BTFO press
BTFO press
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Sue the porn actress into oblivion Trump!
Fuck off back to stormfront nazi faggot
I still enjoy Trump bantz
But I kind of wish he hadn't done this. This is only going to work up the opposition more and be used as a talking point for the next 3 days.
I love that Trump is still shitposting. I hope the Jews at the NYT are quaking in their boots at the thought of having alienated the future president.
1st amendment protects free speech, not consequences of free speech
He's a manchild, but at least he's a useful tool
waah waaah he talks directly to the people
wwwaaaahahh we cant control him
fake tweet. Nice source
policy =/= law
While the law of the land may be free speech, this tweet shows Trumps policy will be against free speech. He can't legally nullify the 1st amendment, but he wants to fight it.
He's fighting a company who slandered him. Notice how he's not suing all the other newspapers who talked crap about him.
>libel and propoganda should be protected under the first amendment
Libel and slander aren't protected speech, faggot. What The New York Times was doing can very easily be described as calumny at the very least.
>1st amendment protects free speech, not consequences of free speech
Are you fucking retarded? You cannot be prosecuted by the government for free speech. This is why hate speech and inciting a riot is the dumbest fucking thing in existence
fuck off CTR shill
Can you stormfags please fuck off
>Leftists say this for years
>Someone else does it
I wouldn't mind if Trump starting cracking down on journalists.
I fail to see the problem, he can't have an opinion on the media?
>president elect
>has a mere two months to compile a cabinet and get an understanding of where the country is at
>still finds time for top bantz on twitter
Based Big Daddy Don
counter sage
ebin meme my friend. you entirely missed the point of his post and called him retarded. ebin.
>1st amendment
Nah, he's just telling the NYT to go fuck itself. Hopefully it's revenues go down.
New Trump tweets pose significant threat to press freedom. More at 11.
What? Leftists are all for consequences just because you have the wrong ideas.
.001 shekles for you, goy
NYT has a right to post yellow journalism and Trump has a right to call them all fagots. I see nothing wrong here.
>there will soon be 3AM shitposting from @POTUS
What? These people will never accept him, now they just want to pretend they are fair because they are losing money.
It's been proven time and time again that the only way to be with SJW, leftists and liberals in general is to be strong 100% of the time.
They will never stop, they will never be more opposed than they already are.
This. Sam Hyde did the same thing when Viewful Joe wanted to ask him about his internet shenanigans. You don't need to take them seriously because being nice won't change their opinion of you.
>pointing out bad journalism
>destroying the first
pick one
like guys i thought CTR was going away
did soros take over or like shit wtf
The New York Times publishing that letter was a REALLY stupid fucking move legally. To prove libel against public figures you need to prove malicious intent.
A letter admitting their reporting was dishonest goes a long way in proving a case for Trump. I doubt he will go through with a suit though.
It's a free market. People will read what they want to read, and the unpopular outlets will naturally lose revenue.
The Trump campaign opened a lot of peoples' eyes to the manipulation and propaganda, so they abandoned traditional media for shit like Breitbart, InfoWars, and Drudge that actually reported on the vile shit the Obama Administration and the Left was pulling "behind the scenes."
He's basically saying that the new york times is already paying for their bad behavior and he is gloating.
There's a difference between free speech and libel/slander. If he can prove that they hosted/wrote articles while knowing they were false it would be against the law and grounds for lawsuit.
This has been true for ages.
Yeah, pretty sure Soros is still funding those nerd virgin basement-dwellers.
You faggot I'm a nationalist
Nazi scum are polluting the movement
>freedom of speech is guaranteeing people are forced to listen to your lies
based cuckold
True. He should straight up boycott the ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( (((NEW YORK TIMES))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))) )))))))))) ))))) )))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and watch their stock drop like Macy's.
>Trump doesn't allow the main media into the white house
>only lets them close during Trump rallies
>gives interviews to Infowars, breitbart and the like
>Nazi scum
Yeah, this is how I know you're a subversive and not an actual rightist. Nazis ARE this movement.
Civic nationalism is not actually nationalism btw. Civic nationalists are literally the people for whom the term cuckservative was invented.
>nazi scum are polluting the natsoc movement
No reddit, that would be you with your "altright" faggotry.
Peter Thiel is coming for these lying scum. Retribution time.
I wouldn't mind if all Trump does for the next 4 years is shitpost from the white house.
it's more about insulting you and your pathetic views. regardless if anyone cares. at least thats why I do it. stormfront "daddys little bitch" faggot.
Why is Soros still funding you faggots?
Is he secretly redpilled? Does he really desire the complete destruction of the left?
He doesn't even need to sue them. He'll just call them out on Twitter under @POTUS and give everyone the 411 on what's really up.
Traditional media is dead.
let the salt flow through you little libcuck
Shit like this is why nobody takes you cucks seriously.
He's already announced he's suing, and I've seen people claim this is against the first amendment for the pres to sue.
It isn't.
cuck became a meme when Sup Forums got bombarded with interracial porn and cuckold porn, its now just a synonym for anti-immigration/interracial/multiculturalism
Back to r/thedonald kike!
he's right, fuck the MSM
how do ordinary people not see through this shit?
Just compare side by side the coverage of Aleppo and Mosul.
Neat. Heads will explode and the tears will flood the world in a second Deluge, wiping out all traces of the sins of the "progressive" movement.
I hope NYT and all the other slanderous media Jews go bankrupt and Fox is ironically the only news channel left on TV.
The media must be punished for lying
It amazes me that even though he is the President of the United States, he still shit posts on twitter about the cucks who have always been against him. Amazing!
What letter? Can I see the letter?
Yo Georgia you look nice. Can I come over for vacation or will you stab me?
Obvious samefagging airplane modeing mobilefag leaf
>literally. A leaf
You can be prosecuted by private business for free speech.
Guess who has a billion dollar business?
Bump for assblasted cucks
How am I assblasted. My candidate won.
You know nazis were actual fags right? You're prob one of these faggots that think boipussy is the final redpill.
But he is 100% correct. The New York Times admitted outright that it failed journalism 101 when it came to accurate reporting as far as Trump was concerned. This isn't even about "being mean to Trump", it's about the fact that they failed their own readership.
I don't understand how people still think Trump is going to be a typical "bash the gays" conservative. Look at this! And he made LGBT rights a part of his platform in the campaign!
He's going to stand up for religious rights against subversive homo organizations.
He's not going to pander to homos.
He's going to put anti-homo people on the Supreme Court.
And most of all, his election empowers every anti-homo person in the country and terrifies the pro-homo degenerates.
the media is owned by like 3 people, and most newspapers are all the fuckin same group
Not if you give me your trips
Also, I'm murican but living here for a time
People are really friendly in the villages and usually everywhere, though I did fight a group of Georgians one night and they gang up like niggers
Very cheap, relatively pretty girls and beautiful scenery
Local wine is raved about but only the black wine is really tasty
>He thinks Sup Forums is satire
They did illegally publish his illegally obtained tax returns.
Not that it matters that much but someone should grammar check his tweets.
>1st amendment
Slander isn't free speech famalam.
This guy has a point. Stormfront faggots are butt blasted over Jared having a big role in Trumps Team.
They are the ones who spammed those threads with fake news about Trump backpedaling.
>Criticizing people for saying retarded things
top kek
Who cares? Those fags are angry even at cucks let them double down until they start blowing themselves up to protest heteronormative society I honestly don't care
Even libs won't defend the new york times in this case.
How would you feel if your trusted publication had you betting your house on Clinton only for it to turn out the reality was in fact the polar opposite of whatever they said?
Well at least the girls are cheap
>tweeting = figting
No wonder you muritards can't accomplish anything anymore. You're not tweeting enough.
so fucking hyped right now
Donald Trump is going to end up owning the New York Times after the fake rape claims lawsuit. It'll be fucking hilarious.
>Trump pointing something out
>Hurr he wants to fight against 1st amendment.
Did killary teach you this way of shilling, or are you just kikes? No wonder everyone thinks muritards are stupid.
>he got his twitter back
I can't wait for this presidency. It's going to be wonderful.
This doesn't kill the first amendment.
All it does is reveal that the (((press))) is just a propaganda organization. So people move on to places that are more honest and actually give facts.
This is actually good for the 1st amendment.
>there are people that think the media should be allowed to lie whenever they want
the press should be held accountable for dishonesty
otherwise you get a propaganda machine to force any ideology the ruling structure wants to impose on you
just like now!
it is satire but nazis are to stupid to realize what is satire and whats not.
Has there ever been a "leader" with skin this fucking thin?
Christ he's petty.
Trump understands trends. The old media is dead and they are the last ones to figure that out.
>1st amendment on suicide watch
Hi, Buzzfeed journalist who was here yesterday. I see you have chosen to grace us with your presence again. Slow day today?
There is a really fucking big difference between wanting to charge people for libel/lies, and outright censoring ideas you don't like.
Yeah Obama
can you give any examples of obama even referencing the media's coverage of him at all?