Breaking News, Hillary wins presidential election 0-1

Breaking News, Hillary wins presidential election 0-1

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you're next Germany. get ready

So there are just millions of votes that were forgotten?

>that pic
Tim Kaine or whatever his name is a fucking faggot

this is great. i hope she keeps getting more popular vote. i want them to think its possible they can still win. i want them to feel hope.

if you're guilty and you know it clap your hands


And this krautcuck is the very reason why popular vote system is bad especially in a government like USA. If there will be no electoral college, there will be a monopoly of voting powers in coastal states. What's then the purpose of joininh the USA if you dont have any fucking say to it? No wonder why you love getting rammed in the ass by sandniggers. You stupid mang

Just enough to rip away from them.

cool, but she is still not going to be prez. kek.


>He'll win the popular vote once they're all counted

face it he lost. with this, the horror stories of Trump supporters attacking people after his "win", the protests, and the petitions the Electoral College will go to her as well

you lost step aside

For some reason Americans are really fucking slow at counting votes.


>tfw Hillary conceded to the God Emperor so the popular vote is irrelevant.

She's been cheated before.

Let them hope for a while, then blow them away.

she's only leading by 600k


Its because the election is over, the rest of votes don't change anything


>you finally hit your second wind
>push yourself as hard as you can, it's time to give it all you've got
>there's nobody between you and the finish line, you cross triumphantly. You've done it!

>The race already finished 2 laps ago

California has been irrelevant for a long long time.

>still being counted in california

You realize no matter how many more votes come out, she wont get more than 55 electorals, right?

What does it matter if she won the popular vote by 10 million?

Unless she flips some states from Red to Blue she already lost days ago

Trump still might not get in.
Keep in mind the establishment WILL try and have him killed if they cant remove him peacefully. The best option to remove him peacefully will be to bully/bribe the electoral college.
You are hopelessly naive if you do not think that is going on.

why? whos doing it?

HILLARY IS STILL PLAYING POLITICS why does she think she has a chance?

The writing is on the wall. They have something up their sleeve. They are framing it so that when they take action against trump it will be as liberators who are doing it for the majority of the american voters.

Hillary conceded and the horror stories are phony fakery. Quit pozzing this board loser.

>H..,.Hillary won guise! She won the popular vote!
>No, don't look at the votes.
>No, especially not the paper ballots or the postal votes.
>I tell you she won, evidence is just white oppression of PoC.

Fuck off you Turkish cunt.

>Democrats mistake half a million votes for Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina

remember when liberals were still crying about the 2000 popular vote in the second half of Bush's second term?

Lol allllllll coming from California no doubt.


They're happy about her gathering more votes but technically, can this invalidate Trump presidency?


>tfw Nigel Farage conceded to remain so Brexit winning was irrelevant



cool, now subtract all the illegals that voted for her

>Dems used to be really popular in the rural midwest
>now only get voters in big cities in like 10 states
Their fault for fucking this up.

Winning the popular vote but losing the election is Hillary's curse, it happened back in '08 too. Nothing to see here folks.

shouldn't you be dead?

Wow it's nothing

>yfw its 2000 election all over again

Will Hillary be remembered as the New Al Gore?


I'm loving all these stupid riots in LA, Portland, NYC, etc. They actually thought they controlled the whole country with their SJW shit

good thing the US is more then LA though


Nah. GG NO RE.

Its not even ctr anymore. Its just bitchy lib-shits that cant come to terms with reality and think theyll get something out of arguing with us

California allows you to send your mail-in ballot on Election Day as long as it is postmarked by Election Day and received no later than 3 days after.

t. Californian

not for long

the Electoral College will either side with the Popular Vote or it will be gone

so how does this even work?
how can decide who won the states etc when they didnt even counted all votes

i heard otherwise but the media refuses to update the popular vote...

> trump supporters attacking people
k let's just ignore the riots going on in the major liberal cities where people are burning cars and buildings, shouting "Not my president!" because they're so butt hurt that Trump won. Hillary lost. Welcome to reality.

oh boy. that will help hillary win even more of california's 55 electoral votes

They look at trends with the votes that have been counted and extrapolate.

So how does it works? Do we call al gore so it takes his round 1st, then in 4years it will be Hillary?

The 2000 election controversy was about Florida being too dumb to count a few votes.

Gore winning the popular vote wasn't much of an issue, people were less stupid back then.

hahahhaaha Drumpf is finished! He couldn't even win after rigging the election!!!!!!! pathetic!!

Man, you're really trying hard there.
Must be up to at least 0.30 dollars in your account.

what a credible source

Who cares let them try a people revolution then you can just shoot them in their fat fucking heads and we wont have to deal with the shitposts on Sup Forums anymore.

It does, for each individual state

A lot of the riots are from the far left, not Hillary supporters.

Also can we please stop pretending the right wouldn't also have been violent if trump won the popular vote and lost the electoral college?


>Racism won

Americans should stop contesting the results and face the fact: they live in Nazi Germany

>they're still digging up more zombies to head to the polls
You know, they fucked with the vote hard enough, but enough legit people were at the polls to overturn it. In a straight contest, Trump won by a large margin.

Right now, this is Soros pulling the strings and making it look like there's national unrest. The media is filing right in line, which tells me that it's another nasty bout of horseshit. None of this is organic. These pussies would typically whine for a few hours and went back to their liberal fart huts to suck some gas out of each other. The only reason the protests are continuing is because they are being paid to hang around and be as annoying as possible. The media is focused on them, not on the pro-Trump rallies going on all around the nation. The big news corporations honestly need to be shut down if all they are going to push is liberal propaganda.

I've already seen several videos that show anyone at these protests is retarded. If they think whining and bitching is going to get them anywhere, or worse, gets that fucking old hag in office over Trump's legitimate election, they will see true the face of true viciousness in a nation divided

theres also more than a million military votes


>The popular vote doesn't matter because we use an electoral college system. The candidates use tactics built to win the electoral vote, not the popular vote. Trump wasn't trying to win the popular vote, he wanted the electoral vote.
>If we used a popular vote system, then the results would be entirely different. There is literally no evidence suggesting that Trump would lose the popular vote if we had a popular vote system. Democrats in republican states and republicans and democrat states have poor turnout in the electoral college because they don't think their votes matter.
>Complaining about Trump winning without the popular vote is like telling the two candidates to play chess, Trump checkmates his opponent, then you complain about the rules of tic-tac-toe.

>If you cut out the illegal immigrants that voted, people that voted multiple times, and bring back the thousands of ballots that were destroyed in Broward county, Trump probably won the popular vote.

>two million signatures from liberals with hurt feelings will get more attention than the 60+ million people that voted for Trump

you wish faggot

This is why we have an electoral college; so California and New York don't dictate every single election.

Any excuse will do for using that "hillary won" memes folder huh?

Shouldn't you be out sinking immigrant boats?

>what a credible source

Better than the New York Times these days. ;^)

Yep, The delegates will be transferred to Hillary next month.

Once a winner is declared all the people from Oklahoma and Alabama and every little shit county in blue states just gets on with life. Here they're scraping the bottom of the barrel in deeply blue states just to run up the total as if it changes anything.


>Also can we please stop pretending the right would also have been violent if trump won the popular vote and lost the electoral college?


Remember the huge riots when Obama won the election?

Me either.

now it's over 600,000

that's just sad

Soros is shorting the S&P500 and bought a lot of gold. People sell etfs and buy gold in times of uncertainty. Gold is down, S&P is up by about 5-6% each. He's trying to save his position.

Reminds me of this.

they can keep digging up more and more votes in california. It will just be a validation of why cali gets more electors than anyone else

this is true. and even though popular vote is irrelevant, hillary won the popular vote because she had the support of almost every celebrity and every person who works for any mainstream media outlet.

Republicans don't tend to riot because they have work after election day.

This is the thing that irritates me the most. There were no riots after either Obama election, and when Limbaugh said he hopes the President fails damn near everyone called him a douche.


Fucking crickets.

Do you remember the people calling for patriots to stand guard at polling places, or pundits openly saying if he loses it's time to get your guns and demonstrate?

I'm not even saying violent protest is bad. I'm just saying we should be honest with one another here.


>y-y-yeah you might have scored more touchdowns then us b-b-but w-we had more yards gained s-so we win!

Keep crying

Nah, Al Gore refused to properly concede until January.

>"Popular vote 'victory'"

Question:. How do you win something that isn't part of the competition? It's like running up and touching a door and then bragging about beating everyone else who weren't racing you.

In a shocking turn of events the main stream media has been rendered tabloid trash and all the crazy fringe people are actually more credible.

She also won the popular vote in 2012 primaries when she ran against Obama.

Where was the outrage then?

She would have been hot if she didn't grow up in Afghan-goat-fucking-stan.

Do you remember them doing it? Footage on the TV news?

....*crickets* ...

Thought so.

>baseball analogies
typical burger

I think she lost all credibility for being the president when she abandoned her supporters on the night and conceded to Trump

America isn't a democracy, deal with it.

>or pundits openly saying

Yeah, that's a bit different from rioters trashing Portland.

She should have gotten the goat out of there.

Because Bush didn't win bigly (barely 271).

The better sports analogy would be

>Yeah you won 4 games in a best of 7 series but we scored more total points!


Why aren't you out of a job, yet?