So what happens if Trump gets Kennedied?


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We get our Caesar.

This motherfucker invokes Christian sharia law.

Pence gets to power and will electrocute all the gays

God will protect him, even if you tied a stone to his leg and threw him in a river.

What's that streaming into the blistering his finger? Could it be meme magick?

he checkmated everyone when he made pence his VP
Go ahead, kill him. I fucking dare you.

Would there be civil war v 2.0?


Pence become gay slayer in chief and pope for life

Pence takes the wheel and actually becomes the nightmare the left thinks Trump is. This is known as an insurance policy.

Then Pence shifts to full inquisition mode and burns all non-straight, non-white, non-Catholic, non-republicans at the stake.

lynch all minorities

1 2 3 4 we declare a civil war

Civil War

The holy spirit.


5 6 7 8 Pence will shock all the queers straight

That means we skip onto one of the Punished Pence timelines, duh.

Why aren't we killing Trump-sama?

>in america
you mean whites?

Pence the Sigillite becomes the true SJW end of the world scenario

Mike "Like a Trap? Get the Zap" Pence
Mike "270+ Electoral Volts" Pence
Mike "Electroshock Your Love of Cock" Pence
Mike "An Ampere a Day Keeps the Gay Away" Pence
Mike "One Watt for Every Impure Thought" Pence
Mike "Follow God's Path or Feel Tesla's Wrath" Pence
Mike "These Fags I Will Not Kill, But You Gotta See My Electric Bill" Pence
Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
Mike "If Men Make You Jerk It, You Complete the Circuit" Pence
Mike "Clean Your Closet with an Electric Deposit" Pence
Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pence
Mike "If You Like Men, The Dials' Going to 10" Pence
Mike "Power for Queers Measured in Volts x Amperes" Pence
Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
Mike "The Orlando Shooting Gave Me a Hooting" Pence
Mike "Enola the Gays" Pence
Mike "A Silo Just For Milo" Pence
Mike "Believing in Evolution Explains Your Sexual Confusion" Pence

I hope no liberal would be dumb enough to do that. If people are afraid of trump being a bigot, they're in for a nasty awakening with pence

How do you kill a meme?

We would never betray the Trump

But yes I get downright giddy when I ponder what Pence would do

Then someone even more conservative who gives even less of a shit about being politically correct gets sworn in.

The 3D Chess meme gets overplayed but Trump knows how dangerous it is to be president. No liberal would dare kill him when it means handing Pence the white house

So what's the next step for those moloch worshiping, child sacrificing, orgy-addled degenerates? Colored revolution?

Better hope you like pussy

Do you think the dumb niggers marching realize/care about that? They just want trump dead because he beat /ourgirl/

He looks like he'd make a good electricity-based boss in a Metal Gear game.

Pence becomes president, sends the gays to the electric chair, drives the leftists into the sea, and then starts a crusade to take back Jerusalem and Constantinople from the filthy heathen.

You make it mainsteam

Correct. Through out the history of mankind their race has been consistent in one area - no forethought or consideration of consequences

Maximim kek to Pence getting in and potus and choosing an even more extreme vp for himself

because the Trump salt avalanche is so much better.

Probably a Civil War.

If people are acting out now because he was simply elected, his death would cause widespread rioting.

This country is, after all, full of morons.

Mike ''Faradays for gays'' Pence


This is my new favorite meme.

Because Pence is more likely to just be status quo guy. People wanted changes.

this. my digits will confirm

Big head = big splatter

Because Pence is more likely to just be status quo guy (apart from the gay shock therapy stuff). People wanted changes.

If Trump really didn't want to be Cobain'd he should have ran with Sarah Palin.

You can not force the hand of Kek

>therapy dogs and play doh

Literal pre school tier

If you kill your enemy they win.

Killing trump would raise our power sevenfold. We could compare him to jfk and we all know he's like normie tier idol. If he hadn't of died we'd all be peaceful right now is what some people believe lol.

Fucking dare these liberal fags to do it...I fucking dare them

The assassin's FB page is scoured by the NSA and FBI...god have mercy on whatever group his profile pic got changed to show support for, because the US Gov't sure won't show any. Sorry rainbow filters...

If it happens I hope (((they))) get Mike too. I'd rather see Paul as President.

I suspect republicans could kill Trump and blame democrats, just to turn america into dictatorship.


Pence is Trump's assassination insurance. Brilliant move.

the modern left are nothing but perpetual children who want an authoritarian figure to take care of them and release them from having to take responsibility for anything.

if trump gets kennedied

>your punishment will be more severe

Yeah but then he wouldn't have won considering Pence gave a safe feeling in the minds of many who were on the fence about voting for a renegade like Trump.
>After mourning for Trump after his assassination Pence finds out that the killer had a LGBT filter and makes it his mission to personally electrocute every homosexual and forms an actual right wing death squad

One thing not considered here is that if (((they))) can kill the president, then they would have no problem getting the VP too.

Also, perhaps seeing your bosses head blown off may deter radical changes by pence.

If they kill both the VP and the President Elect, wouldn't you, non-degenerate Americans fucking burn the Pentagon, Wall Street and fucking Comet Ping pong to the ground?

Pence becomes dictator.

>implying the people wouldn't suspect something is up when the assassinations stop at the cuck Speaker of the House

You mean our Marc Anthony?

When they ask you, where all the BBQ+ people went.

Pence will send all the faggots to the electric chair for harming the God Emperor.

Holy shit is this real?

was Pence actually an insurance policy?

American people don't give a shit about anything anymore, at least anything that can't be done while sitting at the computer.

I volunteer my rarest pepe as tribute. Please keep our saviour safe


I'm going to save that pepe and devalue the shit out of it by posting it everywhere

yes, actually.

take my rarest pepe too.
I'm willing to sacrifice everything to keep the Emperor safe.

why kill him while you can zap his bastard kids first?

Post rare pepes lads

It's the spirit of Nikola Tesla that he will channel to cleanse us of faggotry

i give my rarest for the emperor

>grown-ass people
>future experts in their respective fields
We are fucked.

Something like this:

more than you know

>(((educated))) whites
His smile perfectly encapsulates my attitude toward these perpetually assmad faggots

im going to be electrocuted



10th crusade?

A Trump assassination suddenly doesn't seem so bad anymore.


He's shutting Sup Forums down, where will you go faggot.

People need to stop thinking Pence is some sort of insurance policy. This isn't Republicans vs Democrats. This is Neocon Globalists vs non-shitheads. If Pence will play ball with neocon globilists, they'll kill Trump.


>he didnt post the best one
>Mike "Suck a cock, get a shock" pence

My favorite it still Mike "Donald picked me because my name rhymes with fence" Pence

Israel is extinguished.

The most likely assassin would be some fuck lucky BLM extremist capping our Lord Trump at a public event.

No he meant caesar you cuck.


Yes. When we say he is trumps life insurance....its literally life insurance.

Mike Pence will electrocute all the poor innocent gay people. So remember, anyone who kills Trump is a homophobe.

>Pence called himself Catholic in a 1994 news piece, although by 1995, he and his family had joined an evangelical megachurch, the Grace Evangelical Church.[2][227] In 2013, Pence said his family was "kind of looking for a church."[2] He has described himself as "a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order," and as "a born-again, evangelical Catholic

he's not a catholic
