Uhh guys, Sup Forums has a new long-term goal

We need to make this happen Sup Forums. Kek wills it. I had no idea we were this close. We love Trump getting in, especially that he should have a somewhat cooperative house and Senate. But think of all we could accomplish with Constitutional amendments! Think of raging your boners will be when the very foundational document of American Society can be changed to Sup Forums's will .

THIS WILL BE GLORIOUS! We need immediate strategizing of which state houses we can take and where to focus efforts.

I"ll start by saying that Illinois is a no. Super majority of Democrats in both houses.

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>to ratify constitutional amendments

Doesn't this just work more in the favor of sjw's?

It would make a great focus for 2018. However, states legislatures get greedy as fuck when the federal govt ask them to do anything, so ratification will still be difficult.

>But think of all we could accomplish with Constitutional amendments! Think of raging your boners will be when the very foundational document of American Society can be changed to Sup Forums's will .
The US constitution is the most perfect political document in history and it should be fucking worshipped like a holy text. Don't you dare fucking touch it.

Not if Republicans are in control. They can finally get rid of that Amendment that's responsible for anchor babies.

What do lefties actually think fascism means?

Why are they pushing this fascism meme? I don't get it, do they understand what fascism means?

No, republicans would control those state legislatures. That means we can get our ammendments through

Think of it. Mandatory ID and registration laws, A senate now elected by the state instead of the people, a requirement that supreme court justices must interpret laws based on the original intent of the drafters of those laws/constitutional ammendments, and mandatory term limits for the house and senate.

Oh my boner.

What Constitutional changes do we need?

actually guys, kek wants to unify korea.

can we get rid of fag bills too?
fag marriage was one of the biggest tragedies to ever happen to this country

>repeal every infringement on the 2nd
>repeal the 14th

thats honestly all i can think of atm, my boner is redirecting too much blood from my brain to think of anything else

Leave the documents as they are supposed to be and add more laws to make it harder to change the first and the second. That alone will make them implode with rage

>dude lets have a fascist america just like my memes lmao

dont come crying to me when they shut down Sup Forums and you hang yourself

>Democratically elected judiciary, legislative, and executive branches
Maybe you nigs should fucking vote.

kek confirms it again.

>fag marriage was one of the biggest tragedies to ever happen to this country

Literally who gives a shit?

>Sup Forums changes the constitution of the USA

when this happens i will not be able to stop masturbating anymore

Alaska, Kansas, Louisiana, W. Virginia, maybe Virginia. That gets you to five states the last three are a tough get.


This would be great. An ammendment that only guarantees birth right citizenship to the sons and daughters of legal immigrants/residents in the US. We need this, and make it retroactive.

8888888888888888 Chinese number!

Anything that isn't full blown communism.

>One party is retarded
>The other isn't
>Everyone elects the non-retards

The left, everyone.


we only need 6 more user. So only one more on to your list

>Fag bills
What the fuck are you talking about? Fag marriage is an interpretation of the Constitution. This is why the supreme Court nomination is so important.

Is Trump a faggot too, by that logic?

Sorry add Montana. So that is six states. Where do we get the last two.

Alaska, Kansas, Louisiana, W. Virginia, maybe Virginia, and Wyoming.

Just need two more states to targets.

how the fuck could they justify fag marriage?
what amendment makes them think it's ok?

shill thread

>giving so much power to the GOP
Don't be fucking niggers, wait out how Trump works out, and see if he really drains the swamp

The GOP does not represent you, dont be so politically immature

We only need 6 more total I think. Montana switching to republican control plus the others should give us the 38 we need for ammendments.

Montana I forgot that in my list. This is actually doable in the next four years assuming republicans do not lose a state.

That gives seven states to target.

>I don't get it, do they understand what fascism means?
(((Google))) the "new" dictionary definition, my bluepilled Dutch amigo.

Google that shit and rage.

Are you 12?

14th equal protection clause. It is bullshit because that ammendment was clearly aimed at making sure states didn't give unequal treatment to black people after teh civil war, but the "living constitution" justices decided oh yeah, that ammendment passed in 1868, yeah they also meant that states couldn't prohibit same sex marriage as well.

The democrat party only shows up to vote when the presidential election is on the ballot. Republicans vote every year and in mid-term elections, which is why they have consistently held control over congress and state legilsatures. Most democrats don't even know who their state senators and reps are.

Jesus christ. By that definition Stalin wasn't a fascist.

>today: there's no such thing as left-wing fascism
>tomorrow: only White people can be racist

This has to be done

>an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization
fuck off

>(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practices


I mean in relative terms to American politics, Fascism has always been left-wing. Sure if you are a communist Fascism is right of you. But compared to most other parties it is a left-wing movement.

>Yesterday: only white people can be racist. We're already here brother



can you also split california then?

How is Alaska blue? I thought they were snow rednecks.

I mean a constitutional ammendment can technically do anything legally in America. But I don't think splitting California is politically feasible. But I don't really know.

double doubles confirm

Hmm... Persiabro is right, I think Alaska legislature is already red and already included in the count of the tweet. We need another. to flip.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Legislature


Why are Leftists so prone to exposing their children, and wanting to expose other children, to nudity?


What if I want to try and get dual citizenship, as a white Briton?

can smeone explain this to me? don't Republicans control senate and house majority? what is this state houses i've never heard of?

The left no longer believes in the virtue of modesty. They think it is because they are enlightened beings leading their culture into the next age. Everyone else knows it is because they are hedonists, who will destroy the value of that which used to be important.

Then what is fascism?

I don't know, I"m iffy on dual citizenship to be honest. I fee like you need to support one team or the other. Though if there were a country in line for dual citizenship UKbros would be at the top.

That being said. The US currently has no restrictions on it's citizens having dual citizenship with other countries, well maybe like North Korea but I'm not sure.

You can't, as I understand it. The oath of citizenship includes a renunciation of all foreign allegiances.

You can have dual citizenship and still be an American Citizen. I hate to bring it up again but Ted Cruz had both Canadian and US citizenship until he renounced his Canadian citizenship in like 2014 or 2012 or so.

Where the fuck is my Cheesybay Pizzagate thread? I don't hate enough!