What went so terribly, terribly wrong?
Now that the dust has settled
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Establishment vs non-establishment.
It should've been Bernie.
Internet allowed the masses to bypass traditional media powers and talk to ourselves about what we thought and what we really going on. People just gave the finger to NY Times, CBS, NBC, ABC etc.
We owe our thanks to FBI Director James Comey
You mean terribly right
the dnc rigged the primaries against a popular, viable socialist Jew in favor of a mechanical, war-mongering corporate democrat and lost their asses on it. I legitimately believe Bernie could have won if they let him have the endorsement.
>What went so terribly, terribly wrong?
Nothing. Everything went great.
she thought she had poor whites in the bag and ignored the midwest
she kept talking about sjw issues and ignored economic ones, further alienating those people
everyone knew she was a filthy liar
>I legitimately believe Bernie could have won if they let him have the endorsement.
Then you are stupid.
1. He would not have been able to fundraise a fraction of what hillary did. Are wall street, big pharma, and foreign dictatorships going to throw money at Bernie like they did Hillary? Fucking no. You stupid redditfags already blew all your weed money supporting him through the primaries, and your $8 donations wouldn't have got him through the general. You think Soros would have backed him? The BLM attack on sanders and stealing his mic was orchestrated and paid for by Soros, Clinton, and the DNC. The Chicago riots that were blamed on Bernie supporters were orchestrated by Soros, Clinton, and the DNC.
2. He wouldn't have fought dirty. As much as I think that ancient jew commie is an economic idiot, I will concede that his is, mostly, a man of integrity & honesty, by politician standards. However, this means no leaked 'grab 'em by the pussy' tapes, no leaked trump taxes to the NYT, no horde of fake 'victims' to parade out calling trump a sextopus. No inciting violence at Trump rallies to paint trump supporters as dangerous. No tight collusion with the media to coordinate and amplify all of these fake attacks shit for the non stop news cycle.
3. Bernie has no record of 'accomplishments'. He has been in washington forever, and has accomplished zero. All of Clintons positives on experience, qualifications, world travel during her term as SoS, etc. are gone. Bernie would have been attacked relentlessly by Trump as a do nothing archaic socialist from a dead era of liberal hippies whose ideas didn't work in the 19th century, the 20th century, and sure as hell wouldn't work in the 21st century. All trump has to do is point to Venezuela, and say 'There is your Bernie Sanders in action.' Only you millenials are stupid and inexperienced enough to think that socialism has any traction here in America, you have your head stuck too far up your own asses.
Her supporters were fucking awful.
>hey sexist bernie bros, you're being ridiculous
>hey racist trump supporters, you're being bigots
>white straight men are worthless garbage
>wait no, come back and vote for hillary, you oppressors
>why didn't you elect hillary, you white losers
It's like the Democrats have their own Tea Party now.
The woman rapes and murders children to win favor with demons and blackmail her minions.
Do you really have to ask?
Corrupt as sin, establishment old woman that can't relate to the average person and obsess over the minority vote isn't a very good candidate
All that is missing the point of this election. The money didn't matter. Playing dirty didn't help Hillary at all, people wanted to hear reasons to vote for her and only got "Trump this, Trump that"
Hillary's record was scorned by most people. He beat her in Wisconsin and Michigan. He was the only one who might've kept some white working class males on the Democratic side because he's consistently supported them.
But Hillary got nominated because a bunch of niggers in unwinnable states voted for her and didn't even show up on election day.
The DNC nominated a candidate who's never once one an election on her own merit and expected this one to be different for some reason
The left has a tendency to belittle the right and berate its deeply held beliefs, since the left has few "higher purpose" beliefs of its own, instead having beliefs of the self.
At the same time the left has neglected the working poor crushed by globalism, while looking at these white voters who lost a lot and attacking them with blatant identity politics and new immigration ideas (which they believe could threaten their jobs).
And so, being forgotten economically and attacked culturally manifested in an abhorence for the left, perhaps seen most in lower economic white voters. The "loving and tolerant left" and the media chose to fight perhaps the most politically vocal populace of the US. So they turned to someone the voters maybe didnt agree with fully, but addressad their core concerns. it was populism vs. establishment, and populism won big time.
they played their hand too early
whites are still the majority in this country. it was not wise to make the war on white males so completely evident before they became the minority.
She had no campaign other than, "I'm not Trump"
I really dont understand why liberals thought she'd do a thing for civil rights, cop shooting, prison industrial complex, foreign wars, military spending, healthcare, the "wage gap", etc. when 8 years in the office and Obama didnt do shit. Obama didnt even touch gay rights and left it up to the Supreme Court. How is that any different than Trump saying to leave gay marriage to the states?
Bernie was a ruse, he was never non-establishment. the whole point was for him to get anti-establishment voters and their donations, and then hand them over to Hillary
>Hillary directly funded and guided by George Soros
>George Soros is on the Trilateral Comission that groomed the Clinton's and Obama
>A George Soros funded group just happens to target Hillary's competition
Really makes you think
The lack of rationality on the left and on the right and social media being a platform that would allow that to persist
This, basically.
Long story short: Sup Forums was right
They went too far with propaganda. Never in my life I've seen such blantant bullshit. Our elections were softcore compared to yours and they were utter shit anyway.
I meant American of course, sorry Ivan.
She didn't have support where it counts.
I went to her rally in Pittsburgh the day before the election like 3000 people total showed up.
The night before that, trump pulled 25000 at the airport.
If Hillary won the popular vote, she did it with landslides in NYC and LA.
Realistically, Trump was /everyone's guy/
>tight collusion with the media to coordinate and amplify all of these fake attacks shit for the non stop news cycle.
Except this directly benefited Trump's campaign and was one of the biggest reasons he won. An honest candidate would have removed the biggest source of Trump's power.
Like it or not, Trump's campaign was won by Hillary. You can't get away with that garbage anymore because there's too many mainstream channels of discourse completely independent from the news media narrative, and trying just drives people towards the other party.
The same thing thats happening all over the world. Whether its with the rise of Golden Dawn in Greek Politics, or Front National in France, and most obviously Brexit in Britian.
People are sick of the established elite. People all over the world are rejecting the "natural order" of things. People are waking up and finally realizing that they truly do control their own destiny.
because Trump is the embodiment of 1980s nostalgia.
the media are obsessed with race, large numbers of black people are jumping on the bandwagon, the reality is Trump was the only candidate who called out radical Islamic terror, and illegal immigration. he loves black people.
as for all the shit he said about mexicans, and pussy grabbing, it only helped him. because he's a symbol of freedom of speech and anti-political correctness.
Ice Cube said it best. he looks and acts like a boss. people want a boss for President.
The media and left became so engulfed in their false confidence, they deceived the public. But truthfully, the "my turn" Hillary garbage via the powers that be caused this. And no, Bernie would not have won. America isn't ready for an atheist, hopefully never will be.
She spent the whole campaign preaching to the converted and thought she could win without white people.
the amount of anti-Trump press was stupid
the media just wouldn't ease up
it got to a point of "why are they trying so hard to discredit him" compared to the way they kissed her ass
People started seeing through the bullshit
Hillary raised over $100 million more than Trump. It didn't help, because she raised it from unpopular corporations.
The media collusion didn't help Hillary because it became patently obvious, through Wikileaks, that they were colluding. Say what you will about Bernie, but he probably doesn't have so many media assets.
Bernie's lack of accomplishments are still better than Hillary's wars and corporate donations.
Big businesses have been actively insulting their customers and potential customers for a half decade now. Especially in the shithole mediums that are video games and movies. I didn't think the first example of this behaviour really fucking biting the perpetrator in the ass was going to be one of the presidential candidates
>so terribly, terribly wrong
-She's the face of establishment politics
-She's a globalist neo-con
-She's of, by, and for the collusion between big govt and big corporation
-She's a shameless liar
-She's the most non-transparent politician in history
-She has stroke-induced brain damage
-She's a cuckquean
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician rolled into one person.
And now she has been thoroughly and officially BTFO by the American voters.
You speak too colloquially to be Russian
I think you're asking this question... every single day...
To work out how to do better next time with the same enemy.
Degrading white people.
The entire world hated her, too much corruption was uncovered, only the mentally ill was supporting her.
>Bernie would not have won. America isn't ready for an atheist
who are you, Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
>le old balding grab the 2 billion in campaign donations he got from whining about the rich and buy 3 houses jew
Remind me again why people like this two-faced (redundant, I know) jew, please
This is sort of true. Democratic primary votes mean more in Republican states, because delegates are allocated by total population, not Dem party membership. That means Southern blacks nominated Hillary even though she was guaranteed to lose the South.
In the same way, blue-state Republicans are overrepresented in the Republican primaries. In effect, they're voting for themselves, but also for the Dems and Inds. That's how we end up with shitty moderates like Romney and Jeb.
Her memes were shit.
You're looking at her.
>What went so terribly, terribly wrong?
Fatally flawed candidate.
The democrats (The Clintons) grossly underestimated how unpopular she is as a person.
The electorate flocked to Trump because he called her out like no one else would have.
that would make sense if that's what happened, which it did not, so this reasoning is just plain stupid.
She didn't even bother visiting places like Wisconsin on the campaign trail because she was so completely detached from the plights of working class whites in the Rust Belt. Even Bill Clinton knew there was trouble brewing, and apparently she didn't take heed.
I'm also willing to bet she was surrounded by Yes-Men and that her internal polling was every bit as faulty as the sort used by the mass media, right up until the very end.
After years of treating whites like a dwindling minority, they finally rose up and decided to vote like a minority in one massive bloc. We still don't have quite the same level of solidarity as blacks due to cuckolded whites, but it was a step in the right direction.
worked herself into a shoot
Go go any town away from the interstate in middle America and look at the empty downtowns and the overall economic desolation.
If you did that, you did more than Hillary.
Nothing went wrong.
Everything went right.
jeb bush's three delegates cost him $50 million apiece
The media accused him of being everything they could think of, and all the people who were those things voted for him.
>somehow non-establishment
I'll never understand how naive fags can fall for this
People said 1 and 2 about Trump too.
She has no idea how to connect with people and navigate the modern world. Decades ago she probably would have won. Thanks to the internet, she didnt.
she won the popular vote
it's only the ancient system where if you live here your vote does not count but if you live there it does that got drump into office
more americans voted for hillary than trump
Pretty much.
More Americans also apparently felt that same-sex restrooms were more important than electoral college reform.
she pissed off too many ppl
bernie could have been president
She concentrated on muh gay Muslim biracial transgender plutosexuals which are like 1% of the fucking population while alienating everyone else by not addressing any pressing issues like immigration, economy or what to do in the middle East.
Furthermore she spent more time attacking Trump and his followers instead of coming up with her own rhetoric thus effectively stopping anyone being converted to her side.
Democrats and Hillary fucked up real hard and this blow will be felt in the democrat party for probably a good decade.
Hillary Clinton spent the past 30-40 years leveraging Washington DC insider politics, setting up insider access points for wealthy foreign nationals, collecting dirt on her potential opponents and locking down their intestinal fortitude.
Trump didn't give a fuck about any of that and made her screw-ups and corruption widely known through his relentless trolling of the media. She had no answer and people saw her for what she was - a screaming harpy desperately clinging to power she thought was due her.
She ran a really bad campaign. For as much experience as that woman has in politics, and given who she was running against, it should have been an easy win.
BUT, Hillary decided to not show up for any of the debates and to never say anything of real substance at her rallies.
>muh middle class lgbt immigrants work together sexism look at me I'm a woman ignore those e-mails pay attention to his tax records did I mention I'm a woman?
I know that she's a smart person, but she acted cowardly throughout the entire campaign. If she'd have just stepped up and said some real shit every now and then, she could have taken it. She was running against Donald Fucking Trump, and she still managed to blow it. She doesn't deserve the office, and she never did.
Basically just used the SJW strategy of flinging one liner insults at the deplorables and lost hilariously
Also the email leaks and the Weiner probe, Comey wouldn't have reinvestigated and the Spirit Cooking and pedo shit wouldn't have happened if not for the email leaks and our peaceful army of amphibian activists
Bernie was a cuck. I thought so too until I realised how far the cucking went- Trump would've beat him down and fucked him on camera.
bernie would have won in a landslide
she's an unlikeable career politician that ran a campaign designed to ignore and shame white voters in a country 65% white
She insulted the voters (calling them rapist, racists, sexists, etc if they supported Trump) and came off as fake the entire time.
>If you're rational
The republicans were in power the last time district lines were drawn. Many measures were put in place to avoid gerrymandering, but the republicans found ways around them. This is why popular vote was so close, but Trump won by such a large margin.
Enthusiasm was higher for Trump. Since both candidates were hated, this was an election of voter turnout, not of number of voters on your side. In addition, Hillary was depending on the black vote, which has historically lower turnout.
White, rural America felt neglected by the political class. They were willing to vote for a rich man because he didn't talk down to them and he was the only one even claiming to represent them. They felt further alienated by the classist and intellectually discriminating remarks made by everyone on the left during the election.
>If you're on the left
America is still racist, dumb, Hillbilly, scum, sexist. White people should never be forgiven, especially white men. Oh yeah, and because the other side is hateful.
>If you're on the right
Trump is the best man for the job, he tells it like it is, he's going to make this country great again. It's going to be so great, you don't even know.
That's because California is full of illegals and braindead idiots.
Bernie lost the primary to Hillary though. How would he have gotten MORE votes in the GE?
Its in the emails you cuck
Up until October she literally campaigned as though she'd already won and the voting was merely a formality. There is never a scenario where that is acceptable, and it made her look even more out-of-touch with Americans than she already did.
she courted intellectuals and sought celebrity endorsements instead of campaigning for working class, which she thought in the bag after she clinched (stole) the nomination from sanders
Vast majority of independents wouldnt shift to trump in moral outrage at corrupt hillary
and barely tried in the Rust Belt
Bernie endorsed Shillary, he was a fucking sell out. You should be happy he didn't get a chance, imagine if he really became POTUS. He wouldn't hesitate to sell your country to the highest bidder I bet.
yeah ,I guess you're right, he was never going to get a chance.
all the states that had no paper trail for the vote count, hillary won
Throwing every possible insult at the largest voting block and then wondering why the largest voting block didn't vote for you.
The problem is that the left has silenced everyone besides themselves. They refuse to show anything on tv that goes against their narrative. They would cut it off or edit it to make others look bad. On the internet, they would ban and censor anyone speaking differently especially on twitter, reddit and even Sup Forums when GG got banned. All this shit together has created two things.
1. A echo chamber for themselves where they never have to hear anyone disagreeing with them.
2. The silent majority. We're the silent majority because we're been censored, silenced and shammed out. And yes gamergate is part of that silent majority.
What happens when you have a echo chamber that will always tell you what you want to hear? You become delusional. You think you already won because there's nobody to tell you otherwise, everyone else has already been silenced. That's what happened to the left. Their polls will tell everyone Hillary has already won or will get a landslide victory. They celebrate too soon with shit like Madam President.
The Silent Majority saw through all the lies and bullshit because we had no other choice. The world saw us as trolls or harassers because that's how the media portrayed us with their lies. Eventually... so many of us has been thrown into this group that we've become... the majority. And our one time to make our voice heard was voting time. Now the rest is history.
The media will never admit this. The left will never admit this. But this is the sad truth of what really happened.