Doom Patrol #10 Storytime

Alright anons, this is going to take a while. I hope you're all ready


So what are you all reading as well this week anons?



Time for some more of that weird shit™

Thanks for the teaching us about nutrition Flex.


Wait, are they actually bringing Rita back?


Oh fuck. He really is Neo Red Jack

Wonder where they're going with this

I just now realised that all the members of the new Brotherhood are kids/teenagers
He's Red Jack's more meta cousin.

Retcon are the bad guys of the upcoming Milk Wars event. How and if the Disappointment will fit into it is unknown.

I hope so.

>dumb patrol
Top tier insult Nobody
Oh thanks, did not know that

>lesbians ruining everything

It's pol's greatest wet dream/nightmare!

This run has really fallen flat...


I wouldn't say it has fallen flat, though personally the dialogue this issue, up til now at least, feels kinda off.

>Hector does nothing

God damn it, Boy Detector!

The frog wants to feast on the flesh of human

So is this that one where she bangs the cat?

When you're only power is detecting shit, you're kinda useless in a fight

this really tickles the fetish bone
No user, that was a couple of issues ago.

He couldn't even detect the Doom Patrol until they were literally right behind Nobody.

>instant pregnancy
My new fetish

That was two issues ago. Bestiality has a long and proud history in the Doom Patrol.

He has a really shit metal detector

Eh, still a better "progressive" love story than the stuff in Batgirl.

He's trying too hard to be morrison-lite. It stated off well but Flex Mentallo is just... there , it's like Way just wants to say he used him, like it'll look good on his resume. His Jane is awful too...


>Flex chasing Chad
>That quote
Okay, not much in this issue that made me laugh but that got me.

He seems to be trying some new characterization for Flex, we'll see how it works out

>Casey gets terry pregnant somehow.
I would have expected one of them to use the d at least


>Ms None
Wait, is she related to Number None?

Niles’ enthusiasm for fucked up shit is truly enlightening.

someone post scans of how this happened or their sex scene?

Better than Steven Universe

Ah, Chief.

There are none sadly. This kinda came out of nowhere

I thought they had sex before and she fell out of a window


So far flat. Really flat.

>die in an anticlimax

Poor Disappointment

Did they? The problem with these month long delays means that I kinda forget what's been happening

>The "Milk" from Milk Wars is Terry's birth splooge

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww. sip Ewwwwwwwww



And that's it already. Tune in in two months for the next exciting installment of: Casey wants to fuck everyone!

So what did you all think of today's issue anons? Personally it's not my favorite of this run, seems to be mostly building up towards Milk wars.

The constant delays fucked it up. The individual issues are still good, though.



I have the first few issues collected and it really does wonders for the pacing. I think it's a good idea to re-read everything when the run is done

I'm gonna be posting the preview stuff now. But the storytime is basically over. So feel free to shitpost and discuss Doom Patrol.

On another note, the fucking "click until there are none left" captchas are killing me. Why are they so fucking slow?







And that's all I have, now we can talk about more important matters. Such as: "Why are Jane and Cliff the cutest couple in comics?" and "Why is Mr Nobody so great?"

Disagree. It started out well but right now it's devolved into "lol Morrison reference xD". Seriously, this reads like a cheap knockoff.

Rita best grill


Flex is the best.

This issue feels sooo rushed. There is not enough stuff in there to feel like there is a connection between Terry and Casey, and Lucius gets redeemed just half an issue after he joins the Brotherhood of Nada. Also they just go over the facts that Terry is Nobody's daughter and that $#!+ was part of his plan all along.
It's like this was supposed to be more issues but they had to hurry it because they don't want to delay Milk Wars.

And why is Terry suddenly evil?

I don't get what people are complaining about.

It's a fun comic, much more fun than anything else I've seen on stands. It's not Morrison's run but nothing really can be. And after so many bad runs and so much obsession with the original team, it's nice to see someone just run with the team being weird again.

Again not deep, but I've seen too many failed deep and dramatic comics that something that's just a fun, crazy ride is great.

I agree. Cliff and Jane are the best.

>lolsorandum the plot
Given I didn't hear shit about this comic here until Casey had sex with her cat, I'm going to guess that was the high point of this comic.

I was just expecting something more than another fun, light hearted cape comic, which we get by plenty on the stands.

I already told my old man, do not trust girls with nice legs that look good in tight suit

I always thought she was evil, since the very first thing we saw her do was blow up Casey's roommate/landlord guy


>so much obsession with the original team
And this is way too obsessed with Morrison's run.
The pacing is crap, it's all rushed, the delays suck ass but it sure as hell doesn't help that Way too isn't trying to fit much into each issue. I actually like Casey a lot but... why is Flex there? Just to stand around and do a quip per issue? Y'know, I wasn't mad when he showed up be cause I still think there's some story left in him but so far he's just along for the ride, he's just... there, he serves no purpose and he doesn't have the charm he had under Morrison's pen. Grant and Frank don't like the fact that Way is using Flex so there's that too. And why use Jane at all if she's a completely different character? And let's not pretend like this Sane Jane isn't boring as fuck.
Other than that it just feels like a rip off of the Morrison run, Cliff goes into Jane's head again except it's not a powerful issue, it's just a shallow little moment that retreads old ground in a less subtle and polished way. Now we're getting Not!Jack? Don't even get me started on Mr. Nobody
>Hey remember the Brotherhood of Dada? Well, how about the Brotherhood of Nada? Bwahaha complete with an all new cast of characters with kinda weird powers lol xD also where wrecking havoc for no reason lol
And much like Flex or Jane, Nobody just doesn't have the charm he had under Morrison...
I mean, yeah its not horrible but it's all incredibly derivative and shallow. Why can't he just create his own shit? I rather like his own creations...
The scene with Lucius hearing his parents argue is some real hack shit man... Like holy shit, talk about a shitty cliche that was never good.
You said
>It's not really Morrison's run but nothing really can be
But the problem is that it tries to be Morrison's run instead of being it's own thing.

Oh you took care of that cat alright

But if they are both female why did Brinke become pregnant and not Terry?

>This will never be answered

Didn’t she also have sex with said cat?





>Grant and Frank don't like the fact that Way is using Flex so there's that too
as a bonehead?

Yesssssssssssss I love Nobody
Flex has been pretty good so far this run

is there a word for this fetish?

Not "the way Way is using him", the fact that Way is using him. Flex Mentallo is the dream of two scottish boys, they should leave him alone.
But yeah, on top of that Way's Flex sucks.

Does anyone know why this series gets delayed so often? Is it Way or the artist?


When did Mr. Nobody have sex to make a daughter?

Does he even have a penis?

A virtual penis.

Just like the rest of him.

I really hope everyone is aware of how Rita was revived already since I don't want a rehash of that.

Clearly having a penis in this world is not needed for reproduction.

because casey already is pregnant from her cat silly. terry got pregnant because she wasnt already

How come young animal doesn't suck? I don't get

I like it. I like this version of Flex. I love the art.
I like morrison's run; it's one of my favorite comics. I give no fucks how feels about this one.

does larry even go to fights anymore? because it seems like it would be more practical to let keeg out back at their base if there isn't a time limit, rather than sleeping on the battlefield.

did they ever explain the 3 holes on larrys chest?
are they still there?
it seems kinda strange to introduce them only for them to do nothing and then take them away

why is Rita mentioned in both this and watchmen 2: the day after?