ITT: The Greatest Speeches
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>nothing but an ad for communism
Never change, Hollywood.
wtf, are these guys brothers or something?
We can like share everything man
We're like, all the same species man
>not wanting to conquer shit
god what a cuck.
He was better when he ate shoelaces
>He was better when he ate shoelaces
Most people do not understand this speech though.
The dictator is basically saying to the people that they should not do the dictator's will, that they should be free. But the people dont want it, and instead shill to the dictator even more.
You can see his face in the last seconds. Its not a face of a happy man.
I too liked that when I was an edgy 14 year old
[final solutions will be provided for in critical incubators for the Independent.States.Inc. Califates of America united [x] ]
Al-ham-dulill-ah الله ملاك العلم يأتي الآن
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It may seem strange, but Islo-science and the islology of human race can be measured with the tool known as "dianetics". This has been modified for the purpose of Allah.
ليوم تذكير
[disconnect] [gender.route. err] [machinitransmofology]
Social Justice Matriarchy is at the top of the muslim community ethics, and something we will all fight for. Allah works in scientific ways, that western women just cannot comprehend.
We support our sisters in Allah who try to convert the sjw of the west.
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Nasheed [ Nashīd أناشيد ]
Djinn الجن,
אוב (الجان al-jānn)
Dybbuk לִדבּוֹק
> [acquired knowledge inserted]
> This has been modified for the purpose of Allah:
ليوم تذكير ▲ (ctr)
TFW Faggot Socialism unto the definition.
Fucking terrorist.
Say that to any nigger. It won't change anything.
>all these butthurt alt-righters in this thread
I mean fuck, it's not like everything he says could not be applied both ways.
>the bigotry of identity politics fringe left
>democratic dictators who completely lost touch and gave up on people thinking they can manipulate them trough media
>left that refuses to fight for principles unless there is money on the line
>people uniting against the system and taking back the power trough vote
This moves me to tears every time
What a shock a jew telling us to be communist. No matter the time period they just do the same thing over and over.
1:22 hitler jacking off
Chaplin was an unfunny cunt. Laurel and hardy (or harold lloyd) are the patrician choice.
>doing away with national barrier
How is EU doing?
>he would make outrages claims like he invented the question mark
I need to rewatch this one day
Look how scared he looks at the end. That's how Trump feels.
how does he figure? liberals are mostly poor
ikr LOL! :DD