It's called the bill of RIGHTS not the bill of WANTS stupid Americans. Why would anyone need this?
It's called the bill of RIGHTS not the bill of WANTS stupid Americans. Why would anyone need this?
Other urls found in this thread:
To kill you with
>bill of RIGHTS
>Why would anyone NEED this?
Bill of needs?
This is a bit weak Aussie. Canadian tier. Are you tired? You're off your game.
What if I need to shoot 3 dindus?
Not an argument.
The rights to life, liberty and property are inalienable and their recognition predates both the formation of America and the Bill of Rights.
Burgers need those so they could show the others how small their dick is, while real men do the talking with their fists.
Shit b8, my friend. Get some rest and try again.
Surely you mean the muzzies do, since your countrymen have yet to stop them.
Silence ahmed we all know how violent you animals get.
melbourne go to bed
>real men
You mean Ahmed and friends, right?
To murder children at triple the fire speed. That can dump three thirty round magazine clips.
Coyote? Mountain lions? Bears?
In case you don't have gas chamber, that is pretty efficient for killing kikes.
To kill a triple-nigger
I don't want that. I want this.
Lol mudkipz!!! Pools closed cuz aids LMAO xddddd
Bill of rights, not bill of needs
Never saw one of those before, looks pretty awesome. One on the left looks pretty illegal.
Dunno, but they're also of the opinion that somehow a "right" is something you buy, rather than something you already have a right to.
They're very tolerant of their own inconsistencies and hypocrisies.
Exactly, it's a basic right every law abiding citizen can partake in. Doesn't matter if there's a practical function for it or not. Also, there are many states that impose a 3 shot limit on magazine size for specific hunts, that firearm was designed to fit that need.
So yes, infact for some hunters that firearm would be perfectly suitable.
>why would anyone need this
to kill people
>whenever the legislators endeavour to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any farther obedience, and are left to the common refuge which God hath provided for all men against force and violence.
liberalism is fucking sweet
for the same reasons i would want a double barrel shotgun
protect livestock
protect family
hobby / enthusiast / timesink
you Americans are blessed with the 2nd Amendment
never let them take that away from you
What is your point exactly? Yes, it's called the bill of rights, and regarding guns, we have the right to own them. And yes, we would of course *want* to exercise that right.
No one is forced into gun ownership, so no one has to have a gun. But since it's our right to do so, people are free to make the decision on their own without government intervention. Ah shit, this is b8 isn't it... Whatever I'm still posting it
>Why would anyone need this?
You are so right OP?? Why are Americans so stupid?? Don't they want to be safe (with full gun control) like Mexico?
We alone in the dark 4 now
no you don't.
it is if you aren't a complete retard like yourself. this thread is SHIT
Defending yourself from intruders.
In style.
Protection from criminals. Maintain balance of power between the government and the people.
Gun control works. Period.
I want to be safe. In fact I want America to be a gun-control paradise like Mexico for example.
>Maintain balance of power between the government and the people.
this as well
To kill three leftists
Protection from Mexico's rapists and murderers
>gun control
>Why would anyone need this?
Because you can shoot 3 anti-American traitors with one shot with that gun, vs. only 1 anti-American traitor with a traditional shotgun.
It's all about efficiency.
I guess when you live in a country where butter knives are considered weapons the idea of having a gun can be kind of scary
To shoot whores of babylon.
It's a fact pendejo. All the gun control laws that our left politicians are screaming for---- already exist in Mexico.
Mexico, where guns are banned or heavily regulated, is a gun control paradise. I don't understand why all our liberals don't just go to Mexico their Utopia. Also brazil, Venezuela, and few other places like that.
Hunting, some area you are limited to three slugs. If that is semi auto it allows three rapid shots.
Get fucked non hunter herbivore vegan no guns faggot
That's exactly why libtards didn't threaten to move to Mexico but Canada instead. Deep down they know their ideals are complete bullshit.
Three niggers.
>have to buy food
mate you don't understand the American constitution. It's not a list of rights that the government gives the people. It's the government acknowledging that people are born with these rights, and the government can't take them away.
It's called the bill of rights not the bill of needs. I have a right to have that.
>Leftists want to ban this
Explain yourselves
To shoot 3 nignogs at once, duh
Why do you guys always compare this country to shitholes like mexico and places in the middle east and not to actual good countries
A gun evens the odds against a horde of muzzies/niggers.
Mexico is our neighber, and Europe is ten thousand miles away.
Also Mexico and USA are both multi-cultural new world countries (Europe is something different)
Gun control either works or it doesn't. Help me out here?