Would an EU army be a good thing?
European Armed Forces
Destroy the EU
>The Forced Immigration SS (FTSS)
Yes, since Trump is going to disband NATO.
>Giving the cunts in Brussels a huge army
What could possibly go wrong?
>forcing each member to finally pay their fair share
>muh disband!1
You freeloading cucks should pay more than the 2% for being such bitches.
No. United Nordic army yes. After all the shit ofc.
Yes, NATO is dead now
where's mountnigger on the map?
Not a part of EU.
No such thing
No, it's our money, we didn't invest 25% of our military budget in nuclear deterence to defend your asses.
An EU army would be a terrible idea because the EU would be in control of it.
We have a common defense pact in the treaties, that's fine. If one EU state is attacked, all EU states are obligated to protect it. Britain will most likely remain committed to this. If/when NATO goes, European countries will just have to increase defense spending.
No. It's obviously an attempt to unitarily support ZOG wars.
UK has always met it's NATO obligations.
NATO is inherently financially bad for the USA, even if other members paid more.
It's a relic of the Cold War and the USA only tolerates the massive money sink that is garrisoning Yurup because they want the influence over the European states.
If Trump has decided it's not a worthwhile trade anymore, NATO is finished.
Heil EU
Heil Merkel
I imagine the language barrier and political barriers surrounding such a force would make the Austro-Hungarian armed forces look monocultural and efficient. That said no European federal government will ever be of true consequence until there is one.
>An EU army would be a terrible idea because the EU would be in control of it.
It could work like NATO. Nothing is ''given''.
We joined the EU so you could keep Russia the fuck away from us.
I am not a EU supporter, So I want to say this. I highly doubt even if the EU was united under one banner and it had a unified army, i highly doubt it could fight of an attack of america, china, russia or a combination of the three. England, yes, no doubt. Possibly some other countries. But not somethinf of equal of higher power.
Such a thing as european patriotism does not exist, the only people who believe in this are blupilled libcucks.
why would a trading block need an army?
It's not going to happen
europeans are pussies
>If one EU state is attacked, all EU states are obligated to protect it.
Remember Czechia 1938, remember Poland 1939.
Perfidious Albion isn't going to perfide any longer!
fuck no
It is so much more than a trading block.....
Political and geopolitical circumstances change.
The point of NATO is defensive, the same is achieved in what we already have in the treaties. Attack one and you attack all. This is sufficient to keep Europe safe, especially if France and Germany ups military investment again.
Do you really want the EU getting involved in neocon global interventions in third world shitholes?
The Jews are lobbying all the time for an "Europe army". They call it euphemistically a "Common Security and Defence Policy".
It has no other purpose than a collective support for idiotic ZOG wars like in Syria or in East Ukraine. And it is another step to create a supranational "United States of Europe".
I want to secure European safety & stability.
Europe is nothing without NATO at this point. The math doesn't add up.
to protect the trade
not in the current state. there need to be made major changes in european politics but in long term there is no way around...
NATO is just a way to sell american-made weapons in Europe, that's why Norway chose the F-35 instead of one of the 3 fighters made in Europe. An European army will be a dream for the globalists
What math? Russia is the only plausible threat to Europe and their economy is smaller than Germany, Britain, France and Italy. That means any one of those 4 nations can outspend Russia. Those 4 combined can outspend China.
That's just Europe's big 4. The problem isn't the math, it's the political will. If NATO goes Europe will new incentive to be concerned about security rather than socialist projects to pay for refugees.
It still is a worthwhile agreement. Just until the EU decides it doesn't want to pay a gradually increasing tax anymore.
>Implying China won't annex you with an unformal TV brodcast.
>Poland ever agreeing on having a military union with Germany
The trouble is, Russia is willing to spend more money more efficiently than any European nation. You're too busy funding job programs for rapefugees to bother with protecting yourselves.
The only thing more idiotic than the EU are the retards not only supporting it but wanting to give it more power than it already has.
You don't think that Russia could take over Ukrain or Latvia or even (cough) Finland? Like in a heartbeat if there is no unified military union?
Not saying that it's going to happen, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
this. also
>having a military union with useless countries like UK or France
We always have you fucking idiot
Yes they're very willing, because NATO is a crutch. Europe has no incentive to spend on defense when they're hiding under the shadow of the US military.
They could do it as of today, but we're talking about a hypothetical US withdrawal from NATO. In that event Europe would be compelled to invest in defense. I doubt the US would just withdraw out of the blue one day, it would be a gradual process. I don't think it's even logistically possible for them to just leave Europe with their pants down because they have so many bases to dismantle.
They have nukes though.
Are you still mad about 1939 :|
>They have nukes though.
Absolutely useless weapon used once.
>Are you still mad about 1939 :|
Mad? No. Being aware of reality - yes. There is only one force in NATO that can do anything. It is USA of course. Any other state is useless
Would be good if the EU was nationalist instead of globalist fuckers.
Good points.
I'm not talking about doing this overnight, but gradually.
>Absolutely useless weapon used once.
I hope we'll never get to that. That's the thing.
>Mad? No. Being aware of reality - yes. There is only one force in NATO that can do anything. It is USA of course. Any other state is useless
>Any other state is useless
Not united?
European armed forces, 27 - 30 countries. Would be pretty capable.
There is a lot of duplication of bureaucrats in the different chains of command who do essentially nothing. Europe is essentially just a bunch of shitty mini-armies that are paid to do parades during national celebrations.
It also prevents a real high level military industry from developing beyond whatever EADS is called now and so on, since no national government can possibly pay for a really good system's development.
So, it would save money, it would create money though big research process (the effect essentially DARPA has on the US economy) and it would colossally increase capability.
Naturally Sup Forums hates it least it hurts its Putin buddy. Before going masturbating at the US stuff. (As for Americans, they on the other hand say "pay for defence yourself" and then "don't have a unified military")
why is it ftss? thats not the accronym you said
I could accept an European military alliance only if the EU is disbanded first.
Keep talking polish scum, you will be the first to cry for help when Vlad will invade your worthless country.
Oh yeah, and give me back my money, you third-world plumber
>What? Poland is refusing to accept the refugees? Please depoloy the first devision of diversity corps and see this error correctedf
>European armed forces, 27 - 30 countries. Would be pretty capable.
I like Norway, but you are delusional. We are much more aware of mainland attitude towards defence. And its shit. First of all most of western european states are real cowards. They just wouldnt fight. Secondly, they all they give a shit about EE. We dont expect anything from WE. We hope only to keep up fighting until Uncle Sam steps in. We dont want anything from GErmany, UK or France. They are completely useless for us.
Yes. We can't destroy russia or china on our own
so some decent Germans still exists. That is surprisingly heartening to know.
No such thing indeed
putin has absolutely 0 desire to invide poland you fucking imbecile, stop basing your worldview on internet memes. and you're not getting any money back, we'll suck you dry and get the fuck out in 2020.
Yes, but only if each country has their own army with an joint central command. This way, if a country secedes, they at least have a military to protect them from outside attacks, instead of having to build it all up again.
>Oh yeah, and give me back my money, you third-world plumber
can I pay in forks?
You do realize they are the biggest winner with the exitance of NATO. It is within their interest to keep it in existance and therefore paying more than the rest is justified.
Nato allows US a lot of power projection
That's a nice shiny fork, why not?
Hey, its not Poland-kun's fault that he is always the first to get invaded, ok?
Common defense pact yes, standing armed forces no. I'm of the opinion that such an army would be used to bully other countries within the bloc more then it would be used as a deterrence.
>First of all most of western european states are real cowards
Based on what?
I believe in the cultural superiority of (western/northern) Europe on other civilizations and am proud of this heritage. Are you saying I don't exist?
also, nice ID, gas the kikes race war now
>actually fighting to muddy your own countries.
EU, it must be destroyed.
Yes. The continued centraization of the EU will require force to crush the remains of once independent nations. It is therefore only logical the elite will need a trained force to keep their serfs in line. Also, when the EU elite has consolidated its power, it may want to expand its influence into Russia. The resulting war will depopulate Europe and allow repopulation by a more docile group, preferrably one that is easily divided into tribal groups and played against each other, such as the refugee islamic population.
based on literally everything since 1939. What do you need? An official statement?
yes. is the only way the EU can be safe.
Based on history
i dont know about calling them cowards but if putin invaded latvia how willing to fight over riga do you think german or french armed forces would be?
Our army isn't dependent on USA
its not but lets be honest nobody would give a shit if the Russians decide to rape him again.
fucking subhuman slav scum are not wroth my time
One or two events? Something specific at least.
If they had a mutal army, pact, etc together with other European nations.
No, it's just another step in the power-grab of the EU elite.
>We dont want anything from GErmany, UK or France. They are completely useless for us.
Yeah except WE money. And you still are third world-tier kek.
Alright good luck.
France is already invaded by muslims and what are Latvia doing?
Merkel will suck Putins dick before the first soldier has crossed the border, even if the EU had nuclear weapons and 3:1 superiority.
>nobody would give a shit
Isnt poland like a buffer zone though?
Like you want to keep them from invading so you dont have to fight in your own country?
Why is it that way, though? Why wait on The United States to do anything?
It would be a great thing.
It would secure a Nexit.
You mean like Merkel calling Ukrainians to stop fighting for Dombas and start negotiating for it? Like WE doing absolutely nothing about Georgia or Crimea?
It would essentially be the French and German armies combined so, nobody that couldn't be beaten, except maybe the foreign legion those cunts are hard as fuck.
No. We don't want to lose our neutrality.
>having a military union with useless countries like UK or France
Those are the only two militaries in Europe that matter.
Because you are not cowards and the only one that can crash any state in the whole world.
>Merkel will suck Putins dick before the first soldier has crossed the border
??? Sex deprived?
They're not in NATO or any other pact, union, etc.
This is why i'm taking up the subject.
It's not cool.
Lol the EU wont even be around in 5 years. Why form an army that will get shit on anyways
Chang Weig Zoung knows
Fuck the Irish, you cunts don't won't to defend yourselves in time of war, but will bomb innocent civilians in time of peace.
>And you still are third world-tier kek.
France talking about third world. Very nice, Ahmed
>Yeah except WE money.
Subsidizing works both way, you know.
germans are in favor of this because they can literally circumvent their armaments cap imposed by un after ww2
I imagine its first deployment would be to a country who's suspected of holding unfair elections because the result wasn't the 'correct' one.
what do you need an army for. i don't like the idea.
Let's make a military union with best korea.
Also nice trips.
His being worthless Eastern scum.
fuck yes
United States of Europe
United World
Lets see how far we can come
Poles or Russians are the same burger. Denmark's buffer is cuckmania.