled government that so vastly outweigh the need to ignore a corrupt politician getting into the seat of the presidency

Join the Christian Army today!

Fight the never-ending war against Jihadis!

But commies usually try to make their utopia come to realization as well, may not be the same your utopia but the goal isn't to 'Let's all drive ladas and eat turnips for eternity :^)" for them either

We are more than what we were eons ago, we need to compromise and understand more

If you stopped hating people who didn't share your ideas, would you die?

See, these are some arguments from a Hillary supporter, they might not be valid to you but he voted with good intentions

I have empathy for the ignorant, but not the knowing proponents of Leftism.

The Right (and its variations) sprout from a fundamental common sense perspective:
People will not work hard if you steal most/all of what they produce.

I can have total empathy with a libertarian OR a fascist, because both of them are ANTI-Left.
>yes nat soc is "center" economically, but it's emphasis on nationalism corrects the "won't work hard" problem
>you will work hard for YOUR family, and YOUR people is an extension of your family.

Can you not believe that even here people lie or express feelings in the most retarded way possible?

>this is what liberals actually believe

Kys, get them all the fuck out.

They will overturn Roe v Wade.
They will overturn marriage equality.
They will repeal the ACA.
They will pass FAPA.
They will gerrymander even more than they were already.
His reagonomics tax plan has been endorsed by almost noone in the economics sphere.

He doesn't seem to understand the military at all or its position in foreign relations.

You are literally a cuck.

Do you know why these 'Trump supporters get beat up videos' are so maddening? Because they're a rarity.
>people don't treat you better in general for being white
Im not saying we're the drivers of interracial violence or that minorities don't all also treat each other like shit.
What im saying is that the country is mostly white, user, and white people treat each other better than other people. You do it and I do it. Theres no getting around it. If you could switch social standings with blacks you absolutely would not, and they absolutely would.
You are treated better by the average stranger for being white.

>We are more than we were eons ago
No, I don't think so. We are just better armed and we watch each other more closely. The human brain hasn't changed a bit. In the end you can only extend your empathy to your tribe, and if you can't reconcile their beliefs with yours, they are the out-group. Nothing short of genetic engineering will stop this, and even then you're talking about Brave New World shit.

>Treated like a fuckin' boss by society and know it.
Why are you so bitter?
Are you not white?
Im not saying its something to be ashamed of. Frankly its the tits, but you know it to be true.

>literally a cuck
Don't be a faggot, user. LITERALLY noone uses the term 'cuck' in anger except cucks.

>evil strawman and anecdotal violence
Isn't this sentiment everything you're supposed to hate about liberals?

>inronically, "no empathy, they want you dead"

>implying there are NOT substantial numbers of people who want us dead.

m8, being an American means having enemies, including plenty within.

It's just an extension of tribalism. Social media enables the proliferation of such behavior, putting it right in people's faces and causing a chain reaction, but it's always been there. For a while it seemed calm because the left was "taking the high road" but now that global politics are in flux that facade is crumbling fast.

Shit like this is why political turmoil was traditionally seen as a pox on the state itself. Less gets done because people spend so much time fighting over, then gloating or bitching about the latest political contest that it just runs full-on into the next one and so on forever.

Now that everyone at the top is more or less friends, this endless cycle is encouraged because it is a massive barrier to any one achieving or wielding power without the blessing of someone already in power


60 million people have anecdotal evidence that liberals abuse them with buzzwords.

...It's not anecdotal any more.

Technology has been proven to decrease empathy, plus the radicalization of both the right and the left lead to obviously amplified anger.

do you even know what an anecdote is user

I think you forgot the existence of a middle player, or a catalyst, if you will...

damn that's a white Michelle Obama. Can't unsee

>, why doesn't each site have any empathy against each side?
it's a war not just any ordinary election and the more we approached modern times the more it became so in every country that is democratic.

Today for example I have no understanding for people who still vote left in germany either. You care enough to vote then you care enough to reach an advanced understanding of politics with the years, one that goes beyond the surface level of campaign rhetoric.

Both sides have people who won't take the time to understand each other. Our attention spans are so short, we only shout insults and maxims, and beleive we are right. The left shouting "Not my president" and protesting, even though we had a perfectly normal political process called an ELECTION. And the right shouting at the left, just repeating "MAGA". Both sides won't sit down with each other because they are too scared to have a proper discussion. I am also at fault here, but I am aware of it. We gotta just deal with what we have as a country now.


Never know unless you try! :^)

You really that triggered about some spraypaint on a wall and twitter trolls when GAS THE KIKES is unironically posted on Sup Forums all day?