Not my president, i'm still with her.
Not my president, i'm still with her
Other urls found in this thread:
Guess what, Turkroach/Beaner, you aren't even American so you don't have a say. I'm proud to have Trump as my president
nobody cares about your kebabgoatfuckingmind
You can have her as your president if she flees to Turkey.
I'd take President Trump as my country's president (PM rather) any day over Mr. Shirtless Part-Time Drama Teacher Trudeau.
This kills the t*rkroach
makes sense considering roaches are attracted to shit
remove kebab
at least Hillary doesn't want to turn America into a poor backwater through terrible economic policies.
if Calexit happened i"d move there in a heartbeat
You're not even in the US you fucking idiots.
>1 post by these IDS
Quit winging Cenk. Your show is shit.
Fuck, time to get the plunger, i thought i flushed all these turds.
All Hail Mister Dan!!!
CTR still employed until the end of the month?
Of course he's not your president. Your president is Erdogan, stupid kebab.
Fuck you and Trump.
Don't you have some Raid to be dodging?
Hillary is the only one who can unite and save America
careful, you're gonna oversalinate the ocean with all that salt
faggot reporting in
>careful, you're gonna oversalinate the ocean with all that salt
you mean the drumpfkins itt?
why would we be upset that we won?