I would totally date Malia Obama

I would totally date Malia Obama.

After I nut in her I could say "Thanks Obama!" unironically.


But shes the ugly one, user.

but she's a man.


She's the hot one



>that booty with a tiny waist

Secretly servicing that ass

I ain't fucking her face. I'm fucking that body and the body is tight.

Malia is a pretty nice girl too, you can tell she takes more after her father. Sasha is apparently a turbocunt like her demon mother..but who really knows.

Yeah, that is a nice behind.


Then why not the one that has all that and a meh face?

I'm going to be saying thanks Obama to her behind.

She's great except her face

I wont be able to she her face past those cheeks.

Nigga I'd Fuck a warm pile of dirt don't go around implying I have some care for standards.

You forgot to change your IP, fuck face

"Two words: predator drones. You think I'm kidding".

that's the problem with all black girls who would otherwise be attractive

Just put a pillow over their head and problem is sovled.

Obama's daughters are still more fit to be in the White House than Melania.

They're also more educated.

I'd happily ride her cotton-hole all the way to the plantation if you follow my drift.