No you fucking bong.
We're just fine with having the bust of an honorable leader in the Oval Office of the White House.
You can go fuck yourself.
How is that BTFO Americans? Stop making us look bad.
Still in the anti-America Illuminati brain fuck? Dear God man, every thing else in your life, they take you ally, and make it your enemy.
They did it to your guardian America.
Ignore OP, mate, he's a North Londoner
Idk seems like a bad move. Does trump want to be associated with an old tired man who fought hard,but could not accept his old,tired,and weakened body in a painiting?
Fuck you. Churchill hasn't done shit for America. Why should Malcolm X have his bust removed to make room for Churchill?
he disliked stalin or some shit
I'm pretty sure he was one of the generals during the revolutionary war. I think he was the cuck that Andrew Jackson killed in a duel.
Churchill is white
is this proven?
Theyre not 'BTFO', this is a good thing for both of us, we are forming even more of an allience
what is interesting is none here seem to share our beloved Brexit lords enthusiasm?
Why is that one of the first things you'd talk about?
I can't fucking stand anti American bullshit from faggot commie Europeans, "oh those backwards Americans with their free speech and 2nd amendment right to protect their family's, did you know that in America if someone enters your house to rob you and rape your wife you can actually SHOOT them dead?? can you believe it, here in Britain we civilised people prep our wife's for the invaders cock and go make them a sandwich unlike those uncouth Americans".
Fucking sick off it desu
All of this is irrelevant.
Brexit was good, right Sup Forums ?
Churchill was a warmonger worse than hitler it's not good
Who actually gives a shit?
Nah, everyone here loves Churchill. It was big news when Obama had Churchills bust removed. Apparently he was still upset about British colonization of Kenya.
>Malcolm X
>Worth honoring
Wew lad
>Obama sent the statue back
>Replaced it with MLK
>Trump gets in
>Replaces MLK with Churchill again.
>Obango is mad.
How are we BTFO exactly? Because this sounds like a win. It doesn't matter if you like or hate Churchill. All that matters is that Trump is undoing Obama's decor choices in a way that would rustle his jimmies.
We can take it boyo, who cares.
Yeah, it's just slow right now. There hasn't been any shift in how we view Brexit. We've already had a few threads about the Farage meeting earlier.
just ignore op hes a cunt
also i agree that its a win for you
It's a symbolic gesture dummy. Obama hated you guys and now we're buddies again officially.
cheers meric, thought for a second there I was in leftypool
>trump is not ideologically similar to obama
ya, that was the point
Churchill was actually a person of colour, you racist.
Meh, I've got no respect towards churchill but I guess that the return to whiteness and western pride is a good thing.
It's probably too early to have a redpilled potus
whats a colour?
Nope, you're still in the timeline where nationalist movements take back control of the West from the globalists.
Any news on the permanent refugee ban in Australia?
What doea farage see in the fat bastard?
A jewish puppet and the very reason we are in this mess?
Is this even Sup Forums ?
Holy shit wait, Obama actually had a bust of one of your allies from WW2 removed and replaced it with fucking Martin Luther king?
Churchill wasn't completely retarded.
the policy here is that all illegal entries will never be accepted as refugees. so in-between that and our ravenous sharks there is zero illegal immigrant issues
The Churchill you guys are praising and the Adolf Hitler you slander should be switched.
Churchill was a alcoholic smoking fat degenerate kike puppet.
It's an autistic cuckservative anglo thing.
The fat kike defeated da ebil nazis so he's a hero or some shit.
>the very reason we are in this mess?
I honestly dont even know what you're talking about.
I feel like germany is totally off the rails since tuesday.
Germans, please turn off your televisions it will not help you in 2017+
No shit, insanely commendable man. Regardless of how you sympathize with how he thought.
Fuck Churchill
He's half the reason we're in the mess we're in for stabbing Germany in the back for some shekels
White cucks will never learn I swear
Fuck Malcolm X, that's why
Are we not on the verge of being controlled by jewish globalists did I miss something?
And no this wasnt said on TV, trust me on this one.
Not just removed: he mailed it back to Great Britain, then lied to everyone about it until he was forced to admit the truth.
muslims were allies with germany when they lost jerusalem
the salt is real, even today
Oh god. Put a hitler bust next to his then, as long as we're honoring men who fought for survival.
You are wrong.
Hitler literally had more honour and morals than Churchill.
Churchill is a tiny bit above Stalin or Mao when it comes to Morals.
What? But I like that idea. Why would I be btfo?
>stabbing Germany in the back
You were never friendly enough to attack each other's back laddo
Where do modern Germans stand with their honour and morals?
Fuck! you have malcolm x in your presidential office. Now that is cucked.
Churchill was Jew.
Fuck Churchhill.
Obama did a right thing to remove it.
>I may be drunk madam, but tomorrow I shall be sober, and you will still be ugly
Is this the kind of misogyny we allow in the white house now? My 8 year old wife's son is crying now, he asked me why Trump would want to put a statue of a sexist alcoholic in his office, doesn't he know that's oppressive to vulnerable women and substance abuse survivors? What am I supposed to tell him? Ugh, these are not the progressive values this country was founded on.
Makes me wonder why Obama removed his bust.
Churchill probably hated whites more than Obama does.
Is Obama pro-white afterall?
>Malcolm X
>all blacks look the same to me
fuck churchill
Why exactly can we not have both?
Malcolm X was a muslim loving faggot and the reason why niggers never progressed in this country. Every nigger should hate that faggot with a passion for ruining them
Modern Germans are a product of decade long propaganda and "denazification"
Your argument is invalid.
Obama has weakened our Alliance with Britain since he's been president. Obama is still upset about British rule of Kenya.
The destiny of mankind is not decided by material computation. When great causes are on the move in the world, stirring all men’s souls, drawing them from their firesides, casting aside comfort, wealth and the pursuit of happiness in response to impulses at once awe-striking and irresistible, we learn that we are spirits, not animals, and that something is going on in space and time, and beyond space and time, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty
What flag is this, looks like an Italian version of India
Please stop, you're embarrassing us.
switch him with mosley and all good.
Holy shit, anerifats are dumb. He said something the media would never say and gold the truth about Churchill who wanted war and was a jewish puppet.
Why would be be blow because of this?
Go ahead, keep antagonizing the Germanics of the world.
Soon you will see what happens when we take our revenge.
Can someone link the story about Obama giving some dvds to Gordon Brown in response to brown giving him a pen made from wood from the sister anti slaving ship to match the desk in the oval office?
Are you a fucking idiot?
This. This man should have represented the UK alongside with Kong Eduard in ww2 but (((some people))) didn't want it.
>Churchill was a alcoholic smoking fat degenerate kike puppet.
Well put and he was the biggest enemy of White Europeans in history
>Trump replaces MLK statue, with the statue of kek
>yfw it happens
lol in that case why even bother reading Sup Forums? Trump happily flew on the lolita express multiple times and his advisers and staff are part of the elders that come together on their dopey island to determine US politics
>kike puppit
>pushed for ww2
>didn't want peace until Germany was destroyed
>wanted to use gas to kill German city's
Yeah real honorable
Well, he was born there.
The biggest enemy of white Europe right now is that fat, German cow Merkel. She's ruining the entire continent. Why don't you exile her.
Germans are salty as fuck ITT. The only legacy the Nazis have are killing millions of white Europeans and damaging western culture in a way is has never and will never recover from. Naziboos are retarded.
because you would throw a "humanitarian intervention" if your puppet was removed
Reminder Hitler was an anglophile because he knew the British empire was the greatest example of showing the world how too truly treat non-whites and put other races in their place.
Very wise. Churchill was a great leader and orator. Openly racist, sexist, a true nationalist and emperialist and most of all a war hero.
all londoners are cunts
Chuchill was based. No fucks given.
Worry first about your muslims controlling your wives. In regards to globalists, they're the ones coming latter, have you forgot about Goethe already, Hans ? "It's urgent to have patience."
Mind you, attent to the matter at hand first before sitting there confortable thinking about NWO and kill the enemies nearby.
Actually an accurate vision of Iran in general
Reddit cancer is killing this board
The whole redpill was that the Nazis were right and we were going to mend that. Now we're right back to where we started where we accept brown people because they're "le based" and the Nazis were "le evil bad guys"
Why is it always canada?.
>Winston "just fuck my race up" Cuckchill's bust
>not a hitler's bust
I'm shaking. This is only the 4th day of Trump presidency.
You're the one that killed millions of Europeans Anglo scum
>What is Dresden firebombing
I would put the bust of Churchill back in the Oval Office and I would smash that fucker with a pipe wrench every single day until it is gravel and then i would get a new one and smash it too
fuck Churchill fuck Stalin and most of all fuck FDR right in his crippled leaking asshole