Hey goyim, would you mind answer the poll, and explain your answer on this thread?
Hey goyim, would you mind answer the poll, and explain your answer on this thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
No: interdimensional aliens control "the world"
Would you bet that "No" on your life if needed?
no, a satanist occultist conspiracy controls the world
most of its influental members are jews though
>golan hights
>not yellow
degenerate schlomo go hang yourself
betting is the biggest bluepill of all time
The thing that triggers me the most is that syria and lebanon aren't yellow yet.
No, you can't even control gaza.
You are overrepresented in the media though, so considering you see yourself as a race, that might(and does) lead to conflicts and decisions of whom mainly jews or their political party benefit.
>implying we want to control gaza.
Think like a jew Klaus, think.
If I were a jew I'd want to control gaza... or control the people who control gaza... or maybe use gaza as a means to gain more influence somewhere else?
Sorry I'm a bad jew
What's with this bump?
Yes. Jews are a race of merchants. Whites are a race of warrior-farmers. The root of the ruling elite in Europe were farmers who became knights who became nobles. The merchants have taken over power over the last several centuries. #notall Obviously a random Lubovich khasidic kike isn't on the same level as Soros.
>control the people who control gaza
Good goy. Think deeply, let's ASSUME we control the people who control gaza, what will be our first move? Think like a jew, I know you can.
a boner
>let's ASSUME
yeah, let's
>Think like a jew
Make them attack Israel so you can retaliate or something?
Just let the media tell them the jews are their friends?
No idea m8
four jews in one small thread. Color me impressed, but when will you do your part as humanitarians and take on more refugees? :^)
Well... The US sure loves giving us money because the situation in Gaza.. Money doesn't buy you safety though. But don't worry about our safety. theoreticaly, if we would have controlled the people who control gaza we would always know where Hamas dig their tunnels, or where their officials are. Luckily we always bomb a tunnel right before they finish building it, am I right?
I'm just messing with you Albert. Continue with your goy's life now
wtf I love jews now
You Israeli shitposters really make me laugh.
It was drawn with pen first?
big jewish cock into egypt ass
>this amount of shitposting, from my own country
Just glass me goyim.
Something everybody should know about the eternal merchant:
They had a total monopoly on the trade between Europe, India and China, after the collapse of the Roman empire up to the 11th century.