Reminder that if drumpf fucks up your country, not ONE of you Americans will be welcome in Germany.
You made your bed, now lie in it.
Reminder that if drumpf fucks up your country, not ONE of you Americans will be welcome in Germany.
You made your bed, now lie in it.
shut up achmed you have to go back
Why would they want to go anyway?
Haha, good post, Ahmed al-Shitti Jamali, now kys
Because we have the best economy, best education and highest purchasing power.
why would I want to go to a cheap imitation of Afghanistan if I can just go to the real one?
Don't cry to us when ur wife is getting buttfucked by Mohammed then faggot
Remember that if your armchair philanthropist Angela Merkel fucks up your country beyond redemption, you'll still be welcome in the US as long as you're not a fucking Syrian.
Also, your Chancellor wants the D. Don't blame her, everyone in Europe does.
Nigger, I am already here.
But I am considering to move to Trumpland, because unless politics change germany is kill
No, nigger, you don't have shit. Go back to Somali now. The only thing you brought with yourself is highest rape rates.
>best economy
Literally unsustainable without muh refugees considering the fertility of the average German woman
Reminder that were going to build a wall too if you dont change your politics asap
German Purge when
..but if someone wants to trade citizenships - I'll gladly move to the States..!
I liked you more when you were invading us, Germany...
Shut the fuck up. Your country will take in literally anyone.
No, that's us mini Fründ
Also, best life quality
The wall just got 10 feet higher
Deutschland ist Ficki Ficki land :^).
Deutsche Frau liebe Muslim sperma :^).
This is common in Germany :
Watch the webm.
Ahmed is living in paradise. 40 virgins promised by Allah and he doesn't even need to die to receive it :^).
You can just come here... Get an H1B1. It's not like we don't have enough room or something...
we dont want you ahmed
Yeah at least they were still white and trying to preserve their purity. Not this Syrian cuck bullshit
Fuck off Mohammed.
HAHAHA thats why every german cuck who is qualified enough moves to switzerland, when they sense the slightest chance to do so.
Reminder Trump is going to build a wall around Germany and none of you will cross it.
You let Achmed in your wife's bed now lay down and them.
>Because we have the best economy, best education and highest purchasing power.
Because EU supports you and your fucking industry
Joke's on you, I'll just dress up in Muslim garb
You'll worship the ground I walk on
>qualified enough
fuck im not
Literally the only reason Americans go there is to steal a free education. Germany is a disgusting country.
I don't agree with OP at all but we are the biggest contributor to the EU. Poland, Greece and all the other leeches would be third world shitholes without us.
Fuck you Mehmet.
Hi Germans
Good riddens faggots
hans your always trying to put us down if its not brexit its trump, i always thought well of you hans but it is becoming ever more apparent that you guys are even more pussy than the french, and that is saying something.
please grow some balls
- Britain
How will I recognize people like OP in the coming civil war?
Americans usually bomb islamic countries ... not immigrate there you fool.
This my honorable British friend.
They must of been the first nation to get pumped with estrogen thanks to (((them))).
Cucked nations will learn to serve their bulls well
>Reminder that if drumpf fucks up your country
the wording in his typing is enough alone to give ye a heads up
Germany doesn't exist anymore, dirt and titles doesn't make a country.
A nation is a sovereign people with a border and a unifying identity.
Pretty sure there are already plenty of americans at their military bases in Germany. Are you going to try and evict them? :^)
And what if I could prove to you that I was against him from the very start of his campaign, or that I voted against him in the election?
Lived in Germany and can safely say that it is a cucked autistic shithole full of arabs and turks. Why would anyone want to live there over the USA ?
What the hell are you talking about? Trump is the start of a new beginning. The beginning where Le Pen and AfD will finaly free us from the muslims.
fuck off achmed
go back to turkey if you don't like it here
who the fuck wants to move to Germany? I think atm it'S the most cucked country in Europe with a stifling PC culture. Fuck that, you think anyone wants to live there kraut?
t. hans cuck in die luft
Fuck off and shut your mouth Mehmet. Why so many (((""""german""""))) shills lately?
Could stop shitposting this, its like the 5th time
Reminder that if drumpf fucks up your country, EVERYONE of you Americans will be welcome in Russia, but it will never happen because Trump won't fuck up your country.
halts maul kanake
>how to sum up germany in one post: the post
I don't think Americans would want to live under Sharia anyway.
Did you learn anything from multiculturalism?
You and what army?
i know , only muzzies from third worldshitholes are welcome
Yeah like we aren't taking in ANYONE these days.
Fuck off Achmed.
The Germans that count will always welcome Liberty!
As a First Australian I welcome my brothers from American and Britian just don't try and screw Australia over.
>it's a German proxy bait thread episode
he even posts a German flag and you still reply
>highest purchasing power
That's not Switzerland
No, the only ones leaving the states will be cucks.
Hmm yeah nah as first Australia I would like say FUCK OFF WERE FULL.
>People are actually falling for this obvious shill or shitskin
>Good education
5/7 made me reply
At this rate, the place will be empty so ya know, go for it.
Reminder that germany is a joke
>leonard cohen is dead and trump is president, would have liked it better the other way
>we had a shitstorm with hate comments, we do not allow comments that are [generic SJW words]
i want free mony in germany how to
delete this and everything u said
Germany is a Muslim hell hole. Why would anyone want to go there?
L O L stupid kraut, why would I go to krautland?
Anywhere on earth is better than Krautland even new Zealand. I hate Kraut culture, kraut food, kraut architecture, kraut music, kraut language, nazi cars, etc. TOPkek I hope you get raped in the butthole Hans by Muhammad
>You made your bed, now lie in it.
das haben sie vor 200 jahren schon gemacht du Genie. Glaub es oder nicht manche mögen solche Betten.
I make that same face when I steal a white fathers chance of having white grandchildren
I'm currently finishing my engineering master degree in germany and I want to get as soon as possible out of this soon to be shithole (thanks Merkel).
I'm already looking for the best way to move to Trumpnation, Switzerland or another country which doesn't has this fucking liberal multi cultural propaganda. I'm tired of all the kanaks and boys here.
But it is obvious German girls love Muslim men.
Hans how can you even compete?
That face in the end
good thing i'm secretly an islamic immigrant from a war ravaged country
>Lie in your bed
Fuck you, I'll JUMP on my bed!
Witnessed, kameraden.
in two years i will be finishing my studies. lets say USA will be doing good considering the economy by then, should i try to immigrate to the United States?
i dont really like it here anymore, and i have high hopes for the USA becoming great in the future. should i do it?
t. fucking white male
Shut up turkshit were coming to collect muslim skulls soon enough.
Lets see how hard you are at terror when we kill the civilians you hide among.
Kill all pedo worshippers.
European reconqista soon:)
fuck off we're full
We don't Krautcucks coming here and fucking up America like you fuck up your own country. Stay where you are.
Meanwhile Merkel is busy fucking up 28 countries at the same time.
Eat shit, Turkroach.
American you´re welcome to purge the EU of ((this virus))
AHahahaha Hans thinks we want to go to his Merkle loving shithole. Get fucked by the police when you go to tell someone how tall your wifes son is.
o-ok then
don't listen to the shill. i am german too and you can visit whenever you want to. :^)
Fuck Germany.
nah im brown i can just claim to be syrian
> Implying americans would wanna go to a thirs world shithole like germanistan.