Has he finally lost it?
Other urls found in this thread:
notch is /our guy/
but he's right?
what's the problem?
the minecraft creator? holy shit we could have a kid army if pewds joins in
Uh oh. Sounds like he's had one too many redpill this year.
Sounds like run of the mill snark
>I used to enjoy playing minecraft
Not anymore now that I've realised that this guy is an anti semetic ass
Most Swedish men are redpilled af
I've gained a lot of respect back for Notch with his tweets over the past couple years
He knows what's up
It's all real folks
Where do you think you are?
Fun facts if you play the enderman sound backwards it says jews did 9/11
Notch is on a healthy dose of redpill.
he has been fighting the redpill for so long, I think he is ready to accept it
Notch will Make Sweden Swedish Again
I'm pretty sure he is user
I bought that game like 7 years ago when people were shilling the beta for $10 Sup Forums
I knew that Notch is a Sup Forumstard but I wasn't aware that he browses Sup Forums.
>become billionaire
>do nothing but lurk Sup Forums
This man needs help.
what is that image of sven?
best timeline
We cyberbullied him after the "cuck unfairly shames people who enjoy that fetish" tweet and now he's one of us
>Asia Pacific region
How do I save your flag?
wtf i like minecraft now
When did notch uncuck himself?
Holy shit how redpilled can one fat swede get?
Is this a genuine tweet? Cool. One of us.
Op is saying notch is gonna get suicided
He's attempting to release his 10 year old minions!!!
What the fuck would you do if you had a billion dollars, aside from maybe trying to buy Sup Forums? Face it, anyone that's on here is on here for life, this shit is just too fun.
>Has he finally lost it?
looks like he finally found it
this man is living the dream
why doesnt he invite some Sup Forumsacks to his homeparty?
>buy minecraft early on, before it was a normie meme
>secret friday updates
>eventually development dies off
>kinda hate notch for it
>discover /new/ (old Sup Forums)
>get redpilled as fuck
>years go by
>notch is dispensing redpills from his twitter
>realize my early investment was a good one
2016 just keeps getting better, I don't want it to stop being the current year
He was shilling the alpha on Sup Forums years ago
alpha minecraft was the best
I thought we Finns were good at english. Apparently you have some serious reading comprehension problems.
what is this fatass's problem
how come a rich fuck is unhappy. fucking hell get a hobby or something
I'd buy a seaplane.
I feel like building a wall in minecraft to celebrate the redpilled status of Notch.
This is our guy
he lost it. somebody pls send halp
read the whole tweet before posting, faggot :^)
naa, he's just a jew looking for new victims
Dark iron dwarf in Hearthstone
I guess being a billionaire NEET is what it takes to be redpilled.
He's been based for a while now.
does anyone enter a Sup Forums without going through Sup Forums?
that is the natural path no?
Notch, Pewdiepie, both based.
A Dark iron clan Dwarf from World of Warcraft.
Notch for PM of Sweden when?
>you're not a billionaire swede dropping red pills on twitter
PLEASE somebody post the one of the transgender ``game developer'' trying to guilt him into giving ``her'' money.
He only released alpha minecraft on Sup Forums
He's only browsed here constantly for a decade.
You've probably chatted with Markus.
Just don't read his tweets about freedom of speech.
I remember I got the game during a christmas special, 2 copies for 10 dollars. and its still in beta
I was Sup Forums only around 2006 when I discovered Sup Forums, now I never go there, not even for big happenings. It's all Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and sometimes Sup Forums
>1 Std
I entered throuh lolicon when it existed years ago, then was on Sup Forums for yesrs and now am here.
>anti semetic
What did he say?
+++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++ notch killed minecraft classic for the shekels +++
probably but Sup Forums and old /gif/ were just stuff you looked for a few minutes and got a couple laughs out of it, it's other boards that suck in people and make them waste 90% of their time posting about random stuff
Sup Forums is fun during sports events.
couple months ago he was calling people cucks on twitter
/b is like the Sorting Hat in harry potter.
>implying you wouldn't sell your stupid baby game for a billion dollars after seeing what your fans were like
ever even watch minecon videos?
I think theres more of his shitposts out there
Oh Shadilay!
He overdosed the redpill and went bonkers.
Build an underwater home with my private submarine and a landing pad for my own helicopter and/or private jet above the surfacelevel.
Does Notch still have no friends? Let's be his friends, lads.
Notch if you're reading this please milk every last drop from your audience and buy us platforms on the sea for our PMC.
W-what are you
When you have a lot of money, it's easier to keep you occupied for longer, but that sense of emptiness comes no matter what. Having a ton of money also ensures you with a perpetual feeling of thinking people are near you just because of the things you have and not for who you are.
yeah I was more into Sup Forums a few years ago
mods took a shit on the whole board culture. they used to be one of the few boards that still allowed cwc threads until the crackdown. their shitposting is still top notch, though.
requesting the one with the pissed off tranny asking for gibs me dats
Is it? I thought they dropped the beta tag after 1.0
I think I missed the alpha by a few months
Notch is so fucking based.
Is this really Notch? Why is he becoming so redpilled lately?
I entered through Sup Forums, Sup Forums was scary as a newfag but quickly became boring
I love how when normal people become billionaires unintentionally they are always redpilled
Meh, i am not an old fag but by the time i got here, Sup Forums was already normie central. Just post nudes thrads, basically.
I got much more interested by the boards yhat actually match my interests.
>I thought they dropped the beta tag after 1.0
yeah and its still an incomplete game only made whole by mods
>can't open
how have women been dehumanized ?
the most famous rulers of England are almost all women, the greatest historical figure of france is a woman, German men are women, etc...
this shit is unbeliveable
I haven't played Minecraft for 5 years.
Anyways... does Sup Forums has its own Minecraft server?
Notch shitposted on Sup Forums before minecraft got big.
I mean he used to post his game on Sup Forums im not suprised if he came back.
Someone make this guy a meme! He deserves it now!
Based notch, he's always been a genuinely decent and likeable guy too.
It took a while but the reality of the situation has settled in.
they ditch minecraft yet Notch already given that away to M$ long long ago.