Muh Dicks and cucks are protesting our beautiful tradition here in the Netherlands.
Make Zwarte Piet Black Again
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At least they are doing the best they can to keep our tradition alive.
They are not black face. They are black from going down the chimney bringing presents to children.
It got murdered in Belgium, and people are furious. I hope Vlaams Belang gets a monster score in the next election, NVA ended up being nothing but traitors and cucks.
Now they are starting to use a different servant for sinterklaas. Children are starting to recoginze their parents or relatives because they don't have a black face from the chimney. It breaks the fantasy for little children who actually believe in the fantasy.
I heard most people in Amsterdam are not even Dutch anymore.How is Multiculturalism working for you?
How did going down the chimney turn his other features like hair and lips negroid in appearance? I'm fine personally with the idea of celebrating Christmas with Santa and his black slaves, but pretending like that's not what they are is ridiculous.
Here is a good explanation. Political correctness gone to far >:(
Dutch model Doutzen must be offended just as much as her Negro husband
Muhammad Ali in his prime could beat the shit out of any Dutch Men. Fuck you cracker pussies. Black power!
It is blackface and these boons must stop chimping out and accept it.
What does it say, you cunt!
Sure. In a game of draft dodge maybe...
I truly love the police. They will make Rotterdam clean again.
it basicly says you should sign the petition for black pete to stay black. Pls sign it or our last core tradition will be destroyed.
their resentment for the native culture is reflected in their english signage
Multiculturalism doesn't exist. This nation has one culture (which has several subcultures) and there are people from other cultures who don't participate at all.
i don't see how the ridiculousness of the situation is lost on those blacks. they're dressed like fucking black panther LARPers, in the netherlands, protesting a children's character
Go to this website
>red = first name
>groen = last name
>blue = place where you live (use Antwerpen , Brussel, Gent) write in dutch like this
>black = email address
>Pepe Zwarte Piet
Alsjeblieft niet, je vergeet dat we hier niet half zo achterlijk zijn maar wel even trendgevoelig; als je hier stomme dingen doet komt dat je echt direct najagen.
Dus liever geen memes over deze onzinnige discussie dan kunnen we er serieus van af komen; er is al 75% steun voor de traditionele Zwarte Piet dus de internetonzin dient hier niet.
groen = green
you know everything was fine in belgium till you guys started complaining about it.
And of course we (domme belgen)just copy you guys.
you guys should know better, you're like our older smarter brother
I am glad I don't give a shit about either the left-wing or right-wing idiots regarding this issue, nor do I give a shit about Sinterklaas.
If this is the topic you go out of your way for to protest, then all you are is a cringe inducing waste of space.
>cosplaying as a nigger
sounds degenerate. tell me more. how did this came to be?
Good for you big boy
And letting your way of life and traditions slip away for "inclusiveness". You are a parasite in your own nation
So sinterklaas might be similar like santa claus. But honestly black pete (the litteral translation from dutch to english sounds worse than it is) is a truly your best friend when growing up in the netherlands. I honestly have the dearest memories from my childhood owed to black pete. He is the one that brings presents and candy to children.
Origins are mixed, but he is a saint that lives in Spain. And every year goes to the Netherlands on his steamboat with presents, his helpers are blackface some say from Chimneys some say because they are black so its racist. Most people want the celebration to carry on unchanged polls show this time and time again, the demonstrations are by leftist faggots that got BTFO by cops.
bruce lee got killed with a bullet
Look at these social justice left faggots
>Kick Out Zware Piet
Ze kunnen niet eens een Nederlandse naam bedenken.
Yes, Sinterklaas has been one of the most defining moments of my life. Thanks for reminding me.
>How did going down the chimney turn his other features like hair and lips negroid in appearance?
Natural selection.
>when there's the best quality weed allover the place
>consuming your export product
This is why you're poor.
>not taking a few puffs,just a few
At least we ain't eurocucks
A white holy rich guy from Spain or white Turkey comes to the Netherlands together with his negro slaves and brings gifts and candy to the kids.
The negroes are all purposely acting dumb originally to simulate a real black sub-Saharan African but lately they made them smart to pander to the power fantasy of Dutch negroes and people suffering from white guilt.
Now they want to take away the blackface all together after the UN whined about it and all the blacks are getting uppity. We even needed maximum police protection during the parade.
thanks for taking your time to explain it this well.
We need a new far-right party. People won't vote VB as long as the cordon sanitaire is in effect.
Yes, YOUR way of life. As in your people's way of life, moron
So sinterklaas and his servants arrived in the netherlands yesterday. From that day untill the 5th of december. Children put down their shoe with drawings for sinterklaas and wishlists and usually a carrot or sugar cube for his horse. Children do this every night before going to bed, when they wake up the next morning, it's filled with candy and/or presents. On the 5th of december it's the big night where he comes and visits your house to put if ull with presents. Much like children look for eggs during easter, the children search their house for presents.
>Be Dutch
>Watch television, most of it is in English with dutch subtitles
>Dinner time, time for my national dish
>Don't know what that is - pancakes, I guess? Fuck it, foreign food will do
>Get on the tram
>All these English speaking foreigners talking about weed
>Pass a Zwarte Piet protest
>Smile as the last remnants of my cultural heritage are destroyed
Black Pete uses the candy to lure the children in his bag, which he will bring to Spain and sell this children to the Moors for slavery.
you too man thats probably the worlds weirdiest version of the santa claus you guys have there.
Some cunt is stirring the pot on twitter today.
>"This is the country where racism is being elevated as culture, where racism is being spoonfed to you, where you're fed racism forcefully."
>shitstorm ensues
As usual, not an argument, just some unqualified accusations of racism. She'll probably present angry replies as evidence for the truthfulness of her claims later this week.
Sadly this is becoming a reality :(. Please help save my tradition. It was honestly the best memory from my childhood.
Santa Clause is based on this shit we got here which is based on some weird pagan celebration
The black face is a much older aspect of this character than the lips, earrings, and hair. Those last three can easily be argued to be racist without having to disregard historic facts. That's why I find it so idiotic that the protesters are picking out the historically least racist aspect of Zwarte Piet to rail against.
>but it's blackface
No it's not dumbass. Piet's black face has nothing to do with racist Hollywood traditions whatsoever.
When and why did you fucking Dutchies ever think that traditions were negotiable?
Why, every time around this year, you fucking little faggots have to discuss about it? Why can't you just ignore it like we do. Fucking little pussies you are. Now we're stuck in it aswell.
Is it difficult to think beyond catchphrases when you' re a retard?
Nah Zwarte Piet obviously represents a negro. In fact, the whole chimney story was made up to appeal to people who had issue with it. Zwarte Piet is based on Moorish invaders who travelled to European shores to kidnap people to sell them into slavery. They put them in bags and shipped them off... Sound familiar?
I remember when I was a kid we were made to be scared of Zwarte Piet because if you were a bad kid, he would hit you with his "roe" (basically a stick/whip) and put you in his bag to abduct you to Spain. Nowadays that part of the legend has been whitewashed too because it sounds like child abuse.
I want Zwarte Piet to remain exactly as he was, but pretending like it's not a negroid charicature is just intellectually dishonest.
>liever geen memes
Name ONE black country that does whiteface as a national tradition to demean white people?
Fuck Trump and fuck white people
It's already fucked in belgium, retard. No zwarte piet anymore, starting next year. You are the real cucks.
Many tribes cover their faces in white as traditions and rituals.
You're right
I agree on this. I don't know what part you're from in the netherlands but i wasn't made to fear black pete. The moment i'd see black pete he'd throw candy to me. Sinterklaas and black pete visited me in my house as well a couple of times. I would lose my shit with excitement. Those are really some of the happiest memories of my childhood.
Just loose the red lips, earrings and afro hair and then you can at least say he is black from the chimney alone. The kids wouldn't notice that small difference. What gets me absolutely furious is the fact that children start to recognize their parents and relatives because they are not black anymore, it breaks the fantasy for them.
no it didn't
> Fuck Trump
has nothing to do with this innocent tradition
> fuck white people
Muh racists muh safe space muh muh
What I'm saying is that of all defining aspects of the look of Zwarte Piet, the black face is arguably the least racist.The nappy hair, earrings, and big red lips, obviously stereotypical of negroes, only came along about 150 years ago, though. The trickster character with the black face is much older than that. To claim that it has any origins in Hollywood style black face and attacking it on that basis seems like a prime example of intellectualy dishonest as well.
kekeke didn't even look it from that aspect. Ofcourse our folklore is based on european folkore like the trickster character. Hollywood and murican values have nothing to do with this.
Why the fuck are Amsterdam municipality and Erasmus+ (the EU) funding this piece of shit organization which wants to "decolonize" education and libraries?
Belgium cucks just made a pact to remove black pete without even consulting the people. Thankfully, we're all pissed off, but knowing belgium, they'll do nothing anyways and simply give in to some niggers
It's the general trend now. To give into activists and political correctness.
"Wie zoet is krijgt lekkers, wie stout is de roe"
Zwarte Piet gives candy to nice children and hits bad children with his roe and puts you in his bag and takes you to Spain. That's how it used to be. But nowadays de Sint always says "This year, all children have been good!" because it's not politically correct anymore to hit children.
This is a change in the tradition but I don't mind it because it came about naturally and organically. Not because of pressure of interest groups such as the Minderhedenforum (in Belgium) or other politically correct nonsense.
Zwarte Piet should remain as he always has been: with the curly hair, big lips, earrings, and colonial clothing.
Sinterklaas is a very emotional subject for a lot of people (including me) because it's the source of some of their best memories. If foreigners want to change this it amounts to sacrilege.
I'm actually of the opinion that Zwarte Piet could be considered racist, but that we shouldn't give a shit about that. No child ever thinks less of negroes because of Zwarte Piet, in fact, nowadays he's a positive character associated with happiness and candy. Just leave him be.
It's three huge corporations who won't use traditional Piet in their marketing anymore. It's not a political decision but a marketing one. I just hope Ketnet and Studio 100 change their minds. Watching Dag Sinterklaas is one of my fondest memories as a kid.
>To claim that it has any origins in Hollywood style black face
I don't think anyone's claiming the black face started from American stereotype influences. What people are complaining about is that it's racist in the same way those American black face performances were. Just because it didn't come from America doesn't mean it's magically less offensive. It's still white people making themselves look black so they can perform as slave characters.
Dag Sinterklaasje from ketnet, even for me in the netherlands, was truly the best children program for Sinterklaas. That intro tho...
For everyone else, near the end of the video you have the general idea of sinterklaas and black pete bringing presents through the chimney.
Every single year this discussion starts as early as August and it has almost ruined the holiday entirely.
One small hope is how the businesses that organize private Sinterklaas/Zwarte Piet visits report that they are specifically asked for the originals ~90% of the time.
Thing is, no one even remotly thought Zwarte piet was a dumb nigger or a slave. He's black because of crawling through chimnees and he's the helper of an old man. It wasn't until political correctness and some niggers who aren't even from belgium or the netherlands, started to cry that he's suddenly a topic of racism.
As if zwarte piet is so bad anyways. It's a black guy that works and takes care of kids
Best scene of all time
Maybe I'm not making myself clear enough, but I'm trying to argue that the black face of Zwarte Piet doesn't have the same racist origins as Hollywood blackface. It's widely agreed here that Zwarte Piet's black face is the result of chimney soot. The protest groups, as you are saying, conflate the two, projecting the origins of Hollywood style blackface on Zwarte Piet and subsequently attacking that.
It's a dishonest strawman. Understandable, but not reasonable.
For the record, I think we should do away with the stereotypical hair, big red lips, and big golden earrings. Those were added in the 19th century and are obviously stereotypical.
> a leaf
This is some accurate info for anyone who's genuinely interested.
Is this gonna help Geert?
Yes. People are pissed. You don't touch Sinterklaas.
Yes this will definetly help Geert. I'm not the biggest fan of him but at least he holds the respect to uphold our traditions.
>It's still white people making themselves look black so they can perform as slave characters.
Nowadays, they're considered helpers, not slaves, as a kid I never got the impression that they were forced to serve Sinterklaas or anything. Also, slavery doesn't nearly play as big of a role in our history compared to the US.
Whats his position in the polls lately?
I don't find him particularly charming either but all the other cucks are seemingly useless.
Even as a child I never heard of people calling zwarte piet a slave. He's always portrayed as a kind, good helper.
That would be the most accurate description of him yes.
He's gaining momentum. He used to be hated in the netherlands in the past but he's getting more support each year. Right now he's one of the leading partys in our country. This is partially because of the massive immigration from syria as well....
The elections are in march.
Maurice de Hond a big poll taker, on the 2 of Nov released a pol saying he had 29 seats in goverment. This rivals VVD which won the last election and is at this point the biggest according to the same poll they have 26 in that poll and a little higher or lower in other polls.
Maybe they should learn the traditions of the countries they want to flood to beforehand
Thanks Colgates. Having the same trouble with immigrants and blacks?
Heard he isn't very fond of Moroccans in particular.
Japanese princesses
Yes he wants to stop the growing islamisation in our country. But at least the true dutch people are not practising islam. I, like most dutch, were raised catholic in the 90's and 80's.
Same trouble man, they just dont adjust to our society and our values. He isnt very fond of them beause recently goverment statistics came out, saying 70 procent of crime has immigrants involved.
Also Gemans vote AFD sucks to see our brother country getting fucked.
Loosely translated excerpt:
>Even though I am black as soot, I have good intentions xd
Red-pilled af children's song, makes me nostalgic.
>saying 70 procent of crime has immigrants involved
Oh you, stop being so racist. Educate yourself, I'm literally shaking right now!
Before Geert, before anyone. Way before trump, back in the day when muricans still had george bush. We had Pim Fortyun. He was shot by an immigrant. He was the original before Geert.
why would I even care if they did ?
Fucking love a good pepe, i hope he is with you in your upcoming election.
>Santa comes from Spain with his pet moorish niggers to bring presents to children
now THIS is culture
Alright Toastiebro. Britbong here in Amsterdam, about to fly home. I was accidentally here for the Welcome Sinterklaas event and saw lots of children blacked up but zero adults, and one half-cast kid was playing Zwarte Piet without any additional makeup.
I thought the latter was kind of weird on the part of the parents because it kind of implies this IS a race issue but maybe they were leftist cucks trying to make a point with their own kid.
In any case, fuck these faggots who have a problem with it. It's your tradition and while yes, I think its pretty weird, I also respect your individual culture.
The EU would have you submit to "acceptable cultural norms" which THEY will determine, which is why we must get you guys out of the EU next. France would be preferred but we all know they're too much of a cuckhive to do it.
Your santa claus is a rippoff version based from our sovereign tradition you cuck.