ITT: "people" you will literally celebrate the deaths of
ITT: "people" you will literally celebrate the deaths of
Anyone who is Jewish.
>he thinks soros won't outlive all of us
low energy, lib tier thread
Only for political reasons though
>crying over Soros death is high energy
Kill yourself CTR
Yes. It is clear that he is some sort of demonic-vampire. Even on the slim chance that he is not, he has access to an endless supply of young, cleaned and vetted third-worlders whom he harvests for organs when he needs them.
Sup Forums hates a Philanthropists but keeps silent about Saudis and ex-KGB Billionaires.
The amount you people are manipulated is amazing. Just don't wonder 2 years later why your life is still shit and you dont become magically richer.
You literally have no idea how the true elite thinks.
you're right, he's not a person. he's a GOD emperor. the date of his death will be sacred. right after he completes his mission of delivering our nation eternal sovereignty
The difference is, I can understand Saudis and the Russians. Soros, to me, is literally Palpatine level. His end game is a mistery
Learn english before you make your next post, paki.
No one.
I don't celebrate people's death.
michael moore
Daily reminder when you see someone blaming everything on Saudis and Russians, you know he is kike shill..
Good answer Mohammed
Bernie Sanders
George Soros
Mike Moore (it's bound to be before anyone else)
Hillary Clinton
Bill Cinton
from least to most
>nobody posted this
i was thinking of naming him, but it would take a long ass time... he's in his 40s.
Fucking ancient in nigger years.
you will die before Trump
No one.
They should live to see the world they attempted to build fall apart.
Mugabe is in his 90s, user.
Kek will come for him soon.
He is 92 year old, the fuck you guys smoking.
Reminder that Soros's legacy will continue under the hand of his son... that is until he stopped living too, or something like that.
Mugabe? he's 92
My Death.
any celebrity, especially if they are sanctimonious cunts who think they have any place lecturing normal people with actual problems
fuck that yellow bastard
Anita Sarkeesian
Cenk Uygur
Most modern-day celebrities
Murdoch maybe, otherwise none.
>Sicario ending
Cheeto Mussolini
She looks like those birds from The Dark Crystal
>almost every german politician
>Family Saud, all of them
>C. Roth x2
These two subversives.
why do Americans let SCOTUS be controlled by kikes?