Our border is a mess ilegal khajit get in everyday We get their crime and their skooma and they get out spetims is not fair folk.. not fair... they arent sending their best let me tell you that
Those dark elves refugees... we dont know nothing about them, and the empire is sending then here by the thousands they are not necesarily good people.
The Empire is ripping us off in trade
I win in Cyrodiil all the time I cant believe this trade deals folks
Never again will Skyrim and Its people fall to the false song of imperialism
My oponent general Tullius is the thalmor candidate. The thalmor not necesarily wants whats best for skyrim they are lobbies people wake up.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm convinced that siding with the Stormcloaks was the right choice this entire time. Stormcloaks was nationalism while Empire was globalism. It's implied in the game that Hammerfell cut ties with the Empire and now those KANGZ are holding out just fine against the Thalmor. When you also look at the influences for all the races in Elder Scrolls you can blatantly see that the Dark Elves were influenced by ancient Hebrew culture. Skyrim Nords weren't racist, they just simply saw the Jewish threat.
Bethesda predicted our elections.
The Stormcloaks were right, but Ulfric was a piece of shit
>tfw just witnessed nords bullying a dark elf waifu in windhelm
Are Dark Elves the sjws of Skyrim?
¸open console
>select dark elf
>Ulfric is a tool for the Thalmer to weaken the Empire.
Does that mean the globalists plan was to have Trump win all along?
bethesda predicted the reefuge crisis
imperialism is enforcing your civilization on everyone
globalism is destroying every civilization until there is nothing left but greed and lust (fags buying apple products being a prime example)
but tullius was a puppet of the thalmor come on people wake up
The empire doesnt win anymore
even nigg.. redguards won aganist the thalmor
Who is the best Skyrim girl to marry, Sup Forums?
Fuck off, sleeper agent of the Thalmor.
not disagreeing, if you're enforcing your shit civilization then your version of imperialism is shit
I'm just saying imperialism is different from what we call globalism
the vampire girl; Serana
HOLY, I'm installing Skyrim again and killing every Dunmer I can find
She was literally fucked to death by this guy. How can you even compete?
globalism is american imperialism. that's the true redpill.
>shitting on white
>shitting on christians
>shitting on family values
>shitting on free speech
>shitting on pretty much all the traditional american values and constitutional amendments
>armerican imperialism
t. schlomo
>be Nord soldier
>coming home to Skyrim from Cyrodiil after many years of fighting fucking elves
>walk into a trap, find out some blubberhead named Ulfric has started a civil war at home
>killed the king due to the king's allegiance to the Empire
>the dipshit actually manages to get caught in the trap along with myself
>"i'm gonna kill this fucking idiot if i ever get loose..."
>suddenly, dragon
>manage to get free
>join Empire again in order to get to this idiot and fuck his day up
Yeah. I join the Empire. Why? Because rather than being smart and hiring the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild, and ambushing Thalmor shits along the roads like I do, he started a stupid war with the elf-hating Imperials.
He didn't fight like a revolutionary. He fought like an idiot and lost like an idiot because it turns out, he's not the only one who can yell loud.
Oh, and because I never get grief from Imperial soldiers while out on the road, unlike those Stormbergs.
Also, Whiterun, Falkreath, Markarth, Solitude, and Morthal are neater and better run towns than Riften, Windhelm, and what's left of Winterhold.
Stormcloaks being played by Thalmor sadly.
Jokes on Thalmor, the Dragonborn is on the Stormcloaks side.
ulfirc is a thalmor plant
Muiri from Markarth. just hope she'll never hold a grudge against you.
I cant fucking believe after everything we been throught people still supports the empire and their thalmor jewish overlords. They want you to accept dark elves and argonians and to melt with them. Thats sounds like globalism bullshit to me
this pic is as retarded as your country is
>Picking the wrong Elder Scrolls game to make this post
>Not realising that this is an actual secondary narrative thread within Morrowind
>Make Vvardenfell Great Again
>The Empire has already built The Wall, too.
newfag plz
>Skyrim Nords weren't racist
>not just stalking her to her home and murder her
bernie was a chaos candidate. dont fool yourself. his policies would lead to a revolution. a revolution the faggots would lose
>People think that a free Skyrim will somehow stop the Thalmor instead of a United Septim Empire
I'm siding with General Tullius/Pence
Accept the green pill.
Look how serious the General is, and look how niggerfied and slack Ulfric is.
The choice is clear.
Grelka, the angry female shopkeeper in riften.
>Leaving? Take the world by storm, dearest
Holy shit that is fucking hilarious
sylgja or ysolda
Aela the Huntress, Muiri or possibly Mjoll the lioness. Mjoll's dialogue can become tedious after a while though.
Unfortunately they weren't. The reasons the empire made their decisions that seemed to forsake their beliefs was to make a political play against their main opposition and feign cooperation to then later make a greater play to wipe them out.
I bet you like imperials cocks up your arse
Imperials are SJW
The fuck is her problem?
Literally Mjoll the Lioness. She can stay home and play the housewife or go on adventures with you. Sometimes I do wish she'd qft, but that's true of any woman.
after downloading this mod, of course
>bad guy is a politician
>the protagonist is only able to indict him thanks to an e-mail not being deleted
Are Capcom red-pilled?
Muiri is cute with Bijin Wives installed.
fus roh dah her right in the pussy
Borgakh the Steel Heart. She's my orc waifu.
>orc waifu
Aela 100%
>not wanting occasional werewolf reverse rape
I play orc, so I don't race mix like the (((thalmor))) want me to
I race mixed with a thalmor
I feel like technically that's cool and you're helping the good fight by fucking their elf bitches.
Tulius is Bill, tired and fed up
Elsif is Hillary, an angry figurehead
Alduin is Obsma, big, black, and in charge
Ulfric is Trump
Elenwen is Soros
Hadvar is Bernie because you went with Ralof anyway
Here's more for a bump.
What is chim?