God doesnt real

God doesnt real



haha benin

But. Yuo is cuck?

Can Poland even treat cancer lol?


Godd bread

That condom scene

Seth blocked me on Twitter after I sent him this image

Fucking pussy

I'll tell you what...never ever watch this shit high.

Walked out.
I forget when.

The most wannabee-redpill bluepill movie ever

That movie was so fucking unfunny


"Hey guys lets say the word fuck as many times a possible in our film for no reason, fuck is funny right?! that'll get some laughs right?! and if we say it every minute people are guaranteed to laugh all the way through the film"

What a piece of shit film


You does not real , once you realised this you dissapear

Third act of that movie was fucking disgusting jesus fucking christ.

Anything Sandler funds and Rogan creates is only funny while drunk/high.

Pandering to the lowest common denominator is common here in film.

>go on first date with a girl
>choosing between this shitfest and Sully
>watch Sully
>she's my gf now

another great thread brought to you be canada

I got extremely blazing high before I watched this movie with some friends for the sole purpose to hopefully enjoy it more and look past the garbage

I still fucking hated it. I may have chuckled once or twice, but most of the jokes were predictable and cliche. There is nothing redeemable in that movie.

So does this movie accurately portray the approval of degeneracy in our society?