ITT : Reasons Sup Forums fights on
ITT : Reasons Sup Forums fights on
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For her.
A model civilization
I do it #ForHer
>motivation for the day:
Very healthy 10/10
dumping your folder one last time?
Hillary sure looks young in that pic.
i love hitler.
i wish i could have known hitler.
i wish i could have fought for hitler.
i wish i could have rounded up the jews for hitler.
i wish i could have deported the jews for hitler.
i wish i could have murdered the anglo traitors for hitler.
i wish i could have seen a strong europe with hitler.
trump is the best hope. the only hope. i am thankful for trump. i wish for a european trump. i wish for a white, pure europe. where immigrants are told to stay in their own country and make it livable instead of leeching off the white man.
i love hitler.
i love trump.
god bless.
I do it for my beautiful wife and our son.
She really likes that kid.
Vindication? Sup Forums is at the peak of its power. We gained a foothold with George Zimmerman, and 3 or 4 years later we prezident nao
Because multiculturalism is destined to fail
>tfw no pol bf
God bless brother
Kill yourself disgusting faggot abomination
Why do the mods let this faggot just spam the whole thread
Are the mods fuckings shills now
why stop at one Sup Forums bf ;) xD
Fuck off faggot
Tf are all these people doing there just chillin'? This looks like Fremont, Las Vegas after a brawl has broken out.
For her!
>35 posts by this id
its time to stop posting
She found someone she can relate to
Global warming
I know that feel.
To find inner peace at the end
fuck you, charlie.
She is so beautiful she reminds me of Téa Leoni
>> 98281768
Literally hitler
more + that seems like it would take an uncomfortable amount of crouching to use
would you have put a bullet in your brain for hitler?
why not do it now
>all these bitter loser shillary shitwits shitposting in the thread in a pathetic attempt at vengeance
Trump is the second coming of Hitler and I say it's good to have him back.
>Getting cucked by your son, kek.
Some day..