You cannot stop us, Cultural Marxism will succeed

You cannot stop us, Cultural Marxism will succeed

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If stone age is your goal, then yes.

No, it won't

The lies will collapse opon their own weight.

Hey I've been gone for a while who's the president?

"Cultural Marxism" doesn't exist.

It's been dead for 30 years and those who tried to resurrect it just got btfo, probably permanently.

cultural "marxism" isn't even marxism. Anyone who believes it is r/the_donald alt-right moron.

>implying we didn't just deal the killing blow


The Frankfurt School were also terrible Marxists.


These repeating intergers say the opposite.

Cultural Marxism aka I have skimmed Marx and Engels: the theology

>not being alt-right

a fucking cuck

day of the rake when?

>Actually, unironically identifying as alt-righter
Did you come here this year? Get out

The Franks aren't to blame for SJWs.

The true culprits are the French postmodernists, specifically Michel Foucault.

You won't make it past the first cold snap.

Go and do your scummy commie shit somewhere else you leaf faggot.

That 1 girl looks very rapable in that costume.

>You cannot stop us

Indeed you seem to do a fantastic job of stopping yourselves with catastrophic failure everytime so why should anyone else bother to waste their efforts on you.