/Italy/ thread: Italians here. Foreigners ask us anything Sup Forums related

DISCLAIMER: This is not Sup Forums. Many Italians are here and we would love to answer your questions to the best of our knowledge... but we will keep it Sup Forums and world-news related (wars, conflicts, LGBT rights, church, migrants, etc.).

DISCLAIMER 2: Bantz are welcome, but let's keep this thread as meaningful as possible. English will be the main language.

In the following post, I'll give you an outline of our incoming referendum (for those of you who don't lurk Sup Forums just for the lulz). The post was originally conceived for a thread on non-Trump-related world news here:

Other urls found in this thread:


Here is some background info on upcoming events. Just in case someone doesn't have a clue what's going on here.

Italy is going for a big referendum.

Background is neatly explained by Wikipedia:
>The Italian Parliament is described as a perfectly symmetric bicameral legislature, in that it has a lower house (the Chamber of Deputies) and an upper house (the Senate of the Republic) with the following characteristics:
>[1] The two houses are elected simultaneously and for the same five-year term.
>[2] The Government must have each house's confidence, and is responsible to both of them.
>[3] All legislation must be passed in the same text by both houses: whenever a bill is amended by either house, it must be sent to the other one in a potentially endless process known as the navetta parlamentare (parliamentary shuttle).
As you might imagine, this system is shit for many reasons:
>[a] Countless MPs roaming the country
>[b] Two houses are elected *at the same time* (unlike Amerifag Congress, which is renewed 33% every 2 years)
>[c] Difference is the Lower House is voted by people 18+, whereas the Upper House is voted by people 25+
>[d] Other difference is the shape of the Districts are Different (we have less senators than deputies).

The new referendum proposes to:
>[1] Lower House will be the legislative bodies
>[2] Senate number of MPs is reduced
>[3] Senate will legislate only on certain matters
>[4] Members of the Senate will not be elected directly by the people -- rather, they will be elected by the members of Regional Councils (akin to State Governments in Australia). So, basically, every Regional body elects its own representatives to the Senate.
>[5] President of the Republic is still allowed to nominate up to 5 Senators for life (usually: scientists, statesmen, Nobel prizes, and former Presidents), which will weight more considering the number of Senators is reduced from about 350 to 95.

Maybe I'll repost this again when Amerifags are woken up and running. Usually it is them the biggest respondents.

is Berlusconi still around?

How long ago did Italians stop being white?

hello fellow Italians

How bad is your economy actually?

Heard that graduates are lucky if they earn €1200 in Italy. That's below our minimum wage here. And the cost of living isn't that much lower in Italy.

How do you make traditional spaghetti mario?

Rucola on pizza before or after its cooked?


I still don't understand what this referendum is for

ok, for real. no fucking memes.

do you dip the bread in the oil, and if not, why is it even there?

how do i make good red sauce??

>do you dip the bread in the oil
No, it's an american thing
>why is it even there?
What is there, the bread or the oil? You put it on your salad or whatever

Unluckily yes. He is probably the main reason the center-right wasn't able to develop an alternative candidate to him (meme candidates aside such as Salvini).

It taste really good man


ok that's probably why americans are doing it wrong.

>or whatever

what else would you put it on? pasta?


Giving more power to the government, replacing senators with the incredibly corrupt politicians from regions, mandatory female quotas in polictics, inserting the EU in the constitution and more nonsensical stuff.

Fuck no.

you "cook" (heat it on the grill until it's slightly burned) the bread slice and the you scrab garlic on it. Then add a bit of salt and oil. If you want you can also put on it fresh tomatoes with oil and salt and basil or oregano.

please teach me the ways of making good pasta sauce

Salad, mozzarella, caprese, vegetables, anything else uncooked that needs more flavour.

You can put it on your pasta if you aren't using a sauce, on some types of cured meat or whatever you want if you feel like it

Berlusconi is still the leader of his political party, the biggest on the right wing parties still, Forza Italia. He was condemned to social labour three years ago for tax shanenigans (too old to go to prison) so now he can't enter the senate for other three years and cannot enter the parliament anymore.
He probably will not become a major political character again. He's too old, having more than eighty years now, and is recently having serious health issues related to his heart.

You can dip the bread in almost anything, but you don't have to if you don't want.

So you are going to vote yes or no?
And why?

why did you betray us in two world wars?

/k/ here.


Who do you like more Spain or Greece?

How can i prove that my great grand parents were italian so i can go to bologna university

Of course I'll vote no, and the reason for that should be obvious, I don't want ANY of that nonsense. To top it off Renzie made a personal matter out of it.

Can you meme Andrea Dipre to be you PM?

50% of bread usage in italy is for Scarpetta
Basically you dip a piece of bread in what remains of your sugo after youre done eating the pasta

His post heavily implies he's voting NO (as I am) for the reasons he stated.

Im ok with giving more power to the government desu

Hi my Nonno and Nonna came to from Caulonia after ww2, I've never been back to Italia but i'd like to see my family is the deep south shitted up with migrants ?

ITT people that will vote no.

Could you elaborate on "mandatory female quotas" and "inserting EU in the constitution"?
I know the referendum takes away power from the regions needlessly, giving it to the government, and that senators become unelected and "picked from mayors/regional councils", and I'm against all that, but I never heard of this before.

Why was the Italian army so shit in ww2?

what does the ratio of brown to white people look like when you walk the streets of italy?

Don'r you fear the Salvini coming up?
Yesterday he looked quite like Trump.
Also I'm really inclined to vote no cause I like the actual Parliamentary system and also Berlusconi was quite better, with all his shiting, that actual Renzi.

is religion strong there?
how difficult is your language?
how are housing and/or land prices there?

went to Rome for my honeymoon. stayed at a place called the Hotel Napoleon.

absolutely LOVED Rome. everyone who can should go for a week or so.

that is all.

There is Richard Benson that is much better choice

Should padania secede from Italy and create their own nation? Free from southern shitskins and mafioso corruption?

>is religion strong there?
it's widespread but very relaxed
>how difficult is your language?
really difficult, surprisingly so
>how are housing and/or land prices there?
expensive as fuck

what are italian girls like? How's the dating scene in italy? Also why do you guys live at your parents up into your 30s?

This was my impression after reading it as well.
How is unemployment and the job market?

Is your court system going to be reformed or streamlined?

Why is Nutella so goddamn delicious?

>what are italian girls like?
clingy psichopaths
>How's the dating scene in italy?
>Also why do you guys live at your parents up into your 30s?
good luck finding a job that pays enough to get your own house

I don't like Salvini at all, but at least he's anti-immigration. Better than what we have right now. I wouldn't vote for him, but wouldn't mind if he "came up". I'm terrone btw.
We don't really have any good choice right now.

Also, voting for a SHIT reform just because you're scared some innocuous memelord might become PM if it loses, vs the shit we have right now, is bad.

>difficult language
>housing and land is expensive as fuck
well fugg

It depends where you go in the deep south. I don't think it's as bad as you might think. Most migrants aim to get to the north and enter europe, not many actually stay.
Anyways I don't think you'll have a easy time in the deep south if you speak only english.

Religion is strong as fuck here. Cardinals regularly pry into politics stating many unnecessary things. The state even allows the churches some tax priviledges.
Italian is more difficult than english by a fucking landslide. It's mid-tier difficult overally.
Dunno about housing prices.

Mafia and organized crime is everywhere, the north is no exeption. Don't delude yourself.

It's difficult to find a stable job that pays enough to get a loan from banks. Also most youngsters finish university around 25yo and only then start looking for a job.

come on you know it's not possible; Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont and Emilia are the regions that carry all of Italy on their back so nobody would allow them to secede

They live at home because real estate prices are too high. And also strong family values.

it's easy to speak some basic italian and be understood, but good luck learning it well

IIRC for now it's just a push for more females in the parliment with the scope of eventually having an even number, and the EU in the constitution is substituting the EC. It's not substantial but still.

Why would I fear Salvini? He may be shit sure, but he'd be certainly better than Renzie, M5S fuckwads or most cuckservatives.

No and you're either a retard or very unaware of the current situation if you seriously suggest that.

Leave home, white man!

I'm not worried about Salvini, his memes are extremely weaks and people don't sympathise with him. As little as he has done, I think Renzi is still our best bet for keeping Italy alive.

The economy is 100% fucked. We have some sectors that are still productive and innovative, but very little left. I blame italian work culture on this, because individual initiative is not valued at all and it ends up that everyone just waits for someone to tell him what to do. Part of the blame is also on the bureaucracy that makes everything hypercomplicated, and on the huge taxation on enterprise/independent workers

When south invaded the north

If I had to choose, I would say Spain but I like Greece a lot too.

kek, implying the north isn't owned by mafia. This shit has posed roots everyfuckingwhere, even beyond our borders. I fucking hate mafia.

A bit of salt

Palm oil

I will vote no. I refuse to centralize power in (((their))) hand

>is religion strong there?
It's a facade mostly, I doubt many give a damn
>how difficult is your language?
pronunciation is straightforward (it follows some rules with rare/no exceptions), grammar is rather hard. The annoying part is verbs I think
>how are housing and/or land prices there?
it really depends but I would say rather expensive at least by our metrics.

That's not part of the referendum though, just a consequence of Renzi staying, right? I find that attacking direct consequences of the reform works best to convince people to vote NO, and drop the "Renzi leaves" bomb for last when they're half convinced already.

Do people miss Benito? Do they long for glorious fascism? How is CasaPound doing?

Is Super Eurobeat relevant in Italy and/or are any of the people in this video known to the Italian public?


Casa pound is not even in parliament, and yes, we miss the DVCE

What's the situation with Lgbt rights in Italy?

i know cpi is not in parliament but it isn't a parliamentary movement. tell me, is it well known? what do italians think of it? meme-tier or sort of cool?

Why do you guys hate whole grain pasta?

Bread I get, but white pasta and whole grain pasta taste the same

If you are in Italy, choose one and one only.
Meme tier. The only populist movement is Movimento 5 Stelle, Beppe Grillo (founder) probably wakes up in the morning with Erika as alarm but he can't say shit in public because he needs more votes to flip the switch so we have to tolerate the few cucks within.

>Usually it is them the biggest respondents

Should be

>Usually they are the biggest respondents

Anyway. I found out that my ancestors emigrated to Ellis island in the early 1900s from Italy. They came from the region of Avellino from a town named Scampitella (sorry if I spelled names wrong). Are we based?

Casa Pound has a terrible reputation and only edgy memelords and retarded skinheads support it seriously. It doesn't even have much presence and is only relevant in Rome, even then not by much.

Fascism is banned by law here and the shadow of another dictatorship still scares the population. It's actually one of the most prominent reasons for voting "No" in the upcoming constitutional referendum.

Nope senpai

They think they're violent fascists. For what I know they clean some parks and oppose eviction directed to poor Italian families. They actually doubled their votes, going from 7000 from the previous election to 14000, but we're still talking about 1.something %, very low.

I used to know quite a few Italians and go there a few times. They seemed quite racist (they were Northern Italian, they thought the south was Africa). My impression is that the country went a lot more liberal.
Are you still racist? How's your refugee and nigger problem?
Also, how's the sentiment towards the EU? Is it true that the young turning against it, and becoming a bit more right wing? Any chance of Italexit?

Eurobeat was very popular in the eighties here in italy but no one called it like that. It's dead now.

fugg :/

most shadilay lyrics in english pls

there were a shitload of italian city states through the decades and now plenty regions want to cut off their ties to the state and want to become indipendent, i'm curious if the republic is the ideal form of government for italy? what could it be?

It's more the north shitted with migrants than south. Last time I was in Milan it looked like fucking Africa.

Aren't there any translations? I can work on it.

The Northerners can go suck a big fat cock like the cucks they truly are. They butcher the language with their gay lisp (they sound exactly like that when they speak italian).
That being said, hatred against niggers is universal, from north to south. People endorsing immigration live on tv are told to fuck off regularly and people are understanding that the (((EU))) is behind them.

There is no more right wing in Italy except Salvini, and he has a double digit IQ and the south fucking hates him. We got M5S taking a shitload of votes tho, and they are drifting towards the right more and more.

how big are your Muslim issues? as I understand, they know their place in South Italy, but North Italy is more cucked?

found it

cosmic absolute, regular reality
breath of a image/concept, syntony of civilizations
confused descendants of rebel cells
I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it
if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop
oooh oooh

shadilay shadilay my freedom
shadilay shadilay oh no
shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality
shadilay shadilay oh no
(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished
I will stop
set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea

metallic harmony, CONCRETE/REAL REALITY
electronic videoclip, praise of civilizations
confused descendants of rebel cells
I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it
if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop
oooh oooh

shadilay shadilay my freedom
shadilay shadilay oh no
shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality
shadilay shadilay oh no
(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished
I will stop
set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea

Isn't the Italian coast guard rescuing like thousands of Africans from sinking ships every week though?


>there were a shitload of italian city states through the decades and now plenty regions want to cut off their ties to the state and want to become indipendent, i'm curious if the republic is the ideal form of government for italy? what could it be?

Regionalism. Every region would have its own budget and forced to get its shit together. But our politicians can't have it because there is much more money to be scammed otherwise
Hinduism, Buddhism and LDS church are recognized religion.
Islam isn't ;^)

>hatred against niggers is universal
Correct. In fact, southern italian are worse than niggers.

pan, nice and hot.
olive oil, a sprinkle of salt, pepper
winchester sauce, mix well

Yeah but they are going straight to germany, france or sweden because they risk big by staying in the south (we have slavery) and the gibs are better. We don't want them and they don't want us

Probably, I'd have to reread the fucking thing - I'd rather go to sleep after taking a stroll than doing that.

>I find that attacking direct consequences of the reform works best to convince people to vote NO, and drop the "Renzi leaves" bomb for last when they're half convinced already.
Yeah I'd be inclined to agree with that. But as I already said the little cuck already made it a personal matter and I don't think that the people that will get bothered with vote are THAT forgetful.

Some people do miss him. Most are retards that fell for the cult of personality meme and don't even have a clue of what fascism was about.

The consistency is downright terrible and the taste is noticeably different.

chop some tomatoes a big carrot an onion and some celery and basil put in a big pot, add a piece of garlic and if you like some chili pepper. Cook until carrot becames soft. Than filter everythig in the "passatutto" (I don't know the english but pic related). Now you have a very liquid sauce: cook it with the lowest flame until it's at the right compactness. At the end add salt. It takes about 2-3 hours depending on the quantity. I suggest also a few oil on the dish and parmigiano if you like

I've been in Milan for two weeks, it looked like fucking Nigeria if they deported some gypsies in it. Most northern regions are landlocked hellholes filled with niggers and gay accents

un sentito vaffanculo anche a te, terrone

>and I don't think that the people that will get bothered with vote are THAT forgetful.
I'm shilling to people who wouldn't otherwise vote though.

Why do Southern Italians chose poverty, struggle and suffering over success and happiness?