New York Times publisher vows to 'rededicate' paper to reporting honestly

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WTF!?? its like they are admitting they have been telling lies all this time.

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Huffington Post must be on suicide watch this week

Just bad journalism
Bunch of preppy educated city kids reporting on preppy educated city life

Just bad journalism
Bunch of preppy educated city kids reporting on preppy educated city life
Honestly thinking everyone voting for hillary and can't comprehend any other thought

No Jew York Times. You're done. You made your grave now sleep in it.

While I appreciate their effort for damage control, I can't help but still be dissatisfied with this half-assed apology.

>We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign
That is the worst non-apology ever.

I don't think there's too much room for that when you're supposed to be reporting FACTS.

>We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign

This is the sort of apology you deliver when you're not apologizing. Board of Directors demanded some degree of damage control, pride overtook midway and this is the result.

they could start by canning 99% of the journalist working there

>We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential canpaign

Cmon guys, (((Sulzberger)))

>ew York Times publisher vows to 'rededicate' paper to reporting honestly

Jeebus goy! I promise not to lie to you again!

Fuck the fucking kikes.

Whites could turn pagan tomorrow. They will hate you because you are the spitting image of the saints in the Church.

You Freemasons are fucking cuck idiots.

>We aim to rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism..that is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor
>We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign

pick one NYT. Are they tanking financially?


Friendly reminder that none of these Jews were "wrong" or "out of touch".

They knew what they were doing. They were propagandists and still are.

all members of NYT staff should be brought into the streets and shot dead

>Guy lies to your face for two years
>Is exposed and humiliated
>Asks you to trust him because he totally changed

(((jew york slimes)))

MSNBC too.
Morning Joe admits the media stopped being journalists and became cheerleaders.

No, they're saying that they will "fight the oppressive system that Trump represents." They honestly believe that they are the good guys and were doing the right thing by smearing Trump right out of the gate. Now they are "claiming solidarity" with their leftist brethren and saying they "will stand against the evil that is Trump" or some leftist drivel like that. They really are that deluded and I have no doubt that these are the sorts of thoughts that were going through that writer's mind as he wrote that.


>t-trust us goyim, we made a mistake, but nobody's perfect, huh?

Every. Fucking. Time.

If the NYT were the target of a domestic terror attack, do you think it would garner sympathy for the paper and prevent them from failing?

Wouldn't it be better to just let them fail on their own?

Purely hypothetical question

Joe is Joe. I actually like him and Mika more than a lot of the Fox anchors, t b h f