Be me

>be me
>argue with my father
>he wants to "save" his fucking small village because it is his homeland(it is my homeland too)
>tell my father that small villages do not create any money. It's very costly and useless; we need to gather people in large cities to increase productivity.
>my father said, "But our ancestors have been living in this place, don't you miss your homeland?"
>I told "Fuck NO. Why the fuck we have to spend money on your nostalgia?, these small villages just waste money. It thinks these should be destroyed."
>The father said "But, life is not all about money. There are culture, tradition, and way of life."
>I said "culture? tradition? It's not the main goal of life. Life is always competition. We should do anything to win the competition."
>father said, "b-but I hoped you to inherit our ancestor's lands and re-build our homeland...."
>I told him "FUCK NO, I will move to America to be the great person. I don't want to waste money and time to preserve shitty culture and tradition. I would give these lands to refugees or immigrants if I could."

I think there are so many people who have same thinking with my father in Japan. I think they are true cancer of our society. They waste the ton of money and do not produce any shits. I hope these retards will die out for over competition between immigrants in labor market....

rich can't be rich without poor people.

>tell my father that small villages do not create any money. It's very costly and useless; we need to gather people in large cities to increase productivity

yes, goyim. yes. Time is money!

work hard and make money instead. forget your heritage and upbringing. Don't forget to pay those taxes though! We need them for Jamal and Shannee

Forget your old culture, you are multicultural now! We will pave over the old village and give you a lovely studio apartment in the city for the low low cost of $1200 per month.

OP you make this thread so many times.

You also make a bunch of similar threads so many times too.

OP, what is your endgame?

what is the point of these threads?

You are a fucking degenerate and your father deserves a real man as a son.

not even a week and this is posted again

onegai, roleplay-sama

Not again!!! Op justify yourself


What a fucking retard, commit sudoku immediately.

PS. Captcha is what you would be doing for the world

Do u have assburgers

nice pasta you fucking faggot

It looks like some need some non non biyori

Don't be such a mean cunt to your father.

Goodest of goys


living in the city disconnected from nature is depressing and unhealthy

This means thaz city cucks will pay a lot of money to spend their holidays in the countryside

This is your chance to become a fat pachinco addicted hotel tycoon takeshi

you can still emigrate to america if it doesn't work out

You are a failure for rejecting your family. Your ancestors weep over your selfishness.

made me rage/10

You have to go back


already been posted, fuck off. waste of repated digits.

Now that's quality bait


I have seen this before....