>"Apart from The Civil War, World War II, and including 9/11 this may be the most catastrophic event the country has ever seen"
"Apart from The Civil War, World War II...
>crowd cums with laughter
>Drumpf 2016
>worse than the Great Molasses Catastrophe of 1919
learn some history you pleb faggot
>Civil War: ~620,000 Americans dead
>World War 2: ~405,400 Americans dead, progression into Cold War
>9/11: ~3000 Americans dead, nationwide existential crisis
>Trump Elected: Supposedly 8 trannies dead, safe space echo chamber walls collapsed, Trump is literally not president yet
>pic related
World war 1 goof ball.
>hundreds of thousands of americans dying is on par with someone I don't like being elected
>Hurricane Katrina
>San Fran Earthquake
>Pearl Harbor
what about the holocaust
Stephen Colbert is officially retarded
I really really hope that these people lose their jobs.
>millions of dead people
>trump is elected
cant really tell the difference
I grew up listening to this fag on comedy central on the report
I only recently found out it was satire 4 years ago
Rip:based colbert
>As bad as WW2
>But not the just as, if not more horrific WW1
wew lad
People pretending to survive those (except the Civil War of course) should start calling him out for his BS statement.
When did he say this?
As if we've never had a neocon president before.
They said the same about Bush. And I wasn't alive during Reagan but you bet your ass they said it about him too.
>implying Colbert's audience has ever heard of storm of steel
Also checked
that's where this election will lead, thanks to the race war that's starting right now
>your candidate didn't win the election
>act mortified as though you were just called and told your child had died
Could this be...entitlement?
Did he really say that?
He never said this.
Sup Forums believes bullshit like this because it suites their agenda.
>I only recently found out it was satire 4 years ago
He was so over the top with it. How could you not realize it was satire?
Trump bigger disaster than Starrcade '97 ??? Now they went over the top.
This guy was in full panic mode on his appearance on the jimmy fallon show just before the election. Jimmy started to look uncomfortable Bill was spazing out so much.
Wonder if Killary has dirt on him or something?
No wonder his ratings are tanking
He has to shit up jewtube to stay afloat, it wouldnt surprise me if he has a partnership with them since his videos are constantly recommended to me
Stephen is a fucking retard. I'm so glad he got BTFO.
One of Bill Maher's guests on his latest show said that this was a "moral 9/11".
What is he talking about, his show?
People that support those satirical views aren't usually the best and brightest among us