Sweden finally makes an attempt to uncuck themselves. IT'S HAPPENING
Sweden finally makes an attempt to uncuck themselves. IT'S HAPPENING
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>nordfront.se blurred
Just found out about this myself and instant CTRL+F "Sweden" from the catalog.
It's a big story over here and on Ylilauta, historic natsoc protest.
Did you guys catch the Trumpness? Well done swedes.
These guys?
They always end up ass kicked/arrested in Finnish protests, even though some leftist fuck died of brain bleed not long ago after someone from them kicked him in the head
Video. Really well done swedes.
I was there, took some video
when have they had their asses kicked?
Probably some swede with a finnish proxy, that.
no im 100% mongol now give me some links where they have been beaten up.
Not you, him The whole post reaks of leftism.
This is counterproductive. We need regular folks in the street. Not neo-nazis.
it will probably alienate most normies as "dis raisist". They need someone like LePen to start to draw the center,or majority of peole who do not agree with the far left policies
Trevlig musik du hade där.
sorry forgot to check id, its hard with these mongol eyes...
No. It's just neo nazis that think they speak for the rest of sweden when regular people hate them. I must say that the protestors are worse. Both sides are shit.
Didn't finns use the same flag the other day?
What does it mean?
yes sven stay on your neutral high horse until your whole country collapses, atleast you wont be judged!
It's funny everytime you see a video of a policeman use a little bit of """violence""" you will hear a swedish woman yell "stop!", "What are you doing!!"
1. chimpout
2. "i cant breeeeathe"
3. "should of taken that mask off" t. bolis
They're low IQ human trash who are ruining the image of the right in sweden.
Even fought with the cops yday in gamla stan.
Nazi crap won't shift public opinion. It just fucking won't. Ever.
Fucking idiots. RIP SD 2018.
Yeah, it's called Pohjoismainen Vastarintaliike, Nordfront.
Nordic Resistance movement in english.
They have members in every nordic country under the same flag.
got any broofs of them fighting with the police?
>2nd from the left is "nordic"
Mongol mongrel
oh shit I love Sweden now
after years of cucking their VIKING BLOOD HAS FINALLY AWAKENED
They're all finnish, bruh.
bad goy!
I'm not neutral. I just don't like nazis. They always scream about their rights to free speech och protest but that is the first thing they will take away from the people if they got what they wanted. I enjoy my freedom. Nazis hate it so i don't like them
You don't understand. Fascists and neo-nazi ralliers aren't trying to appeal to normies. They're going to appeal to the intellectuals and strong people who will see how strong the ralliers are. And as every fascist and neo-nazi knows, a strong man has strong morals. The normies will fall in line.
Good luck brothers!
Rannsaka dig själv centrist hanrej
i was there yesterday as a matter of fact. when shit got out of hand I was in front of the Pressbyrån at the subway. the cops had to close the shop and make ppl lay low for a few min.
some say a copy started to hit on a protestor first but I can't confirm
I'm sure u can find ppl talking about it on NF website or some crappy swedish evening paper
>sheltered women
Same reaction from women when I slap dogs on the nose when they jump at me. They never connect the dots on why the dogs respect me and not them.
oh no when the nazis are in power you cant yell "im gay and proud!" in public anymore!
You should be proud that there's atleast one group standing up for your country and resisting the leftist hold in your country. Sweden will never be fascist and neither will any other nordic country, but they surely have their uses.
Will never, ever do something for a nazi wannabe thug. You are just like niggers but are cowards that hide behind the police everytime.
Why does this animu girl have fucking dark hair and eyes >:(
fascists and neo-nazis envy liberals for their thought control techniques. They despise freedom for the same reason non-whites around the world crave autocracy and vote against it when they come to our countries. Facists and neo-nazis aren't white in the head. More often than not, they don't even realize that the same things which led to liberal institutions getting more liberal would lead to fascist institutions getting more fascist.
What freedom do you want? To be a degenerate junkie? To spread marxist propaganda and divide and destroy your country?
Tolerans är bara ett frikort för att själv få va ett svin.
You don't do shit since they get stronger everytime you people show your stupid faces. You don't fight anything else except the right to be a fascist asshole. You people are only to stupid to realize the left gains sympathy because of you lowlives.
Oh look. An retard that can only throw slurs around.
>insert obligatory skyrim joke
they're to scared to use swastikas but it basically symbolizes the same
>you people
Are you being racist against finns again, Börje?
I'm not a part of nordfront but I appreciate their effort. Many nordfront members help other rightwingers and finnish nationalists to spread the world, most aren't 100% natsoc.
Yes, the freedom to make their own choices is something to preseve, to enjoy and be proud of. If trannies wanna take to the streets and act like idiots i can just ignore it because i can choose to. You people are just fascist scum that are angry because girls hate you and rather fuck a nigger than look at your direction.
typical fascist neo-nazi retards. Anyone who stands up for the foundations of what made western society great in the first place is a faggot degenerate marxist. The fact that fascist neo-nazi retards are more ideologically similar to marxists than people who believe in the foundations of the west never really bothers them. They complain that democracy doesn't work because democracy has been subverted, so they intend to prevent that by doing the exact same things which ruined democracy in the first place, only through their ideals.
Is there anything that's quite as dumb
as thuggish ideologue scum?
Freedom is an empty value. Define it. What do you mean by "freedom"?
I don't really care about you finnish people since most i've met are pretty cool but they are smart enough to not like nazis. They only thing natsoc people to is fuel the leftist machine that can point at the skinnheads and say "see nazis everywhere and they are violent"
lel so true, as soon as they get majority they will show theyre true colors
>american asks a canadian to define freedom for him
I'm laughing too hard to come up with any response other than
Too little too late. Should have been doing this 20 years ago
Because everyone from Japan has dark hair and eyes.
>but they are smart enough to not like nazis.
Let me ask you, what's your proposed solution to your uncuckening? You don't have right-wing protesters, to my knowledge. The only rightwingers you have are nordfront members. Without them you're left with only a fucking shitton of antifa, feminists, trannies and other faggots with their pride parades and muslims with their sharia law.
Do you just want to get nuked?
The American concept of freedom is the emptiest of them all. Its a word that doesn't actually mean anything. No one supports 100% unfiltered freedom. It would be chaos.
Freedoms are a different issue altogether. Freedoms are limited and defined. Americans have the specific freedoms to own weapons and speek freely.
Marching for undefined generic freedom is foolishness. Do I have the freedom to gas kikes or lynch negros?
Explain what the "foundations of what made western society great" are.
I'd rather be ruled over by facist Nazi's that atleast preserve our culture and demographics then facist leftists that destroy the demographics, culture, safety and potentially leave it impossible to ever recover or rebuild.
Life under Nazi atleast is better, safer and easy to fix into democratic Nationalist state since its not ruined by anti-native brainwashing and 10 billion Muslims.
u shame ur face
The guy tripped when someone gave him a small push, who the fuck is so fragile, only a leftist vegan. Fuck they are so weak.
if sweden makes a comeback I can't call them cucked and I won't feel like I belong to the masterrace
brown hair brown eyes must unite to keep sweden cucked
this is the same kind off whining made by marxist complaining the west has "no culture"
Freedom to do what you want. Sure sociaty is pretty fucked under the leftard screaming children but at least we have the right to make our own choises. We are not force to do anything we don't like but have to accept that we have to do shit we don't like to move forward. Nazis wanna shape every person by their standards while screaming they will give us freedom. Was a good reason why most people thought hitlers germany even if the economic ideas was good at the time they would never work now. Fascism never works since people in the end have always different opinion and want to express them freely. The first amandent is the best thing the u.s ever created since ours "freedom of speech" is a joke. U.S was based that people should be free. They thought the britts over it, they faought the south over it and proudly fought the nazis over it.
In europe they are calling it the Trump effect. Kek
I can do anything I want? Neat. I'm not fascist or a natsic by the way. Although I would take it over liberal democracy.
truth. The problem really is the fact that you will never ever convince them of this or even get them to have the debate. This makes the counter protestors resort to violence, beating nazis until they simply stop protesting. It does work but its a bit counter productive, but yeah i dont really feel sorry for skinheads who get theyre head stomped
Except I can at least piece together a definition of westerrn culture. You keeping dodging the need to define freedom if we are to base our entire civilization around it.
kek irl, not sure if serious
Go ahead and spread more lies, NRM are not the ones inciting violence, everyone knows it's the filthy degenerate leftists, they don't dare to do anything without police on the scene.
this a valid point, but ithink u miss out on key concept sven
free society have lowest degree of corruption, because corruption is freely opposed
free society have most capable soldier, since soldier fights for his own freedom of action, not distant ideal or fear of punishment
free society have greatest exchange of ideas, best ideas are free to rise to the top or be filtered through by all person
you are small, stupid, chilidsh person
you crave what you don't know because you're dissatisfied with what you have
what you don't know
can hurt you more
than anything
you've known before
fascist system easily have all the evils that liberal enact on us now
i can easily piece together western culture and western ideal of freedom
you live in america and you need me to tell you what freedom is
you're either making a point in poor faith or you're a retard
neither of these is a good reason to give you a legitimate response
Why wont Europeans ever learn that their movements wont succeed when they brand themselves as nazis and are openly white supremicist. Good luck gaining enough support. *sarcasm* You know nothing about marketing holy shit.
I seriously hope your mother gets raped by a Muslims sweaty cock and you have to watch.
Freedom of speech isn't real, you get shouted down or locked up in Europe right now.
Dat pathetic insecurity.
because freedom of speech is eroded, fascist wants to fix this by eroding freedom of speech, but HIS way
pure genius
>Freedom of speech isn't real, you get shouted down or locked up in Europe right now.
Exactly and that is why you need to fight for it.
Hard to be if you don't look like one. Like that dark one.
And when your 'own choices' effect other people directly/indirectly in a negative way?
So you want me to base my entire life around freedom while refusing to tell me what it is. And I'm an empty anf snall person because I don't care for one breed of post-modern politial theory. Sounds good.
>what you don't know can hurt you
Better just kill ourselves now then. Coward.
>fascism had the same evils as liberalism
sauce pls
>democracy founded 2500 years ago
>post-modern political theory
You missed the part when i wrote "ours is a joke" and I think its disgusting but rahter have our ways now than having some fascist telling me what to say and not to say of fear being send to a camp or killed.
Sweden finally trying to take a stand against being cucked hard, and they do it through faggot neo-nazis.
Just hand over your businesses and commit mass suicide, it's the closest thing you'll ever get to doing the right thing, Sweden.
Our system can't exist without the enlightenment. Athenian democracy was an aristocratic republic.
you write like a retarded person, where are you from?
the leftist were stopped by the cops before they could stir up shit this time.
I'm not spreading lies, you will not be able to rally ppl to your cause with Natsoc bullshit. You will only alienate potential allies.
If you can't understand this you're an imbecile
Flag says Canada so my guess is China.
"Uncuck themselves"
>Literal neo nazis
Dude, it's like you want to keep your heads buried in at least someone's anus.
I know him personally, he's from Finland.
your precious nazis getting chased up in the woods and defended by police to not get theyre head stomped by "trannies/marxists/faggots"
are these the ones who are going to "uncuck" sweden?
Then we have the law to regulate what is wrong and whats right. I aint leaving that part in fascist hands and would fight to not leave that in fascist hands. Fascist her in the west don't know shit about fascism that they have a hard on for. Wanna see fascism. Go to north korea. It's pure fascism under the cover of communism. You can't even wear blue jeans there.
A torchlight vigil is a guaranteed position of strength
white people hate the high horse, they love the strong horse
they'll be coming around to the neo-nazis position of strength any minute now
Oy vey
These nice Swedish men have turned into nazis
Howdare they care about their countries safefy or prosperity
Don't look goyim! It's anuudahh shoaah
Jesus christ. Shit.
We'll I should've guessed tbqh.
I'm feel sorry for you man. Must be tough being a retard.
>muh neo nazis
Kill yourself sand nigger