How long until we birth the ALT-LEFT?

How long until we birth the ALT-LEFT?

Can communism and SJW's get any worse?

Also I'm pretty sure the end of the cold war pretty much killed any hope for the radical left.

>the alt-right is the alt-left

We could revive it, user. If we could get the gop elected after the bush years, we can do anything.

It already exists.

Im talking a real left, not sjw imaginary social issues only bullshit left.

Reddit already exists

>real left

>Doesn't work?
>It ain't real then

Classic leftshitter

I suppose, but the cold war and dangers of communism is still fresh in people's memory. I think you have to wait a generation or two.

The real pre mccarthy witch hunts. There hasnt been a real left in the US since then and you know it. Sjws are bullshit caricature, burqa endgame horseshoe theory shit.

All we need is edgy holodomor denial and muh 100 gorillion to make people upset, then the alt-left will be cool among edgytarians

Socialism, basic income, free medicare, free tuition, make banks, billionaires and megacorps actually pay their taxes, everyone gets a robotic realdoll sexdoll left. Fuck the snowflake lgbt bullshit.

Isn't Bernie and his crowd the alt-left?

Pol has always been a contrarian edgelord cesspit. Youre right about giving it time.

The country is so far right now that bernie is left of center. Crazy, I know.

The "alt-left" doesn't exists because there's literally no need for it when the mainstream left supports many of their views and never disavows the most radical ones.

The so-called alt-right exists because the mainstream right was controlled opposition liberals with a 4 year lag.

The Ctrl-Left

I just birthed the alt left into the toilet

Left can by definition never be as snarky and smug as right. Also they don't have memes


/leftypol/ has tons of memes... rehashed from the real Sup Forums and sanitized to not offend niggers and jews.

liberals are smug as fuck what are you on about, in fact thats their only mode even when in power

>uck the snowflake lgbt bullshit.
I don't even know why your left got tangled into that shite in the first place. Fuck identity politics, the left should think about bigger things, not someone's skin colour or someone's genitals

It already exists, it's called progressivism and has taken over most of American media, education and politics.

>sanitized to not offend niggers and jews

cultural marxism is alt-left
Alt-right is just a reaction to alt-left

There is only a CTRL Left and it already exists

Are we /green/ now?

Right wingers think they invented memes?

Communists invented memes during the 19th century

will dump some vintage memes

I like Ctrl-Left.

Thats why we need a new left, a pol left.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

>controlling both sides

STOP! Stop becoming the Jew!

so what would be its main points?

>no more identity politics
>anti illegal immigration
>anti quotas
>actually anti estabilishment (not like the meme-right)

something like this?

This. We must thank "them" for Trump's presidency, also the radicalization of the left is a huge blessing in disguise.

There are millions of disenfranchised leftists that HATE this sjw bullshit, the establishment, and loathe the dnc. This a movement ripe for the taking. They are people, people love memes. Memetic warfare on a new level.

Kek is a trickster god, a god of lulz. We cant be content with our newest achievement. The lulz must go on.

Workers of the World Unite

It's time we dethroned the jew, my friend. It's pol's turn. There can be only one.

>cultural marxism is alt-left
nope, the yank is right here we need someone to make the left great again

Bingo. The left is dead.

The idea of an alt left doesn't make sense. You can be an SJW if you want to be an annoying asshole, and despite all their whining there is a socialist movement in the US, one which has quite a bit of academic support.

The alt right came into existence because white nationalism was completely dead as a political force and it needed to be revitalized. The leftist political spectrum is already pretty well filled-out.

>that image



>he leftist political spectrum is already pretty well filled-out.
No it isn't, SJWshit and DNC shills are not even lefty

Your points are excellent. Tax the billionaire elite and the megacorps. This would allow free tuition, healthcare, even a basic income for neets that want to be content being pathetic. Prosecute the pedos and corrupt fucks. Clintons and Bushes behind bars. We could control both the left and right. Pol would assume direct control of both sides through memetic warfare.

What we need to do now is bring the first female President to France.
And we can use feminism for this.

The sjw are not the left. They tried to take over the left, but are just a whiny, tiny minority. There are millions of silent leftists still waiting for the times before the mccarthy witch hunts to return. Thats the real dormant alt-left, thats our target. We'd own both sides of the spectrum. Pol would rise to a totalitarian new height!

The current Left is as insane as it gets containing every strand of psychopathy, there is no scope to be "alt". Any "alt" would be indistinguishable from the Left.

Youre focusing on the tiny, strident minority. Dont let tumblr fool you, there are millions of silent leftists that HATE pc ahit, sjw bullshit, and what the democratic establishment has become. Trump's win reflects this in scores.

I'm fairly certain there is a strong core of what could be classed as alt-left here already.

Plenty of people here believe in equality, freedom of expression and socialist values. They reject the hyper cultural-marxism of the establishment, SJWs and the general cucking of the western world.

But they also don't identify with the supremacist sentiments, the conservative christianity and anti-abortionist stances.

I don't see why I have to cast my lot in with one side or the other when there are plenty of aspects of both that I disagree with.

How about communist work camps for the minorities? They have the basics covered like food and housing, but they can work for a little extra money to spend at the local store. Security might be an issue, so you may need heavy locking doors in the rooms, and a lsrge guarded wall around the whole complex.

now that trump won i can see many of the lefty anti sjw youtubers trying to create an alt left.

it will be progressive
support a min wage
better access to education and health care
more enviormentalist programs
and it will completely abandon identity politics.
it will still be feminist supporting maternity leave. but it will also go for paternity leave and equal custody laws.

it is far from PC and SJW left and establishment left and not completely disastrous. we need to control both sides. DNC will be in a civil war and we need to make sure a more preferable left wing ideology wins.

>what is nazism

Gonna end with this, if we owned the real left majority where would that leave the leftists-in-name-only sjws, numales, jewish parasites, and tumblr? Theyd be pariahs, theyd be over. That'd be a decisive victory, even more fulfilling than winning this election. Our true enemies crushed. Pol would reign supreme. Give it a thought. We still have time.

I've always been a leftist, but the sjw bullshit is getting out of hand, everyone can see through their shit, I'm already alt-left

Except I actually wanted a right winger in the white house. Why would anyone support the rise of fucking leftism, you silly faggot?

Let's do it right now. But let's take the police from the left and turn them racist.

Like saying we support abortion because it keeps minority populations low

We support afirmative action in colleges because we like to see then shackled with debt for African American studies degrees

We support diveristy for the 60% of the white population to breed out the black population.

It would be fun and easy

Policies, not police

I want Sup Forums to push for a very science focused administration one day...


my infallible version of the alt left will prove to me superior

Fool, you have no perception. Your rightwinger ends in 4, 8 years tops. If we own both sides, we rule forever. The game Im talking about is in a larger scale we've previously played. Im talking playing for keeps, pol taking the whole cake. Dethroning the jew, the sjw, the bushes, the clintons, moloch, etc. We could end aeons of elite control and take over in the name of Kek. You on board?

>he doesnt know what nazism is

Surely, both the failure and discontent of Hillary style 'left' and the rise of the right will have effects on what is considered left.
I personally have become alienated from the left. I see anarchism and communism as impossible and not welcoming. What Marx was right about was class conflict however.

As for liberalism, I think it leads to a kind of degeneracy. I am a kind of Hobbesian in the sense that I belief that most people cannot handle their freedom.

I do NOT believe however that a centralized power works - why I think communism doesn't work - and complex systems science says that societies have become too complex for that.

I dislike capitalism for reducing everything to money, and even science - which I like - has played its part into devaluating 'the sacred'. Under capitalism and encroaching technology, we see things losing their value and social communities destroyed.

What I do value in the left as opposed to the right is a kind of social justice, but not in the way it has turned to now.

Sounds good to me. A white utopia can be possible only if we try. Fuck the naysayers and one dimensional partisan fucks. This are the big leagues now.

Isnt antifa skinny?

Do I need to spell it out for you, dumbass? Cant you read between the lines a bit? Fuck!

Unless you're going to go National Socialist with a MUH CURRENCY BACKED BY LABOR stance I don't see how this can work.

The ONLY way you can even HOPE to revitalize the basics of leftism is if you drop Marx (And indeed pretty much every Socialist since him). That doesn't leave you with a whole lot of intellectual backbone to work with.

If you keep Marx, or anyone who furthers his work, you're pretty much dooming yourself to just become SJWs.

The real funny thing about all of this is that someone like Marx or any historic radical leftist/Marxist would consider SJWs to be decadent and bourgeois. Kind of makes you want to help them along in a way just to see the look on their faces when being hauled off to a Gulag because their homosex desires supersede their love of the state.

Currency should be backed by gold and taken away from the federal reserve jew. You know money is backed by nothing right now, right? Not even labor.

The point

Your head

then why are you shitposting about
>giving birth to the alt left
if it already exists

SJWs are the alt-left. The alt-left and it's retardation created the alt-right.

wait you think American liberals are left wing?

oh dear.

This is the Progressive movement that exists now. It is a failure.

>decadent and bourgeois

And thats exactly the stance we the alt-left will say.

SJWs need to swallow their own medicine and check their middle class educated privilege

The only way a real alt-left would be is to appeal to the same voters as Trump - the lower classes, the people mainly poor, white, also black disenfranchised people.

It should be actually anti-establishment - thats the whole game we oppose, not just one side. Demolish the entire system.

Alt-left celebrates Trumps victory as it hastens the end of the US political system and gives a sense of hope to the voiceless.

SJW's are the middle class "intelligencia" - they don't care about you. they only want diversity to divide.

What we need is an ideology about commonality. We are alt-left first and foremost - our identity means nothing.

Why don't you explain what your vision of the left would be like.

Their views inherently have traits of SJW

Nice dog btw

A failure you say? No, it was hijacked by the dnc and sjws when they conspired to fuck Bernie over and put Hillary as the candidate. There's ample proof to this. Why do you think millions of leftists voted for Trump? They are fed up with establishment politics just like the alt-right was. You know what ruling both sides of the spectrum would give actual birth to? Nat soc and the fourth reich all made possible by us right here on pol. Same shit happened in 1930s germany, we can make it possible together. If you are not on board with this, then you might as well fuck off pol right now.

The alt-left should oppose Socialism, basic income, free medicare, free tuition, make banks, billionaires and megacorps actually pay their taxes

The Alt-left should oppose government and be more anarchist than socialist. Fuck the corrupt governments of the world!

Trumps 4 years will show everyone just what a corrupt state is. Most poor countries already know but cant do anything. We will learn what corruption is, and we will fix it in the west and around the world. The workers will arise!

(that's part of the alt-left - see how it's different from bernie cry babby sjw?)

Fuck their views, we will make our own just like we did with the alt-right. Did we follow the establishment gop's bullshit? No! Same strategy goes towards the dnc, the jew, and sjws. We create reality, we dont follow, we lead.

Thanks, bro.

I thought Bernie was in on it the entire time? They just didn't predict he would get this popular.

Bernie could be a manchruian candidate, but hes not important, the unexpected support he got is. Fuck Bernie, he is inconsequential either way. We are after his base, the huge silent left majority. There cant be nat soc without soc.

Im out. Give it a thought, pol.

antifa already exists.

>we become the Illuminati
is that epipen guy /our guy/? we can make this possible with his help

The alright right was just gay people with conservative views.

The entire left is the alt left.

Alt-Left? Is that where you kill working class people with constant barrage of smugness and 99% tax rates?

It already exists, you should really call it the alt-alt-alt-alt-alt-alt-alt-alt-alt-left, you idiots have already had to rebrand yourselves after every failed attempt at implementing your garbage (and your rebranding never comes with new ideas, just new slogans because you keep clinging to marxism despite it being shown to be demonstrably wrong time and time again).

The alt-left is SJW/marxism madness. They birthed us.

They are the disease, and we are the cure.

Hey, user. What's this?

Bernie is way left of center retard. Back to Europe shitter. Welfare states do not work when you are 19 trillion in debt.

who are some potential altleft figure heads? shoe0nhead? theneedledrop? sargon of akkad? maaaaaybe the young turks. they were already mad at msm calling bernie bros sexist and blame the hillary campaign. they have been hit with a small dose of red pill.

No, the alt-left is where you tax the rich people until they bleed white to fund a living wage and universal healthcare for all.

Most will happen is niggers, Spics with gins will shoot a few people.
The left is too cucked to do any real damage like the alt right.
All these protest are due to 2 things.
And from ages of participation trophies


Very Good Boy OP


What's the breed? looks like a short-legged italian greyhound

Whenever Soros has built a stable and weponized arm of antifa in the US, I'm afraid.