If anonymous has been dead since Project Chanology...

If anonymous has been dead since Project Chanology, then who the fuck are these dumbasses going around calling themselves Anonymous now?

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Literally anyone can call themselves anonymous, that's the point, there's no member lists, anonymous is not a "hacker group" like the MSM keeps calling them, it's any hacker who doesn't reveal who they are.

How hard is this for you fucking morons to figure out?

Not sure about all boards, but
>Sup Forums = all hill-shills

What has Sup Forums become?
I even forgot that the Occupy Movement wouldn't have exist if it weren't for Sup Forums, we used to fight for the greater good.

Why'd Tumblr have to ruin things.

Long live queen Boxxy.

Neck yourself David.

Hello blue smirf :)
الله ملاك العلم يأتي الآنالله ملاك العلم يأتي الآن

Okay, biting remark; but how'd you know my name?

Anonymous is not a person m8. It's always been random people who just used that name.
Also I think they're part of the goverment since a couple year ago and the rest are just wannabe 1337 h4x0rs who can't crack for shit and like to be ''actavists'' to feel better about themselves.

Nobody actually gives a shit about them anymore.


lurk more

I think the name was co-opted by (((others))) to make them irrelevant, It doesn't matter, their job was completed years ago - it is the symbolism that matters now

>Sage working past 2006

just a bunch of faggots that don't even use LOIC, they don't even go to imageboards or chat on IRC.

Legacy Anonymous is currently dead. The Anonymous you see on the media are people that utilize it for name recognition because they want to be associated with previous accomplishments of the group.

The symbolism has faded.

But Scientology today has gotten much bigger and powerful since the events of Project Chantology. I'm sure there's a few remnants of those early m00t days.

Everyone on the hiroshi4chan is a damn memefag millennial.

Sup Forums used to be enjoyable, now it's just annoying. Trolling used to be cool.

the trolling and endless sarcasm clearly did not kill off or educate autist's who now visit this chan more so.

2 actually hackivists, one got arrested for XP, the other started ddosing random places to keep the name alive. Some time later when normies for ahold of the name, that one guy started a Facebook page and sold it to some Normie at some point.

Ddos user is AWOL now, and cp user is still in jail.

bump this thread

Wasn't most of Lulzsec affiliated with the the head group before Sabu snitched and got everyone party vanned?

You're talking out of your arse mate, if you look Scientology has been in a death spiral for about a decade now. There's only about 25k left in the US.


Sabu was a leftist faggot who brought the dailyKOS and motherjones faggots to Chanology

Oldfags doxed him to the feds he turned rat to avoid jail and fucked a lot of people over and got them v&

pretty lulzy over all.


You're getting followed by the jidf

ANYBODY can call themselves Anonymous.

Since chanology
Sparked iranian election protests and helped with the Egyptian revolution.
Darknet released the names of 1500 pedo fucks
Exposed the judge rotenberg center
Solved the Steubenville rape case
Exposed and attacked terrorist websites and supporters
In 2015 they rallied 1000 cities to protest on Nov 5th
In general they inspire people to take a stand for what they believe in.
Due to no leadership they have been infiltrated by disinformation shills regularly

David you are never alone

Alone that you speak of moose as kind of a group you disqualify yourself from having any worthy opinion about those fucktards


user is dead

The original organization has dissolved.

Many of the modern day anons claiming the name are stand alone complexes. Mostly white hat hacktivists.

Most of the twitter accounts using the Anonymous brand are either 1. SJW propagandists or 2. Messengers for an unaffiliated hacktivist cell flying under the user flag. I'm sure there are original remnants, but they either are in jail, quit the game, are in hiding or are still fighting the good fight under a different banner.

I think the best way to compare the fate of the organization is the Jedi after the execution of Order 66.

This would be a great question for Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

this its just a handle that really anyone can use. it means nothing.

Attention whore enabling cucks, boxxyfags ruined Sup Forums.

I heard they wrote a lot of poetry too back in the day

Anonymous are a bunch of progressives beta faggots since OWS.

but OP anonymous is you.

reddit sjw's and /r/atheism comined and are now more powerful than a poodle... i think.

i havent been to Sup Forums in 5 years i thought they were worthless now and all cucked into trap porn and wincest threads

People are not worthy of Anonymous fighting for them anymore. People have literally cucked themselves to levels of uncuckable proportions.

I think that's why they don't use that "flag" anymore. They have become more red-pilled than ever before, they lost hope in the people, hence have stopped fighting for the greater good.

I blame Tumblr, they started shilling hard on here after the Sup Forums/Tumblr Raids in 2014.

attention whoring faggots who is using this site's trademark for their shit

Boxxy is a sjw rat. You are part of the problem beta cuck.

Yeah, Sup Forums during the late moot days was different, much more about raids, DDoS ops and habbo/omegle trolling. Much less trap porn and the word "cuck" was virtually non-existent.

Now it's just a bunch of LARPing faggots.

Can confirm, someone I knew was one of the original MasterCard hackers he has since abandoned all hope in humanity and comes here to shit post against whatever the current trend happens too be.

>being useful idiots by supporting the OWS "movement"
>"fighting for the greater good"

sage still works idiot

But *we're* anonymous.

CIA dumbshits

>I even forgot that the Occupy Movement wouldn't have exist if it weren't for Sup Forums,

of course it would have, it was funded by Soros

occupy was pitched here? sounds suspect, people here hated occupy

any edgy sperg lord who wants to think they're rebel by posting a shitty youtube video. youtube.com/watch?v=v50RFjI0czQ

It was Libertarian/ Tea party oriented at first then it devolved into a leftist shitshow after it went viral

Normie teenagers

It was their endorsement that put the "gai fowx" mask on the spotlight with the whole WikiLeaks stuff during the OWS haydays, until the movement started losing it's credibility due to SJWs, commies and feminazis, literally all random people using it as a platform to complain about anything and everything and became a uncentralized clusterfuck of people yelling over each other, thus it's downfall. The remnants of OWS are now BLM.

Anonymous even fully endorsed that Kony 2012 campaign, until they further investigated it a bit more and totally destroyed the organization due to finding out that funds we're actually going to the organization's staff salary even though it was registered as a non-profit organization. The Invisible Children org was actually a bunch of hipsters that were full of shit.

Yes, Sup Forums also had it's "good guy" days when it wasn't trolling Scientology.


It was endorsed, but was talked about before endorsing it. It was during the SOPA/ACTA bill days when all sorts of crazy shit was happening on the internet.

OWS was the foot soldiers,
Anonymous was air support.

Yup, even /k/ was supporting the protests and rallies when having Sup Forumsitical conversations was allowed on /k/.

Sup Forums used to be very different than it is today.

they're anti-islam so i might like them