WTF are we going to do about this Shilling bitch!?
her days getting any shekels for her shitty performance are numbered
>she will appear in some kinner music inthe next few years but she is done kek wills it
At this point in Sup Forums history, this is below our paygrade. Appoint someone to come up with a plan and send them to Sup Forums.
>tfw there is no black Sup Forums superhero that goes around putting the fear of god into cucked white girls by rapin/ beating them back to their own race
fail if my post ends in 7 katy perry is anally raped by a wild pack of niggers and then shot and killed kek wills it
Aren't her parents Conservatives???
What the fuck went wrong??
Post meme frog as usual.
She drank satans semen to get money fame.
Bill cosby?
Nah, he did that for fun, not for a cause.
the majority of voters in California voted for Hillary as president and these idiots are still blocking the streets? Oh c'mon, there's no pleasing these people
Never liked that cunt.
Jews are paying her billions to do this.
Someone should Christina grimmie the bitch
Let California destroy itself and get repeating numbers
Solidarity with whom?
They can do this all they want. It won't stop Trump from being President. Not when everything is Republican dominated now.
>failed after two years of shilling
>Still doing it
when will they learn?
I agree. We deal with important issues like #MEGA or sorosforprison. This bitch is minor league now. We need to set up a basic social media excursion on Sup Forums on leave the rest to them.
These psuedo celebrities are a waste of time in the big picture.
Ban the AIDS cocktail of drugs from all of Cali, boom 75% of the state is dead.
they will go the way of occupy cuckstreet.
Noone cares about that nobody whore, she just wants to be relevant
Why don't they let Hillary be president of Commiefornia? Wouldn't that make everyone happy? She can fuck up that state and the rest of the country gets good times with Trump.
>At this point in Sup Forums history, this is below our paygrade
Truer words never spoken
Does she have a history with politics that I never heard about or has she just suddenly become radicalized because Hillary lost?
She's salty because Hillary lost. That can't be clear enough.
It's sad. Katy Perry's new release was supposed to be her saving grace after a period away from music. Now not even a whimper. She's a washed up hag begging for any news spotlight, she's trying to paint herself as the leader of the movement so she can get airtime. Anything to push her shitty music
>100,000 illegals protest against being deported
Easy being a Twitter anarchist from the top of the golden tower she lives in.
Fucking stupid whore
when will you learn how to use the potty?
This guy poos in loo
we need to send so many pizzas to her mansion her head will spin
>protesting in a blue state
give California to mexico.
New Zealand bro, are you ok????
I hear the earth swallowed you up
Is she a scouser?
Hillary got more votes. This is just the beginning.
Californians are subhuman
Yea, no. LA most certainly did not have 100,000 protesters running around. Not even close. A tiny, tiny fraction of that. If there had been 100,000 or even half that, you would have known about it.
I hate to say ot people, but these anti-Trump protest are WAY more low energy than I thought they would be in the case that Trump won. I expected legit LA-riot type protests. Instead...practically nothing but a few college kids. Kind dissappointed honestly.
surely instigating violence isn't covered by the 1st amendment?
the article she linked didn't describe any kind of violence
5 times
They are too scared of red states
I'm beginning to hate this word.
>Trump runs on only deporting criminal aliens
>illegals riot
Calling it now.
Let her scream like a whore desu.
Something tells me she will get in a plane accident.
Yes, they're very scared of old, fat people.
4 u
No they are scared because people in red states carry guns
They cant be violent without getting shot
She has too much white privelige
A pack of wild niggers killing her is justice
Why don't they realize this fact?
She needs a death that won't give her pleasure.
Looting & burning down L.A
Only going to make him stronger.
She need some good fucking. Orlando is a nice guy but i doubt that he can deliver proper D to her.
I'm still somewhat confused as to what these protesters are trying to accomplish. Do they want Trump to step down? Do they want to secede?
As far as I'm aware, protests usually try to bring forth some sort of social change or influence the government's decision-making. It just seems like they're sore losers, and want to break stuff.
We actually want professional rioters to destroy California and new York
We need the rioters out of Portland.
looting the local walmart
Mike pence has said he wanted to do that
>WTF are we going to do
Literally nothing. They will eventually burn out and enter the bargaining stage. This is where we need to be extremly careful, but for now we can relax a little
They have nothing better to do. If they were smart they would be preparing for the next elections senate elections in 2 years and Presidential one in 4 years. Dumb fucks.
Are we going to get one of these every new president from now on?
I'm all for that
As long as there is a wall to keep all the illegals Muslims and Jews in.
That's exactly what it is
Just a bunch of butthurt losers mad that the election didn't go their way.
No, liberals are subhuman. Don't lump me in with them, I voted Trump.
At this point the state is lost
Get out while you can
I keep enjoying that these people think 100k protesters are relevant. Over 60 million people voted Trump for fuck sake. He gained more electors, so he won. This is so amusing to me.
Never forget that this bitch used our lord's image for disgusting normie purposes. I wouldn't worry she will pay soon.
Has proven surprisingly effective.
If the protests get violent can she get arrested for inciting violence?
we are going to die
I can't, I'm disabled. Plus I live in Northern California, we're Conservative up here. Everything Butte County and up is Conservative.
In that case I hope you guys get your state of Jefferson
Has any celebrity shilled harder than this cunt? How fucking deep (((they))) must have their claws in her.
Ruin her reputation
>She's happy that Los Angeles is 100 times more in shambles than it normally is all because the candidate she shilled for for months lost
>She's still hot
T-Thanks Katy...
What does being disabled have to do with moving?
Remember when Trump was heavily criticised for not saying he would accept the election result if he lost?
Well look at the fucking losing side now doing exactly the same
Fucking liberals need to learn what irony means
>BREAKING NEWS: 100,000 protesters march on the streets of LA in a show of solidarity against democracy. #TrumpProtest
I want to kill anyone who unironically talks like that in public.
This is the first and only time I've agreed with your cancerous ass
>Fagger is mooslime
Just accuse her of being a racist because she posted pepe, then tell her she's has internalized misogyny because she's a white female, and statistically lots of them voted trump, so then call her a racist again for that again, then tell her she's exactly like trump because she's a racist, sexist rich person
Bombard her with accusations of racism, talk about times where she probably came onto men without their permission and that she is probably a rapist too, bombard with these for ten fucking years and then we'll see if she votes blue again
To all the Hillary supporters, can I just say, YOU'RE BEING RIDICULOUS.
Nothing is going to happen to California. They pull this shit any time something doesn't go there way. Plus it's all this one wealthy Arab businessman's idea to split up the state. Sandnigger wants 5 different states, not just Jefferson. Besides, the government won't allow it just like they didn't allow Puerto Rico to become a state. Too much of a hassle and they'd have to change the flag. I'm just saying that you niggers really should stop shitting on California when it's the liberal elite who are the problem. The middle and lower class, myself included, are shat upon by them all the goddamn time. Even from where I'm at there's problems with liberals thanks to the university and the community college and the liberals down south who make all the laws. You have a beef, have it with those posh assholes, not people like me.
I don't see her leading the vanguard in her little revolution.
Hardly surprised since she's a millionaire that made money off a song telling people that money isn't important.
>Liberals riot in cities that voted for Hillary
Gotta love it. The idiots are destroying themselves.
I'm on a limited fixed income because I'm unable to work. Only reason I have an apartment to myself is because of Section 8. Plus I do have some trouble moving since I got hit by a car in 2010 and have put on a lot of weight since then because it hurts to move. Doctors won't do shit, no matter what I tell them. I want to die but then I wouldn't be able to play video games.
are they STILL fucking mad they didnt get there way ? holy shit this is now just sad
I know how you feel. Just hope there's a huge improvement in stem cells or something.
You should have murdered her when you had the chance you fucking retarded kangaroos.
They're cowards
If they held protests in Pro-Trump regions they'd have to deal with the majority opposition.
Classic liberal echo-chamber mentality