France is too left wing and they don't speak English so our memes won't work. We should focus on Nexit and based Geert.
Forget France, Nexit is next
whats the chance of him winning?
or getting out of the eu?
Nexit will happen, cenkem
Less than zero
Is not Austria the first challenge?
So you're saying it's easier than Trump?
Hofer will probably win unless they'll decide that something went wrong again this time.
Time works on his favour.
>4 new posts
Basicly he was part of a government and he blew it.
He has just as much of a chance as Vlaams belang here has.
dutch is a funny language
good luck
What does the orange Netherlands flag mean?
I always thought their flag was with red.
It doesn't matter if he wins or not he will never ever be in power even if he wins because no party wants to work with him and make a coalition. So either he has to win 51% of the chairs or team up with moderate right wing libertarians.
He can't win.
And we need a referendum to to leave the EU, so far there has been no party pushing for this besides PVV
Her name is Le Pen
>Her name is Le Pen
Her name is Le Pen
>Her name is Le Pen
Her name is Le Pen
>Her name is Le Pen
Her name is Le Pen
>Her name is Le Pen
its a cute language spoken by cute people
Orange is Holland. The Netherlands is Red. Or something like that, don't even delve into it, it's kind of like trying to explain what is the base of Belgian national identity(there's none, since Belgium is non-country).
Very funny
Fuck off Grindr Geert, stop making these threads about yourself
Stop E-celebs
Well, you are actually right, During the seperation at first they where waving French flags.
She should embrace the role of the underdog, instead of this.
Who? Wtf is a geert or nexit?
>Orange is Holland.
Holland is our degenerate region, it destroys my Low Saxon culture, and we should seek to destroy Holland.
I pray to Kek every day that the upcoming sea rise will swallow Holland a-whole.
>the french don't speak English
They learn English in high school, and the languages are pretty easy to learn if you know the other.
Here you go.
Orange flag was used during the time of the Republic when the Frogs restored the monarchy we changed it to red.
french people are famously bad at english, and statistics on their competence bears this out
The only person this weekend to make any sense.
I SERIOUSLY DOUBT those gay frogs and their Muslim overlords will let anyone vote for an anti-establishment/free shit President.
Worse case scenario:
Public torture/execution parties will be established to silence the opposition. ISIS will set up shop overnight.
> #
>It doesn't matter if he wins or not he will never ever be in power even if he wins because no party wants to work with him and make a coalition.
Shut your mouth, shill. If you really think this you know absolutely shit about Dutch politics.
Geert is a fucking retard. I know it's funny for you Americans but you won't be able to meme this man into prime minister. He has some support but it won't blow up like Trump did. I've seen what you idiots can do and I'm glad Trump won, except the netherlands won't benefit from Geert the same way.
Did I mention Geert LOVES the jews? He makes a lot of trips to Israel
>Did I mention Geert LOVES the jews? He makes a lot of trips to Israel
He gets funds from them as well.
anyone else for VNL
First time voting heh kid?
Do you remember how we had to vote again because Wilders crashed everything?
>trusting polls
Don't you fucking dare cuck. Stop diluting the voter base.
at least i'm not voting for a leftist jew
Absolutely great Idea, Aart
Everybody will be more comfortable helping NL anyway.
Spread the orange flag first of all.
All the Burgers etc who wouldn't know the Dutch flag must think it's the one with the Orange stripe.
If half the world thinks that, it may become a meme in Holland
Make everybody post in hope OR FEAR (doesn't fucking matter) of Nexit, let's create global anticipation for it
Lets put it that the Netherlands are putting the EU in a seriouosly fucking dangerous situation, let all the jews go full panic
Wilders is the lulziest choice, will create the most butthurt.
VNL is economically right, but is composed of clowns.
Pirate Party is in shambles, but has good points
Im going to vote for one of these.
He is Marine best friend, I hope him the best
Netherlands needs the EU trade. We will be the last to leave. First make the Right Wing Rise happen in France or Germany, NL will follow because we always do.
please post more of this madman declaration on islam
>implying your opinion on anything other than chocolate and Tintin matters
friendship ended with Nigel, now Geert is my best friend
You can't be serious. If you really think the EU is good for trade I have no idea what youre doing here.
How likely is a referendum to vote leave if you ever get one?
The problem is you continentals have really fucked yourselves over by intertwining your economies to this degree. I don't think a eurozone country can leave until the eurozone itself collapses.
It has potential to go really wel, the anti EU sentiment is pretty big. But I think project fear will really work here, people are retarded and the media are feeding it. But more and more people are waking up to all the bullshit. Shit like TTIP and people like Arjen Lubach do a really good job for our cause.
Kek wills it
I second this, the dutch are cool af, fuck france
Pls traitors, just move out like the rest of our trash should.
We've seen where foreign "help" of dutch "nationalist" or "patriot" movements leads to, ruin and corruption for all parties involved.
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't vote for Ancilla
Why ever bother with pirate parties? They seem to be dumpster fires in every single country. it seems like you're left to either VNL or PVV, and I think PVV has the most rhetoric against Islam and the general deluge of invaders. No one is Jew wise. That much isn't even on the table.
Also, prince flag is more aesthetic.
We should make a pact and vote pirate parties in throughout Europe. They stil are the most spread out libertarians in any country.
Pirate parties are shit because they are new parties full of autistic nerds. But they improve every election cycle. I'm pretty sure this election they have their shit enough together to get a seat in parlement. Our goverment spends millions on useless IT projects that fail because they know fuckall about tech and IT. Just having one party in that knows it's shit would help.
If we take out france tho the eu has no navy
>His Pirate Party does not have Ancilla
Remember when Nigel didn't want to make a group with Geert and Marine ? He is a backstabbing traitor.
France will fight with their Aquafreshbro
he's right you know
America did it:
Britain did it:
And what are her qualities besides those that you can see?
Godverdomme! Wat een miem. Heeft iemand ook zijn gephotoshopte versie van de donald duck?
>Low Saxon cuckture
Please, you guys can hardly keep your digs out of your siblings or maintain yourselves without copious amounts of drugs and tax money.
>jan roos
>christian/jews society
Daily Reminder that Geert is an Isreal plant and was paying his lawyers in cash he got from them.
>Not knowing Geert
Newfag pls go
I think if Frexit happens the EU is going to fall.
It doesn't matter. He only needs to be the largest party with enough seats to make any normal coalition by other parties impossible, which is already aided by the immense splintering in the other parties, with VVD and PvdA at a huge loss and GL, CDA & D66 relatively strong. This will mean Wilders can start negotiations but he will probably be bypassed by an unholy alliance with 5+ parties. This would of course lead to a highly unstable government which will be unpopular and probably fall very soon, leading to an even greater PVV seat number in the elections that will follow
Between Baudet, DENK and SP the PVV too has lost a lot of its support as the sole protest party.
Don't sell the bear's hide before you've actually shot it, especially if said bear is right behind you.
Those parties could in theory expand the electoral pond for protest votes, which was up until now limited because 'he is so rude' and shit.
Although I think they will probably just get stuck at 0,6 seat and in the process swindle the PVV out of two seats whilst receiving none themselves.
Have this rare PVV Pepe though