>MFW a bunch of illiterate regards whose only skill in life is working on a conveyor belt sticking bits of metal together voted Trump to "hurrr get our jobs back"
>MFW if manufacturing ever comes back to America it'll be via robots
>MFW in two years time the Trump supporting retards will still be unemployed, only now they'll have cancer as a result of Trump completely scrapping climate control measures.
MFW a bunch of illiterate regards whose only skill in life is working on a conveyor belt sticking bits of metal...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tfw when no amount of salt will make him not win
Keep it flowing though
Mate, I'm lovng watching retards screw themeselves over.
>>MFW if manufacturing ever comes back to America it'll be via robots
And in your stupid head, do you imagine that this is a bad thing for america?
fuck off go chupar la poya de podemos you gay
Fuck off you dirty Spaniard, why dont you go eat an insanely huge lunch and then have a nap or "siesta" like
"Aye aye aye! I have eaten too much food an now am sleepy, aye aye aye it is my culture!"
Mentality of a four year old.
>he can't even reply to my post
>too stupid
My point is that the retards would still be out of a job.
>My point is that the retards would still be out of a job.
Even if many factories use automation, many will not be able to. The upfront costs are astronomical.
Either way, it's still in the long term interests of america to enact trump's policies.
It was the right move to make.
Fuck off mate, you see the general population as retard because you are an entitled faggot. You are unironically a bourgeoisie who cannot pathom the fact that his post modern ideas aren't accepted by working class people
But how would they stay competitive then with manual labour in other countries, or automative in America?
I just think its good that America has so many wars, its a good option to thin out that 'tards. Cleary they haven't had enough. IMO the only good thing plebs can do is bleed out on the front line. Give them a chance to vote and they go full retard.
You shouldn't be really happy with Trump then, Clinton seems like your type of gal
>But how would they stay competitive then with manual labour in other countries, or automative in America?
The whole point of protectionist and the tarriffs that trump wants to impose is so that our workers don't have to compete directly with foreign workers.
It incentivizes american labor.
It's valuable to america that americans do the labor, even if they can't do it as cheaply as other people.
>Can't compete.
>Bars other countries from competing.
How incredibly American.
>MFW a bunch of illiterate regards
>illiterate regards
Is that jealousy I detect?
It's called winning. That's what we do here. Can't say the same for spain.
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot......
How is throwing a tantrum and not letting anyone else compete with you "Winning"?
Where I'm from that attitude is reserved for the "special needs" kids.
>How is not letting anyone else compete with you "Winning"?
Because it will greatly incentivize the development of better automation technology and in the long term it will put america on top of the manufacturing market for a long time.
>Where I'm from that attitude is reserved for the "special needs" kids.
That's why you'll always be second rate.
I can't wait for this to blow up in his stupid face. He doesn't mention cost, funding, regulations, support. Just "Hur Dur I'll give you jobs"
He just promised the retards the moon and they actually believed him like the gullible tards they are.
>He just promised the retards the moon and they actually believed him like the gullible tards they are.
The American people are smarter than you. That's why we're the envy of the planet.
You only assume they're dumb to make yourself feel better, even though I just showed you why they made the right choice.
You realise the whole world is laughing at you and Trump right now, right?
As if laughter is a sign of intelligence.
In any case it's not even true. You're living in a bubble, friend.
But surely if every other country is laughing at you, then YOU are the ones in the bubble?
>But surely if every other country is laughing at you
Like I said, this is not even true. The fact that you think it is proves that you're living in a bubble.
It just shows that you're a gullible idiot who is easily fooled by your media.
If you actually look at the data, you'll see there were many countries hoping we would elect trump.
Go on then..
Every other country (meaning Europe) is laughing at them after months and months of Killary massmedia only. If it was for media the only thing I'd know about is that Trump is the devil Hillary the woman that can save us all from him.
What did you expect to happen? o.o
And you're a kike
>Go on then..
what do you mean?
Are you asking to be spoon fed? Look it up yourself.
The lying corrupt media is laughing user. They are all interconnected and push, essentially, the same agenda: progressivism. Trump winning was a huge blow to the establisment.
Marine Le Pen will France. Merkel will lose. tight wing parties will rise all across Europe and they will do s fine job governing. Progressivism will be seen as the cancer that it is. Times are a changin, my Spanish amigo.
>Be spaƱol com a mania
>"Haha I saw on Jon Oliver that Trump is le bad ;)) you so stupid Trump voters ;)) Drumpf!!!Lmao"
>Borders are evil
Educate yourself you piece of shit and try to keep the muslims contained to your side of Iberia you traidor
Eh, dude, if Trump raises his voice too much his country will just be bypassed by the rest of the world.
People seem to forget that most of their attempts at interventions in even minor countries have bounced off or been counterproductive, and their geographical location is quite isolated and their population relatively minor relative to the rest of the world.
Additionally effectively all of their wealth is concentrated in a few people with little loyalty, capable of moving the easiest of all, so if Trump makes a wrong move America will back where it was at the start of the last century: A quaint outback in bumfuck middle of nowhere.
Yeah that's what I thought..
>I don't need to prove my claims but you need to prove yours
Typical retard.
Any "jobs" coming back are just going to be automated. Once driving cars take over, that's millions of truck drivers, delivery guys, and taxi drivers permanently out of the work force.
Once robot factories come in what the fuck is everyone who isn't smart enough for college going to do?
>Once robot factories come in what the fuck is everyone who isn't smart enough for college going to do?
We're getting rid of the mexicans, so there's going to be a lot of toilets that need cleaning.
Plus you probably don't need a college education to repair the robots for the most part.
They'll have to do something never before thought of... The retards will have to own up to the fact that they're under-skilled.. and retrain. I don't know why they think the world owes them something.
Not answering the question to bullshit facts he made up on the spot. Is Trump hiring? You'd get on well with him.
>Not answering the question to bullshit facts he made up on the spot.
No, it's not bullshit just because it disagrees with the propaganda you've been lead to believe.
But you'll never know because you prefer your head in the sand.
I've alerted you to its existence, you have the internet, you can find it if you want. But you don't want. You don't care about the facts. You just want your pride instead.
11 year old bad trolls need to stay off the internet
I can say the same about you. Surely its your responsibility to back up your statements with facts. Did you have a look and couldn't find any country which DIDN'T find the idea of Trump's America hilarious?
>I can say the same about you. Surely its your responsibility to back up your statements with facts.
No it isn't. I'm not your mommy. I don't need to spoonfeed reality to you.
You haven't backed up your statements. Why would it be my responsibility to back up mine?
I haven'ade any statements which aren't universally known to be true. Of course if manufacturing comes back to the West in a big way, it'll be by robots. For whatever reason, mainly because of the pro-Hillary bias of the widespread media, we are now laughing at America and Trump.
kill yourself
>illiterate regards
What did he mean by this?
>People think robots are going to replace people in the next few years in any meaningful quantity
>Implying we wont instead start educating people to be technicians instead
>Catalan or Basque
>Sup Forums wants to support the independence of these ""people"".
>I haven'ade any statements which aren't universally known to be true.
You asserted that the world is laughing at us.
I asserted they aren't.
Somehow you think I have a burden of proof and you don't.
No really, this has been common knowledge across the world for millenia.
One little revolution and they get all uppity, then the revolution finally peters out and they're reminded of that natural way of things and they riot and ravage their own as their pathetic clamor dies out.
>irrelevant country talking shit about a world superpower
I'm British mate, and yeah the Basques seem to be nothing more than a commune of stoners.
Oh. Well sorry for calling you Catalan or Basque. Not even an anglo deserves that.
>Implying retards in rural communities don't just blame everything on someone else and just want to slug bits of metal around for a living instead of retraining like any grown adult would do.
Said the nation of NEETS
>22,75% unemployment
>let's vote for more gibs through socialism
spain is Europ's nigro
jaja, gracias tio, donde eres? Madrid?
But we got PP?
>22,75% unemployment
you can add +10% if you want to get closer to the real figure
so think all those ex-factory workers are going to be happy when their new "job" is cleaning my toilet?
Also literally takes like 1 technician to fix things in an automated factory which replaced 1000 workers.
desu same as the UK, the working class are tards and its never their fault, its always the fault of immigrants. Not the people who refuse to retrain and adapt to a modern world
Asturias. It is full of commies, but at least they are not SJWs.
So you haven't noticed ANY other countries ridiculing Trump? This is all a big lie I made up?
There are not jobs, or at least people don't want to take those jobs.
>Spaniard understands neither politics nor science
Who is surprised by this moor?
Yeah, and black widows as I recall.
For real though, why are we waiting around on these illiterate retards? world's moving fast and they can't keep up, chuck em overboard. Who gives a shit about 'muh daddy worked this same job as he hung negros'?
They're a fucking waste of space
you're the retard because you clearly don't understand what's happening in america regarding jobs and the government forcing people to pay taxes out the asshole to fund welfare leeches. how is your argument that in the future more things will get automated have anything to do with "voting trump is against your interest". that makes no sense. you're taking leaps in logic. i think you forgot to take your meds you fucking retard.
Dirty Spainard come over here and deport your miscegenated mestizo abominations yourself
Neither does an American who elects someone who's never been in politics and denies climate change.
No lol they're you problem.
whats the unemployment rate in spain again ? :^)
somone's just realised the jobs aren't coming back, will that cunt farage help you now?
how many cultural treasures are there in Germany again? oh wait
Boo Hoo I voted leave because I clearly have a much greater understanding of politics and trade deals than that of the politicians oh wait when I said it would be a bad couple of years I didn't mean for me!!!! I meant for everyone else! Oh no know I don't have a job I'd better just keep blaming immigrants boo hoo!
>proxyfaggot doesn't know Obama deported more illegal immigrants from the US than any other president
hey look, citizens of our former empire! how nice to have them here, we share a vast common background and they helped us fight the war, they helped us win it in fact!
...what about that German empire hey? has germany ever won a war?
Wtf i love Hillary now
>celebrating his own demise
No one cares about your delusions.
>celebrating the fact he's never won a war or anything of note
>MFW you realise OP is talking like an artistocrat in the 1800s who doesn't realise what people are capable of when they are too poor to get their basic needs
who the hell is too poor 'for their basic needs'? social safety nets exist for a reason.
Yeah, who on earth are you talking about? Noone dies from starvation in America, it just doesn't happen. And the people who do typically have problems (the blacks) you routinely shit on.
>MFW a bunch of illiterate retards... voted for trump
No, blacks voted overwhelmingly for Hillary
remember guys, trump voters weren't racist, they were 'economically uncertain and afraid'
>celebrating the fact that he had to rely on Bolshevik barbarians and become the bitch of Americans in order to to defeat Germany
>celebrating the fact that former colonial subjects are now colonizing Britain
top kek
Yeah, Trump voters aren't racist or anything.
better resolution
What do the flags have to do with anything? There are no keys to this map. I could do the same with America.
>>celebrating the fact that former colonial subjects are now colonizing Britain
>uses a map of London
>'dem imgrunts coluniszin britun'
get real.
Also, 'Bolshevik Barbarians' weren't there at Alamien or the Battle of Britain, and all that free shit from the US was delicious.
what matters is is that in 1945 Britain wasn't cut down the middle in two
>illiterate regards
Hitler didn't want to massacre Brits because he considered them a higher civilization worth coexisting with. How wrong was he!
Don't you guys encourage sharting in marts? What type of civilisation is that?
Hitler also took meth and got beaten in Berlin by a bunch of tortured and oppressed poles, what a visionary!!