How has Sup Forums affected your life?

How has Sup Forums affected your life?

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you have to be a serious amateur if you started hating jews etc just because you found Sup Forums


About 2 years ago I got redpilled, found the will to work, have adequate savings and now working while I go to school part time. Also lost almost 100 pounds and I am going to be ripped soon, maybe 10-15 more pounds to go.

Whole family got redpilled and is acting normal again. They were about as marxist-liberal as I was but I started debating, arguing and reasoning with them. When they realized I was right they all slowly grew more conservative as well.

They all got their act together. Sister was suicidal but now she is about to go back to school and work. My mom and dad stopped fighting so much, and are working together again. Whole family stopped being depressed.

Thanks Sup Forums, we're all going to make it.

Why are bigger/thicker girls more popular on Sup Forums compared to other boards? I suppose Sup Forums also started thickposting around 2013~Ish though

I do not think chubby/thick is indicative of sharp aryan features, and is, in fact, black cultural appropriation and memes by anons

Fertility, large hips to dleiver babies

I'm on my phone more. I bursted out loud on election day from quads and major digits thread and was forced to explain meme magic to my Gf.

Once they start posting overweight women is when the meme begins, really. Men have a desire for women with a little bit of body fat, not much though. Helps to survive childbearing and the winter.

I'm a phd research psychologist in nyc that researches inner city crime and education.

i never thought highly of blacks. but after pol i place blame where blame is due. they have a deficient culture. europe seeking out the destruction of its idyllic communities pushed me over the edge, and now i want genocide.

i think it's merely exposing yourself to the info. anyone could turn redpull. i'm still a liberal sjw social scientist, just not a multicultural one

I always double check hot chicks to make sure they're not traps before commenting.

I have jungle fever really bad.

Trying to get to this point user.

Trump has given me hope, but I'm still a scrawny depressed wreck with no idea where to go in life.

Thinking about military. What should I do?

i am moving to NYC in Feb to do a postdoc at Columbia, what are things I should know about NYC? Rent is so fucking high but I will live in Harlem, can I survive off $40k?

have you never been on /fit/?
its all dudes that spend all day lifting weights so they can attract a mate of female variety that is 300lbs and 50% body fat

>Why are bigger/thicker girls more popular on Sup Forums compared to other boards?


I have trust issues with anyone I might encounter.

i now try to find a way to go europe and impregnate as many white girls as i can.

>Family meal yesterday
>Everyone joking an laughing
>Dad mentions as a joke that Russia is attacking the West for it's low morality
>"What do you think user?"
>"Well they may have a point, we give 9 year olds hormone altering drugs if they are confused about their gender instead of therapy and let them make their own mind up later in life"
>Stunned silence and everyone is glaring at me

I now hare everything and everybody

I stopped paying taxes, no longer have a drivers license, bring legal effects everywhere, ect, ect,

>and 50% body fat
Made me kek

It has made me want to be a better person.

But those girls are not in the same category as the rolls of fat that thicc posters like.

jebi se

>i'm still a liberal sjw social scientist
>i want genocide

these one's aren't thicc though

it made Trump president

made me question popular opinions and encouraged more radical thought

My liberal friends hate me now (I'm still a liberal myself but a lot more realistic since /pol)

Pic related

lol I know this feel

Best political thiccfu

I used to go out, women liked me and I liked them

Now I sacrifice my precious fluids to a frog, I exercise less and I'm growing a beard on my neck,

But I feel more confident.

As entertainment mostly, aswell as a means to get an idea of what the lower classes think.

I want to breed with her

These girls have a bit of a poochy belly

I went from a gaming NEET to full ironpill mode after I went down the rabbit hole to the point where I was listening to Jonathan Bowden speeches and talks.

I have a well paying jobs in sales now, I've been lifting hard for 1 year and three months now (hit a 465kg PL total this week), MBTI really helped to understand people as an INTJ autiste and I went full Machiavelli mode plus I regularly redpill people on the down low now.

T-thank, Sup Forums.

I used to be one miserable motherfucker
Now I'm still one miserable motherfucker, but now I have something to do.




I doubt if you can't motivvate yourself outside of the military, you're going to do well in it. been training for a year myself to go to the US on my dual citizenship and join the army. I thought it would take a few months to get ready but I'm still not there. Very frustrating now that Trump is in and everything and I'm still stuck here but I'm going on a 12 month maritime apprenticeship just to do something and not be a drain on my family.

The most important thing to get through your head is to always be proactive in some sense, a year seems like an eternity but if you don't bite the bullet now you'll just end up with another year being flushed down the drain.

It's made me unafraid to think the ideas I believe in. It taught me that it is more important for people to have freedom than to feel special.

Made question everything and made me paranoid. I see shills everywhere.


Sup Forums and its derivates convinced me that there still is a chance for western civilization to not fall into extinction/suicide by shitskins

I feel better, fuck anti-humanists.

Thank you, glorious faggots


Well because I'm 23 and started here in 2010 I was

/new/ > Sup Forums and 4ch00n > Sup Forums

Before I went to /new/ I beleived the labour party in the UK needed to remove all borders and allow as many muslims/immigrants into the country as possible because we needed to ensure the Tories could never win again. I was a dumb communist student who wanted to leave the UK anyway.

2016, I have a British flag on my wall next to countless history books. I have a degree and can speak several languages, I have a great full time job. Right wing, voted uKIP and backed Trump the day he declared he was running.

go forward and find what you want to do

You could just go job to job finding something interesting and finding out what you like, you might even fall in love with a trade and want to master it.

Study shit for free online and maybe you'll see that you enjoy a certain topic or subject matter

also go to the gym and eat

I'd recommend /fit/ but they can be really retarded and way too memey, but check their sticky for programs and shit

but don't fall for the fatass bulking meme, just eat like 150-300 calories above maintnence

I can't really give you all of the advice because I haven't really made it yet, still have no gf and still have some issues with insecurity but I feel it getting better day to day and I can feel the progress I'm making.

London Andrews = the ultimate muh dick for me

Red-pilled me on Islam and made me want to impregnate some niggers.

>Implying you wouldn't fug until it fell off

Can't look at anything without thinking if there's a connection to Liberals/Jews
Filled me with hope, especially after Brexit/Trump
Don't get me wrong, I would probably be more happy if I still lived in my deluded commie safe space, but the truth is always better, and with the way the world is going atm I think im going to be a lot more happy in the future

My life effected Sup Forums

it gave me some hope that there's a resistance out there trying to fix what's happening to my, and everybody else country. that i'm not alone and together we can cure the world of multiculturalism

>Can't look at anything without thinking if there's a connection to Liberals/Jews

Nope. Move along, nothing to see.

you can survive off anything.

harlem is seedy at night on the stray inactive streets. i went to school there at night.

get a police academy duffle bag and black sneakers they'll think you're a cop and leave you alone.

Citation for that graph?

I got addicted to memes, and now there's no way out.

Also, I bought a lot of guns and ammo this year.


It gives me a strangely thrilling sense of superiority to watch a bunch of miserable bastards get used and discarded by a billionaire's election campaign.

I'll probably start going out and getting laid again soon. Maybe I'll start a sex magic cult with a meme magic sideline.

>robotics engineer
>invents the world's first sexbot


It gave me hope about the future, which in turn killed my depression, and that allowed me to finally control my alcoholism.

I started loving geopolitics, I now have the habit of reading between the lines of anything that happens or whatever someone says.

Hating SJW, Mussiez was something I would have eventually ended up doing anyway, but the reason why, is what I learned here at Sup Forums.

I have become more aware of my country, our problems, and also how great it was.

I now understand that progress is not always progress. What people say is not always the truth. We are supposed to make our own investigation and draw our own conclusions.

That people are awesome everywhere, Sup Forums is the weird as fuck brother I never had.

lol amazing picture

I wonder if their assholes smell good.

>cities are where the degenerate left
>most blacks live in cities (not by choice mostly)
>therefore blacks are degenerate

Cmon if you call yourself a scientist you can't jump to biased conclusions like that. Blacks don't bring crime with them, it stays near highly populated areas. To stop crime we must stop the left from keeping poor blacks happy and oor. Give jobs so they don't spend their time robbing.

>I'm a phd research psychologist in nyc that researches inner city crime and education.

Prove it bruh

Describe the psychopathic personality.

Improved it, it made me see that there are people like me out there and it will be worth it to stay defiant.

Thicc = healthy mother

Dumb cuck.

It feeds my near crippling downward spiral of poor mental heath in a positive way. I can't really explain it.



NIce picture. Make kids jerk off instead of anything.

MAN i say this now all you 13- 16 yr olds!



Except without the guns and ammo because I'm Australian.


I learned to laugh at the world crashing and burning. Nothing can phase me anymore. Happenings just give me a hard on as I watch the fall of the Western civilization.

Basically ruined my social life and made me afraid to have an opinion on anything in public.

Spiritually, I'm pretty fine though...

literally my wife, maybe slightly less thick thighs.

It's true what they say, very fertile. Gave me three children. No stillborns, no defects, no miscarriages.

Top tier breast milk.

Fuckin' baby factories mate.

I hate niggers and Jews xD

>Men have a desire for [..]
I like them only if they didn't hit puberty yet, try again.

>How has Sup Forums affected your life?

I started to admire the fundamentals of Christianity that kept Western civilisation through thick and thin through post-Antiquity history, to the point where I'm a Christian myself now, Sup Forums helped me redpill myself.

You only have to look at the stats to see that Christians are the most redpilled, least degenerate demographic around, Christians were the driving force behind Trump's victory, 58% of Christians in Britain voted to leave the EU, higher than any other demographic. Countries with a higher Atheist population are more likely to support mass immigration, Sweden is a good example, whereas countries that have maintained Christianity haven't given into leftist trickery, Poland and Romania are good examples here.

Sup Forums made me believe that nothing is impossible.
Superpower 2030, with the power of designated streets.

I've read that white women have a wider pelvis to give birth more efficiently, black woman just have more fat around it so on them it's an illusion of fertility.

>How has Sup Forums affected your life?
if you're asking this question you should've never ever browsed this website.



Big tits + hairy pussy is a MUST for waifus

2012 - middle mouse click a bunch of boadrs i never went to. Find pol. Find niggers in military thread. Thoroughly enjoy it. Never read any political news just wanted nigger hate threads. Slowly start reading other threads.
2013 - panic attacks as world view changes and suppository red pill digests
2014 - neet life browsing
2015/16 got inspired by trump, followed the campaign and politics religiously, got a full time job, resubbed at gym, enrolled for bachelors.

trump turned my life around and now i got dat money for dem programs.

It started on /fit/ back when /fit/ was the board that was currently huge (kinda like Sup Forums is now) so /fit/ memes would be Sup Forums global (kinda like Sup Forums memes right now)

You are a bit slow arent you?

you're just figuring out that pol are a bunch of nigger lovers? Haven't you ever wondered why they hate jews so much? Its because they're all niggers who have no money

It distracts me from studying mostly
Maybe it made me a bit more conservative. Oh and I chose to do STEM (Medicine) subconciously because of it I think.

Also /r9k/ infested my world view back in high school. Those days are over though
And /lit/ got me into English speaking literature

fucking ham beast get the fuck out

Apparently Saban higher at 11.5mil

>Jew owns Beanervision

^^^ I should have assumed. Still... kek.

Now, I have a purpose.

Making the 3rd Reich Great Again.

how is sex life after three children?

It has.
Before Sup Forums I hated life, now I want to die.

We give our blacks money up the ass for doing nothing and they still rape, steal and destroy. That counts to only a slightly lesser degree to the sand variety as well.

Poor people commit more crime, but the difference between different peoples are enormous.

>survive off
fgt pls

I grew up in rural Appalachia, which is probably one of the whitest places on earth, and is safe despite everyone having guns and being poor. I remember as a kid we would deliver turkeys and whatnot to people and I would find myself in houses with dirt floors and 4 kids and the people were still good, they'd still help you in whatever way they could -- and they aren't dumb people at all, or lazy. So, I saw these things and never put together their significance because they were all within my isolated bubble. Being on Sup Forums, since it's inception, has given me perspective that applies meaning to my early experience, which hasn't made me hate blacks or anyone else for that matter, but it's increased my appreciation for my own people enormously, and has instilled an extreme resolve in me to not tolerate their subjugation or defamation whatsoever. I don't care what anyone thinks of my position, and there's nothing I'd say on Sup Forums that I wouldn't say to a crowd of progressive libcucks.