How did she do it, Sup Forums?

How did she do it, Sup Forums?

What is wrong with her mouth

I doughnut know.

Well, it was his fault

The implication is that they have three kids to feed so they can't afford shit.


It's canon that "the world" forces her to stay with Richard.

So many deleted posts

I want to____Nicole

So what was the deleted post? Curious now.

Knowing Sup Forums probably a bunch of porn

>If it wasn't forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...inequality in woman wages
What did she mean by that


Damn. Buried the fuck outta Nichole shit. Haha.

Seems a little vanilla for mods to start hammering

That she lives in the real world

*gets employee of the month with a bonus next episode*
Also one other thing to take away from that episode is that the women's problems were made up by women and everyone's problems were the fault of men

>gets a bonus of just 10ยข
Really makes you think

The wage gap is real desu

so your saying money is the key to happiness for women?

Female managers shouldn't even be a thing.
Almost every complaint I receive at work is a case of mistreatment by a female employee in a management position, usually by female subordinates. The male managers almost never get such complaints about them.
I don't know what it is about them, but it's like they never grew out of the high school clique phase and feel like they need to assert their dominance or something.


you know, when people do this i don't care if Sup Forums shows up anymore. you bring politics here and get whiny when people who have an entire board to autistically yell about it show up.

but to answer what your shitty bait is saying, women don't work as hard as men and it shows.

equal opportunity, not equal outcome

>Blaming the responsible person for not being responsible enough in a world of retards.
Oh the things I'd do to you, Sup Forums.

>joke clearly set up for Nicole about to blame the children
>many user ITT assume she was going to blame her husband
You know your brain has got to be some faulty wiring when you miss such an obvious joke some you can play the victim card again.

>but to answer what your shitty bait is saying, women don't work as hard as men and it shows.
That's not even remotely demonstrated. No serious study has ever demonstrated so.

I think this is something that should be taken on the education level. Many women don't do man job because they don't even conisder it in the first place. If the upbringing where to encourage more to get on managing level job, things might improve.

You are fucking retarded

The world of glancing at statistics and thinking that it means some people are hidden second class citizens?

Is Nicole a feminist?

You can tell this clip is from season 2 'cause it looks beautiful

>I read the atlantic, I read infographics, I'm an honest, I'm an educated man

women have different goals, women have different temperaments, its absurd to think the sexes are completely identical

Wow and it's still garbage. Seriously they really couldn't manage to tell that joke properly in a subtle way instead of simply acting retarded with it?

You know it is true.

I don't get the problem here. Of course she can't afford nice things for her family because:-

>Richard is literally too retarded to keep a job
>Richard is also too retarded to be useful in the house
>If you work in a shitty office with no real chance of getting a promotion, five mouths are too many to feed with such a minuscule payroll

There's also the fact they live in the USA, which is the very nation in which the class divide keeps on rising. The working class gets poorer while the 1% keeps getting richer. But nah, gotta blame kids for being born instead of having a useless husband and living in a shitty economy.

Women only have extra estrogen compared to men and even that's questionable considering they produce testosterone when they're ovulating.

Different temperaments and goals my ass. I've seen mothers who aren't empathetic for their own children because they were born as indifferent introverted assholes, same as men.

I've seen full grown women acting calm and dickish in a suave and tyrannical just like men.
I've seen shortlet women and men acting either hysterical or cowardly because they know they have absolutely no power, both physical and mental.
I've seen sex-depraved people(fat asses) or sex-overwhelmed people(beautiful people) going gay/lesbian or getting obsessed with sex or asexual because they cannot get any on a regular period with people they want.

>So why don't women have as much influence and historical figures as men?

Well neo-Sup Forums how come you're not as smart, influential and historical as /tg/ and the past smart people that used to browse the internet before 2001?
No, you're fucking retarded. The camera clearly zooms in on all 3 children showing who she was referring to.

What the fuck are you talking about?

She was about to blame Richard, not the kids.

>She was about to blame Richard
Are you a moron? The joke is clealry about her interrupting herself to not hurt the kids's feeling.

How fucked up is your brain to not get such a straightforward joke?

Watch the episode, retard

And she was clearly about to tell "We'd be able to buy the good stuffs if it wasn't for the kids".

what got deleted?

>Was she seriously about to blame Richard for the family's inability to afford actual good food?
I don't know why that got deleted.

well he did sink all their money in a scam just because he's too brain dead to think ahead

But he is at fault
And she knows it
The whole episode plays out as three kids solving a mystery

>everything the man puts on his desk would slide over to the woman's side


>But he is at fault
>And she knows it
Actually not. They both know that Richard actually bringing some dough to the family would cause a disruptance in reality. the world would literally fall apart.

And in this case, it's clear she is laying the cost of life on them having 3 kids.
>The whole episode plays out as three kids solving a mystery
And the final punchline is that the one responsible fot he crim they were investigating was actually... THEMSELVES!
what a twist.

>bringing some dough to the family would cause a disruptance in reality
That was an one time joke

Are you a fan of Richard or something

>Richard fans
Next you gonna tell me big foot cucked your dad, and your sister the toothfairy.



She was clearly saying, "if it wasn't fur".

It would've been logical to blame Richard, but the writers wanted to make a gag to imply that kids are nothing more than money pits.

Indeed. Such a shame that cases of sexism in the workplace like this still exist in the 21st century.

Is there anything wrong with this?

yes, the fact that the "wage gap" is completely bullshit, at least the way they're looking at it. Women make less because of their own choices, not because of sexism. I fucking hate I have to explain this shit constantly. There are zero rights men have that women don't in the western world.

>sexism in the workplace
>inequality in woman wages
>exploitation of labour
You tell me

Exactly. Nicole should be and is portrayed in the right.

She was in the "right" because the episode was full of bullshit

>full of bullshit
Seemed reasonable to me.

If woman do the same exact work and can be paid less for it why aren't woman exclusively hired by companies?

I agree. The sexism she dealt with in her job was bullshit.

Not that user, but it has been demonstrated that men work longer, especially during periods most women want off (weekends and nights).

Just watch the Jordan Peterson debate about this with that newswoman. This topic is more complicated than "women make less because patriarchy" and "women are stupid and lazy so they make less".


>muh lobsters!!
lmao, he's better off sticking a piece of paper on the wall with a glue stick and waiting for it to fall.

>we can't have good things because we are furrrrrrrrrries
What did she mean by this?

but user, that's more money Nicole ever deserves

let's remember that she's a CONVICTED FELON, she's not trained in any actual skill, she destroyed company property multiple times in bouts of rage, she got into a fight with the CEO's wife, her children ran around the office and destroyed even more company property, and yet she's still keeping her job out of everyone's kind heart and not because she deserves it.

honestly, the Wattersons are all trash, they really should have been kicked out of the town.

yes, the fact that Nicole isn't actually qualified to write reports, shouldn't be able to and if we were realistic, she probably didn't and just copypasted it, and that she expects to be employee of the month while she's held wildly different positions like clerk, accountant, receptionist and customer support and not advancing in ANY of those hinting that she just fucked up and somehow didn't get fired several times.

and yet she's entitled enough to complain about getting paid less, i honestly don't know how anyone thinks she's not an unreliable narrator and just as cartoonishly stupid and assholish as the rest of her family.

I don't know if you're implying that it's representative of reality, because it's not.

Are you saying that they're making her ape SJWs because she has no actual in-canon reason to complain? I didn't think about that angle.

Men's fault

Girls are not brought up to be leaders the same way boys are. Do you think things would change if kids were raised differently, with girls being expected to grow up with the same sense of responsibility and strength as boys?

>male managers almost never get such complaints
It's like you haven't even watched the news for the past 12 months

Well it's honestly Nicole's fault for reproducing with a retard who she knew he was an obese retard since she was like 5 years old. Everything in her poverty filled life is her own doing for choosing particularly poorly. Richard may be trash, but you can't hate him for mentally being the way that he is. No woman on average would have bothered with him, but Nicole did and she ignored the red flags so it's all her fault.

Also surprised such a furry female thread is still alive.

>Are you saying that they're making her ape SJWs because she has no actual in-canon reason to complain?

No, they're certainly not doing it on purpose, but the result is the same: Nicole is consistently written to be a terrible person and trying to put her on an unassailable moral position destroys the moral position instead. She is literally the worst possible person you could pick to try to make a point about gender inequality because her whole life sucks entirely because of her own actions and flawed character.

we're supposed to believe she works insanely long hours and excels at her job but couldn't get good enough scores in school to get a college grant? or that she doesn't have the option to pursue a career in martial arts or any sport despite her obvious talent at it?

They are. One of the notable things society doesn't tell you is that having kids is expensive and in the end you may not even like your kids.

>And in this case, it's clear she is laying the cost of life on them having 3 kids.

She doesn't have to stay with Richard. She could dump him so he lives with his aging mother (she's the one who raised him to be so incompetent). And Darwin? Legally he's nothing more than a pet fish as one episode declared. Nicole could kill him, bathe his body with oil, butter, and lemon juice to make a hearty meal out of him. It's not like the fanbase likes him and thinks he's a good character.

There, this way Nicole only has 2 kids to worry about.

>honestly, the Wattersons are all trash, they really should have been kicked out of the town.

Adding on to the Wattersons being trash, remember Penny's father? Can you blame the man for hating Gumball? The little moron has accidentally almost gotten his daughter killed more than once. And then there's the job promotion episode that Gumball smeared for the man. Not exactly the type of people you want your kid to associate with, especially romantically get involved with.

>people hating Nicole
But Nicole is love

This picture reads like something made as bait

She's boring.
Her entire character is made up of bland ass mom tropes.

She is funny