Do you guys really think homosexuality is a choice?

Do you guys really think homosexuality is a choice?

I most certainly didn't choose to be gay.

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>I most certainly didn't choose to be gay.

You made the right choice, bro. Fucking faggots.

I don't really give a shit either way, desu. Just don't act like a flamboyant faggot and advertise your sexuality to every person you meet.

Straight people do it all the time talking about vagina's and shit

> Fucking faggots.
lol, homo


Ain't nothing gay 'bout getting your dick sucked!

My bf is gay so idm

Being gay is fine as long as I don't know this. I want to imagine everyone is asexual until I inquire about that shit.

burn fags to hell

Can people honestly say they have no immediate, gut instinct adverse reaction to homosexuality? I'm not even saying it's wrong or that gays shouldn't get married or whatever...I think that's fine if that's what they want to do.

But everyone acts like the only reason people don't like homosexuality is because of church brainwashing. I never was preached anti-gay stuff in church at all and I still had a natural aversion and, frankly, disgust of gay stuff.

I've learned to deal with it, and it really doesn't matter when I'm talking to someone who happens to be gay. I don't care that they are gay in that moment. I don't care that they are gay period really. I'm just saying when I think about actual gay stuff, even a man kissing a man, there's still an instant recoil.

Am I really that weird and bad of a person for feeling this way? I think I'm pretty normal.

It just seems odd to act like gay acceptance is perfectly normal. But maybe it is and I'm just fucked up for some reason? Please help.

You may not have consciously chosen, but probably also weren't born with a fag gene.

You probably have faggy emotional issues that drove you to suck a dick, or you got (((mindfucked))) by the culture manipulation that tricked you into being a faggot.

Yeah, but you do choose to suck dick.

Heterosexuality is objectively the massive majority. Gonna have to deal with it faggot. Nobody asked you to smoke/smuggle pole.


It's a birth-defect.

Gay is just a fetish stroked into existance by a lethargic periless life. It's not right to kill someone over a fetish, but it's not important. The fact that it's a major political issue is fucking mad.

Leave it to the states, let Cali and some shit give fags marriage, who cares. Move on to more important shit.

I'm fine with gay people as long as they don't act degenerate. Mardi gras and shit like that where people walk the streets dressed in bondage gear is fucking degenerate

We are normal, as god and evolution intended, not you, so don't advertise it.

>But everyone acts like the only reason people don't like homosexuality is because of church brainwashing. I never was preached anti-gay stuff in church at all and I still had a natural aversion and, frankly, disgust of gay stuff.

Maybe you were just traumatized by Boy George as a kid and don't even remember it anymore.

Sounds kinda gay, dude.

It's triggering you on a primal level. It's natural. Being gay is not. My mom is lez.

Protip: I wasn't made in a test tube. Being gay is a choice

Yeah, I mean, think about it. Sticking your dick in a butthole is pretty degenerate. It's like licking a toilet seat. It's just nasty. Pussy on the other hand is like snorting a line of testosterone.

>I'm fine with degenerates as long as they are not degenerates

Gay people don't just want to be accepted, they want the whole world to know it, that's the fucking problem, it's disgusting for heterosexual men which is the majority so don't fucking do it.

A cockroach doesn't have a choice in being born a cockroach but that doesn't mean I won't stomp on it if I see one in my kitchen.

Yeah because it feels good?

Not in a millions years would I ever want to sleep with a woman.

>1 post by this ID

Post pic where you cum on a printout of pic related.

You again? Fuck off mate. Find a healthier way to piss away your free time.

>didn't choose to be gay
You didn't choose but you didn't say no.

Do what you want but shut up about it.

hahahahahaha, just stop being a faggot, dude

like, walk away from male butts, idk

Cry me a river.

Try being born zoo.

It was never a choice.

It's not more a choice than any other mental illness.

>tfw no pol bf


this thread again. what answer are you looking at?

same questions with same answers everyday

Yes, most of us have an instinctive revulsion to the concept.

See, the thing is that - There's a lot you can't explain, but which just feels viscerally wrong to you. Why not fuck animals or corpses? It doesn't do anyone any harm. But you can feel that it's wrong, as if something's telling you "What the flying fuck, man."

It's the same reason why we don't live in our own filth. We're hard-wired to recoil from it.

Why are you such a fucking attention whore that you come here looking for some conflict?

What do you expect? Rational debate?

Srsly fuck off, asshole.

I think it's due to hormonal imbalance during development.

Male butts are objectively better looking than female "butts"

Females are disgusting!

Speaking of homosexuality, what's the deal with people who've been abused/molested/raped as children having a significantly higher rate of homosexuality than those who haven't.

There's definitely some environmental factors there.

>I most certainly didn't choose to be gay.

I'm pretty sure when you hit that "Start a New Thread" button, you made a choice, OP.

Fags on my Sup Forums?

Homosexuality is a choice is the foundation of the SJWism. In fact they say there is no binary gender and gender identity and gender expression are social construct to justify all these retarded genders made up on Tumblr and stupid pronoun.
But if a gender is a social construct that mean changing the social experience (the society) around you will ending up changing your gender thus you will not be gay anymore (or trans or an helicopter or whatever). So basically they are supporting "The cure" for LGBT people.
Yes this is actually how fucking stupid the ideas third wave femminism and SJWs are founded, are.

People with at least two working brain cells believe one is born homosexual (or with gender dysphoria) or, like me, think "gay" is a sexual preference. Like bondage. It's your bed fuck whoever you want and do the play you want.

Homosexuality isn't a choice. Who would choose to be inferior?

Homosexuals are defective. I don't hate them for it, but I do tend to avoid them.
Studies have shown that what is called "homophobia" is deeper than a cultural construct, and actually has a biological basis. Stop being so apologetic about it, cuck.

I'm gay by default, but I can fuck a woman if necessary or bored. Not attracted to them in the slightest, however.

In addition, a couple of straights decided to be gay-for-a-day during a dry spell when we were bored.

There's a slight element of truth to the 'you choose to be gay' thing. One's dick or vagina really, truly doesn't care who's sucking or licking it.

all americunts are faggots.. imho

>Bunch of men talking about guns, relating over it
>You start talking about fashion design when it's clear none are interested
>Be surprised.

Don't talk about shit that they cannot relate to.

there's nothing you can do about being gay. you can suppress it and act straight but you'll be deeply unhappy and depressed

>le gay is unnatural
unless you're gay, then it is in fact natural for you

t. gay

Go back to 9fag

you choose to fuck a guy in the ass that is what you makes gay

Homosexuality is not a choice, only a mental deviancy.

Deviancy doesn't mean bad, but it doesn't mean you're normal and should advertise it all over the internet.

I think most gay people deep down would rather be straight aka "normal". Its not really a secret that the suicide rate for gay and transgendered is almost double than straight folks.

I've had sexual feeling towards guys since middle school but I didnt act on them till I was in my 20s. I'm 27 now and I can't even get hard to chicks anymore and it sucks. I can tell you if I had a choice I would rather be straight hands down. I don't really have an opinion on whether I was a product of my environment or I was born this way.

I remember when I was playing the sims 1 as a kid, and the dad of the house started making out with one of the male guests and it freaked me out.

I-is it ok if we could g-get mm-more Sup Forums and /lgbt/ tan shipping pics please..?

every top chooses to be gay

every bottom is a psychologically damaged self hating manchild

t. top

but you certainly did choose to make this thread today and yesturday and the day before that.

whats't going on with you colgate? no bf?

Try grindr.

I'm not a top.

And why do you care what I do in my bedroom?

I'm a faggot because i can't be bothered with women's shit.

When i have the funds and ability to, I'll get a surrogate white woman to carry my offspring and raise it with my husband.

Where you want to stick your dick isn't really anybodies business.

Trans is a mental disorder though, and should be treated by psychiatrists.

Also prostate orgasms are pretty fucking good.

>I think most gay people deep down would rather be straight aka "normal". Its not really a secret that the suicide rate for gay and transgendered is almost double than straight folks.
what else do you expect from living a society that, deep down at least, wants to tell you to kill yourself for being what you are?

You're allright
I don't have any interest in other dude's sexuality so i don't care about them being gay as long as they don't pull off some pants on head tier retardation prompting cis white males to check their privileges and suck black cocks the way americunt sjw like to do.
For this reason i i think gay haters might be closet faggets for according too much attention to other men's penises but whatever


>and evolution


Sure thing faggot

It I see two people of the same sex kiss in reality I usually go "ew".

Otherwise, just don't flaunt sexuality as if it's your identity.

>ou can suppress it and act straight but you'll be deeply unhappy and depressed
If you're gay, you're likely to be unhappy and depressed regardless.

>And why do you care what I do in my bedroom?
He cares about faggots. Thats why.

I consider sexual attraction to be like any other preference, it varies from person to person. Does someone who likes blonde's or dark skinned girls make a conscious choice to do so?

Now Transgenders, they simply suffer from mental delusions and are being pandered to rather than helped.

Why do you tell us what you do in your bedroom ?

There's your answer.

>tfw Sup Forums won't take you to Winterball


The thing is, it's not your fetish.

If it's not your fetish, why would you like it? It IS about sex, after all.

Like if you hated rimjobs and well look at that: a rimjob in your porn. Ew.

>It's natural is you're gay

I've seen several psychologists specializing in this topic, all of whom say there is no empirical difference between gay, straight, pedophilia, necrophilia, tits fetish, ass fetish, or anything else.

No difference. They're all just "fetishes".

Consider that it follows that, psychologically:

>It's natural if you're a pedophile

Welp. Whatever you say, user.

I don't though.

well, you are if you are suppressing your gaiety

Regardless of sexual orientation, that should be kept in privacy imho

It's not about faggots, it's about flamboyant special-snowflake faggots and their attempt to normalize it (and yes - make it a choice when it's not).

Wtf do you mean try grindr lol? Did I say I had trouble getting laid? No.

I would say the one of the few perks to being gay is easy sex.

Yes you did, you went out of your way to post here

It makes me uncomfortable if it's opposite sex, but not disgusted. No PDA, please.

I had a friend when I grew up. He was an utter and complete beta, the biggest beta ever, still a member of the drama club.

He was extremely in love with my sister, but also extremely shy. That didn't go anywhere.

He was also extremely in love with a girl I was on the student council with. He called me and stutteringly asked if I could mention his name sometimes. I went wtf? why? and he didn't really give a good answer and just hung up. That didn't go anywhere either.

Of course, now I realise he had read some theory that women become interested in guys they think about and hear about.

Five years later, he comes out as gay.

How would this have been different if he had actually gotten a girlfriend? I am not sure, but I doubt he would have come out as gay.

>what else do you expect from living a society that, deep down at least, wants to tell you to kill yourself for being what you are?
Even if society doesn't do that, gays are still depressed and suicidal.

Aren't 2 people allowed to kiss ob the street?

Are you really that sad?

Everytime you suck a dick your CHOOSING to do that.

You didnt come out of your moms twat gay faggot. you picked that shit up a long the way and you are now who you are.

It's weird. When I was a teenager, I was exclusively attracted to other boys. I hated that I was gay, but no matter how much I tried to run from it, my attraction to men was reality. When I was around 18/19 I finally accepted that I was gay and that it wasn't going to change. Then strangely, not long after, I started becoming attracted to girls. My attraction to men hasn't gone away, but I can legitimately enjoy having sex with girls now and many of my sexual fantasies now involve women.

I've come to the conclusion that being gay is a sad and empty life. So I've decided to not act on my homosexual desires and hopefully find a good woman to marry within the next 5 years who I can make lots of beautiful white babies with. So at least for me, being straight is a choice.

Is this at all normal? To be completely gay as a teenager and then kind of grow out of it (but not completely) as an adult?

A false equivalence I see from both sides.

Being gay means you're gay.

Doing gay things means you're doing gay things.

Being gay != doing gay things.

Anyone with a brain, regardless of religion, preference, etc., has no problem with being gay.

It's the gay things that attract attention.

>i've seen several psychologists who specialize in this topic ...

Sure, user. Sure you have.

Its a choice because NOW you choose NOT to be straight. You can choose to man up and fuck girls but you dont. Exactly what a faggot would do.

>Do you guys really think homosexuality is a choice?
>I most certainly didn't choose to be gay.
We didn't say it's your choice

Why am I not allowed to suck dicks though?

What's wrong with sucking dicks?

>Do you guys really think homosexuality is a choice?
>I most certainly didn't choose to be gay.

Homosexual activity is a choice, though.
Also, homosexuality and pedophilia are degenerate and shouldn't be promoted. Here is how you prevent them:

Easy sex is my least favorite thing about being homo. It's why we have biblical stigmas affiliated with our lifestyle.

>you're gay
Good one, kid.

You chose to act on those impulses

Yeah I dont buy into the society oppression bit either. Being gay is more acceptable then ever before and yet the rate hasnt changed.


I didn't choose it either. It's a mutation of sorts, something to live with like a chronic condition (diabetes, asthma, etc). Things used to be much more difficult. Now the key thing for me is distancing myself from SJW types. I find I get a pass to say stuff straights can't. So I use my condition to redpill others.

I have a stable and happy home life and a steady job. I'm doing OK.

>People kissing in the street

Go fuck yourselves. People do this, gay and straight, and make out and shit in public, and



Because it's degenerate.