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What a complete retard.

Another conservative progress denialist.

this guy's journalism is unbearable

that annoying as fuck expresison just tops it all off
posh smug idiot

leftist "progress" is toast, that's for sure

Why is every comedian in this country a leftist?

cant wait until this cuck gets fired from the Beeb because he's



You do know they all know eachother right? Look at David Mitchells class photos - his classmates are all fellow comedians.

It's a liberal arts profession.

I love that one political party claims to have a monopoly on progress

Jews. And jews hire people palatable to jews

How did he go from this to that?

He's right. The progress to making America a globalist shilling of Jews is now history.

They don't get their jobs because they are funny. They get them because they are leftists.

Yet another cuck for the trash heap.

Surely at some point he must've thought to himself
"Are we the baddies?"

comedy is practiced by the self-loathing
guess which side is that?

kek, came here to post this

Conservatives make better arguments on many issues. You can circumvent the argument with comedy and just go "haha look UKIP are so stupid!!". Meme's do the same thing desu.

>yeah yeah benghazi, people died, documents mishandled, whatever

To think that him and Robert Webb, two cucked Cambridge tossers, helped make one of the best sitcoms ever in Peep Show (s1-4).

But every time they posted a shitty article or a holier-than-thou tweet they slowly destroyed their legacy. Sad!


God, Peep show is so great. I need to rewatch this.

I don't think about him at all

If by progress you mean smashing your own dick with a hammer, then yes.

>Mike "LBBQ" Pence
>He is no bigot, stupid leftists lmoa

>have loads of money
>hang around with different races in London
>live in nice areas
>"ooooh I do love this multicultural thing"

Are we the baddies?
> nah

The only funny thing he's ever said ever. And maybe one or two jokes at Mock The Week.

Progress would be all progressives going to Jupiter with Cher. Bunch of brainwashed idiots.

>i used to worship this man as little as a year and a half ago

I hate that I used to be such a champagne socialist.


I always wondered what they mean with progress? Progress of what exactly? Science or what? Niggers and females can already vote and get elected for president. What else do they want?

Because all the jokes that don't "puch up" have been deemed offensive.

White men to bow down before them.

Memes are funnier and dominated by the right wing

Right wingers have no sense of humor.

The only thing he's ever done that's worth a fuck is Peep Show because it parodies everything wrong with modern men.

That's not true. Lefties are the ones that can't take a joke, anyway.
He was never the same after he got raped

Damnit, this election has ruined alot of comedians for me, why are liberals such cunts?

Heads or tails, you can't have both motherfucker.

>Progressivism = progress

Quite the opposite my leafy friend.

Kek, how can you even make jokes if you are a leftist? Shouldn't you be worried that every sentence might offend someone?

Peep Show is one of my favorite T.V shows in history.
Please don't ruin it for me.
I'm sure they are both liberal pieces of shit in real life, but I want to pretend David actually acts like Mark.

You see, you can unleash all your sexual frustration and botttled up vileness on the people who are not in a protected class, for example white working class people. Conversely, those find it funny because they are capable of self criticism.

When will Guardian change its headline/byline format?
It automatically converts cringe to hilarity, seeing a cuck's full picture with a terrible headline

>best sitcoms ever

Nope, they're both liberal pieces of shit. Robert Webb called Trump a fascist.

>You will never read "business secrets of the Pharaohs"

You wouldn't understand because you're an Amerifat.

Name a better sitcom than peep show.

Protip: you can't.


Comedy is a closed shop. You won't be cracking the scene without being a lefty Footlights twat.

>Why is every comedian in this country a leftist?

I think the only comedian i'm aware of that is Nationalist/Conservative is John Cleese

The liberal mindset right here.

They are the Correct, they are the Way Forward, any other viewpoint is Wrong and Old.

They truly believe their worldview is not only objectively good but the inevitable way of the future.

Fawlty Towers... obviously.

YGSIU Amerifat

Mitchell is not a leftists, he's just a standard classic liberal.

Why the fuck is david mitchell writing shitty opinion pieces for the gruniad?

The Young Ones had its moments too.
I would say Peep show is certainly better than both of them though.

>Lefties are the ones that can't take a joke


Progressivism is essentially wheel-spinning.
>If we make enough radical changes, something's bound to go right!

he does it most weeks



Is that bridget jones? The one from the movies?

the Guardian, figures....

probably black baby in stroller

>implying their sketch show wasn't top tier


conservatives cant make a self-irony which is going to be laughed at by others. they are arrogant and very egocentric. they instantly get angry once they themselves are laughed at with especially nationalistic matters of their own. thats it.

all they can do is one sidedly make fun of someone else or cartoonize the opponents. they can never satirize themselves because they get triggered fucking fast and are afraid of getting exposed themselves.

Nah It's Victoria Coren. Total qt up to the exact moment she married David Mitchell. Also the exact point when David Mitchell stopped being funny.

No that is Victoria Coren, his wife