Was Gamergate responsible for the mass redpilling of Sup Forums, Reddit, and Twitter, which in turn made way to the rise of Trump?
Was Gamergate responsible for the mass redpilling of Sup Forums, Reddit, and Twitter...
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It was grist to the mill, sure.
I imagine the Left becoming synonomous with Globalism played a bigger role in his election overall. People need economic security, not unemployment cheques.
Gamergate shined a light on SJWs, and got people questioning their media outlets.
No but it taught us the united media is not an idle foe
kind of.
it sure did wake a LOT of video game nerds up to how disastrously corrupt and shitty video game journalism is. that helped a lot.
those corrupt and shitty video game journalists are overwhelmingly leftists. that helped a lot, too.
when mainstream media picked it up, it sided with those corrupt gaming journalists. that made gamers realize that mainstream journalists are juts as bad as vidya journalists, which helped a lot, too.
#GG did a lot to destroy trust in the media. since the media were all anti trump, #GG did help pave the way for our trump victory.
It was an omen
Its what caused to me to begin questioning the media a lot more. I already questioned them of course, but at that point it was revealed to be the miniboss of the level at the time. And we hadn't even seen its final form at that point. That didn't come until the Trump election.
Before gamergate.. I was another sheep that trusted the news and media....
now... i hate the news more than ever.
gamergate was practice for the Trump election cycle
Every talking point and angle that was used in the election was also used (to even more ridiculous degree) in the GG fiasco. To include trying to turn everyone against one another.
In some way, we should thank the problem hair tranny's for the warmup.
It was a spark in a gasoline factory.
It was the appetiser before the Trump steak.
the only redpill of gamergate was that mods on Sup Forums are fucking faggots who are bought and paid for. journalism in muh video games only redpilled the completely brain dead retards about feminazis and now we have a bunch of newfags on Sup Forums who love israel. fuck goymergate and fuck moot
Yeah, I was pretty apolitical before. I still think that Republicans/Democrats(the traditional elected ones) are just two sides of the same coin, but Trump seems different so I voted for him.
Gamergate definitely got me coming to Sup Forums though.
It was when the "pussy pass" became acutely relevant to cellar dwellers.
I'm very grateful for this.
Gamergate really makes me distrust the media and the historical narrative. It hasn't even been five years, and the Wikipedia article is already being rewritten.
You can watch (((them))) rewrite history in real time.
Here's what Weev had to say last year:
>gamergate … is by far the single biggest siren bringing people into the folds of white nationalism. More people have been converted in the past year by things like images of Anita Sarkeesian being rendered as a happy merchant than were in the three before it.
Gamergate was the first mass awareness of the sjws but I'm sure people were aware of this before
It was practice for Sup Forums to be able to redpill normies.
Sup Forums's news board was right-wing as fuck for years before Gamergate came to pass. In fact, I'd say that Sup Forums is currently more moderate than it has ever been before due to the huge influx of Donald Trump supporters
I'm sure people were having flashbacks of this when MSM doubled down on Trump and showered praises to Clinton.
GG was responsible for overdemanding feminists gaining lots of attention resulting in pro-feminazi articles in mainstream media which was negatively viewed by many readers, which lead the readers to be more open to criticize their own news sources
i think it had its fair share, seeing how close it was it might very well be the case that without GG Trump wouldn't have been elected president
It was an issue that gave a more solid form to the alt-right vs SJW culture war. Perhaps it was even the first big clash?
The fact that it didn't have anything to do with race/immigration probably helped to bring normies into the fray.
I was a regular on Sup Forums for years before GG happened
We were all getting sick of SJWs ruining video games but that shit was the last straw, and it became obvious that they were actively working against the best interests of the video game community by shoving SJW bullshit into every AAA release and indie title.
That fucking series of "Gamers are dead" articles that all came out at once redpilled a lot of us into realizing that the media is always trying to push an agenda
Exact same. It put the spotlight on the sjws, and gave the anger a vehicle.
Considering the complete black-out of any GG discussion during the whole thing I'd say it proves something about Sup Forums and it's not it being redpilled.
Even Reddit and Twitter stuck to their guns while m00t turned on you guys on a dime.
You were sold out and now you're trying to pretend you were part of it only because GG won, had the media and GameJournoPros won you'd be proclaiming this place as a safe space for anti-GG. You're worse then niggers and jews at this point.
It's more the fault of SJWs and them being hateful and intolerant.
Incidentally: I didn't pay ANY attention to gamergate, not being a gamer.
I only took any notice of it because at one point moot was implicated.
So my viewpoint is one of an outsider and probably not very informed.
I'll never understand people's willingness to accept women's lies
Especially when other women are calling the first-party woman out on her bullshit.
Whatever happened to 'notYourShield' anyway?
Harassed for internalizing racism and misogyny or something?
it may have helped but there were plenty of redpilled/altright people around before that
It was for me...
got me from Sup Forums to Sup Forums
Introduced InternetAristocrat
Sarcuck of Mossad, TL;DR etc.
No, gamergate was the ultimate culmination of Sup Forums's history of /i/ing and especially our minor twitter raids earlier that year. In retrospect, it was essentially the prototype for what we did in 2016.
It's about the culture of lying. If you point out other women's lies, it makes it acceptable for other women to point out your lies.
So to save your own lies you protect the lies of other women, eventually resulting in the viewpoint that women are incapable of lying and that if you don't believe everything they say then you're a misogynist, and internalised misogyny for women.
It was the pebble that started the avalanche.
Mostly in the youth.
It probably helped. It laid the groundwork by demonstrating collusion and dishonesty in the media.
How many different media outlets ran the "Gamers Are Dead" article at the same time again? 30?
No. GG was a consumer revolt that accidentally showed the entire liberal media establishment was networked as a cultural Marxist front to destroy the West.
The chans are what red-pilled people.
They just claimed the everyone behind NotYourShield was sock puppet accounts and ignored them.
And everyone knows that women lie but there's so many thirsty fedora tipping faggots willing to fake belief for the promise of them being respected by the women that find them utterly repulsive that it doesn't matter.
Many men and women are willing to buy the lie because their too weak to face the truth.
So what's the latest comic from this cuck?
Will she ever be redpilled, Sup Forums?
>No. GG was a consumer revolt that accidentally showed the entire liberal media establishment was networked as a cultural Marxist front to destroy the West.
That's not true. You're just crazy. Donald Drumpf is a fascist though.
>They just claimed the everyone behind NotYourShield was sock puppet accounts and ignored them.
Weren't they all posting timestamped pictures of themselves holding up NotYourShield?
The fuck more did they want? Today's newspaper and a sworn affidavit of account ownership?
Partly responsible. There were many factors, and Gamergate was one of many.
Why don't women simply don't lie then ?
>ignoring minorities when they don't conveniently cater to your viewpoint
It's still happening.
pick one.
didn't know SK had SJWs
Please don't tell me Japan is infected with them too...
At least I don't think they are.
if GG didnt "win" you wouldnt be talking to the same people on this board as you are now, GG discussion just moved to another website, moot never had the power to sell us out
Globalism isn't inherent only to the Left, though. Corporatists like Ryan and McCain need to be called out by their constituents and removed in the next primary cycle.
It helped to make some internet denizens more critical of their media and soured attitudes towards social justice, sure. But many Trump voters never heard of Gamergate, so you know.
No, I know it's what brought Sup Forumsirgins like you here but it didn't bring half the attention to the site happening/anonymous did.
To me, the interesting part is that most people who buy into the shit said by Anita and others like her have a high degree of formal education. That made me realize that intelligence, wisdom and education aren't the same thing at all even if there is some correlation.
That being said I do respect Anita for being a savvy businesswoman and taking advantage of retards.
Meant to say Fappening
Yea GG was the first light which shown on the corrupt sjw bullshit that was going on in the vidya industry.
The events that caused GG were actually not that major, but the reason why it blew up was because of the streisand effect. The SJWs had easily taken over the comic industry, traditional games, music, tv, movies, EVERYTHING. And they had never encountered resistance. GG was the first minor resistance to them and they couldn't handle it. The sjws had spent so much time in their bubble they couldn't understand why people were opposing them.
There's no doubt that GG had at least some effect on Trump getting elected. A good amount of GGers supporting trump like Jim, Sargon, milo, and shoeonhead are testament to this.
Displayed just how corrupt journalism actually is. Not only that, but needy feminist lead to a slippery slope of pandering and censorship by LGBT, SJW, and BLM groups. The left was killing the culture with political correctness. I'm sure it didn't take long for many to discover this, however there's still a good bunch that fell for leftist propaganda.
Been red pilled before it was called red pilled and gamergate was huge. Youth today are basically morons by design, they are taught garbage in school and garbage in college. Remember arguing back in 2012 with a new hire, his main concerns were gay marriage, global warming and creationists, islamaphobia, and racism. His core beliefs were basically bullshit echo chamber hype that has no meaning or relevancy in the real world.
Then suddenly he woke up during game that, because like most beta cucked white men his age were suddenly the oppressor by playing video games. The one thing they liked the most was suddenly exposed and threatened by the people he supported the most.
He voted Trump, knows global warming is a sham, sees BLM for what it really is, etc
Gamer gate made him who he is, years of conditioning finally broken. Liberals create the environment to ensure their own demise. It is liberalism today, it eats their own and only the truly pathetic support it. Its a mental disorder.
In part, yes.
At least it did for a couple of my friends.
In my case it just reaffirmed how corrupt and untrustworthy news outlets are.
It did show me how a staggering number of people would completely ignore the actual issue and lap up whatever the "news" tells them, particularly if it's something that they wanted to hear in the first place.
It was amazing how many people fell for the "re-framing" too. The very same video game outlets that came under fire for egregious conflicts of interest simply started (almost all at the same time, coincidentally) demonizing their accusers, and it worked like a charm.
Good luck reforming mainstream news outlets like CNN or MSNBC in the future. Legions of idiots came to the defense of Kotaku, PC Gamer, and Rock Paper Shotgun once they were told that they would be on the right side of history™ by believing them.
There certainly was an element that awakened quite a few people. Gamergate was like spring training, it taught us how to see the connections and favors and outright bias when most out there didn't.
Once the election got under way you had a bunch of trained autists ready to spot the Jew and call out bias and unfair reporting. I still remember Wikileaks tweeting something to gamergate that the corruption and collusion went far deeper than simple games journalism.
I always knew they were biased but who could have imagined the MSM was so thoroughly compromised?
>he got redpilled by gamergate
LOL gaylord. I got the red pill when I found a link to The Money Masters on youtube.
I can't speak for others, but it pretty much shocked me into reality. To see how blatantly dishonest and hypocritical people were around this scandal made me realize just how much evil had taken hold of this world. I never imagined that most people were so disgusting until I witnessed this happening first hand.
>On September 4th, 2014, game developer Zoe Quinn posted a tweet accusing Sup Forums users of creating #NotYourShield as a “jamming hashtag,"
Oh, I see
Because it was the idea of someone you don't like, it instantly invalidates all the people of varied backgrounds who stood beside it because they, being minorities, were naturally mentally infantile and thus easily influenced and lead-along by the mentally superior white males.
Because god forbid that minorities disagree with white women
For the left side that's basically how it works. Anything that doesn't fit their narrative MUST be because of misogyny, racism and/or homophobia.
They're incapable of understanding the fact they may be wrong, it's the underlying ideal that defines the SJW, the belief that that are the only truth and as such everything outside their echo chamber is utterly wrong by default.
Everything is responsible for everything!
It's fucken mAAaAAGic.
I know that-s how I started hating political correctness and in turn, the left
Believe it or not, Mass Effect 3 caused the schism against the modern press which has not healed.
>intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing
well duh
I was shifting right at the time, a good friend of mine is a proper hitchens style conservative and he was making some good arguments to me. Gamergate just made clear to me how insane the left is.
Fans of the game (a hardcore series) knew the game was slashed to bits and cut down, and were not happy, and PR firms stepped in to tell gamers they were not smart enough to understand the "artistic vision" of the series, and that they were entitled for even daring to critique it. The major outlets joined in unison and multiple gaming websites fractured beyond repair. neoGAF became a leftist corporate hellhole following this, comment sections became devoid of alternate views (having banned vocal opposition) and gamers were left to reflect on what this all meant. They knew they were right, but they didn't know WHY they were being talked to like children and told they were wrong.
GamerGate was the inevitable result of these media practices.
I never understood the obsession cucks have with the fucking Legend of Zelda.
it was responsible in turning Sup Forums into a SJW infested shit hole
Gamers are apolitical, unless you decide to fuck with video games.
The left decided to fuck with video games.
They saw how fucked the gaming media was (literally, thanks Zoe!), and by extension, how fucked the mainstream media was.
Now you have tons of angry nerds with tons of free time getting involved in politics.
>(a hardcore series)
>Was Gamergate responsible for the mass redpilling of Sup Forums, Reddit, and Twitter, which in turn made way to the rise of Trump?
This is a theory is conservative Christian circles.
Shitting you not.
Okay, only a little.
But really. It is a thing.
Nigger it only sold a few million each installment. The point is the game is not Madden and is not COD. The key point here is that its dedicated fanbase was emotionally invested and got pissed off. Many bad games or bad sequels have released in the past but ME3 was a watershed in the digital era.
Lord knows since the hero is a blonde, blue eyed white male 9 times out of 10
(One case of pink hair, but it was the 90s)
GamerGate was a bunch of fedora tipping autists and it accomplished absolutely nothing other than rustling some people in the game industry.
My friend was telling me about it, he really thought it was some "big movement". He asked me "Do you know what the Red Pill is? Well let me tell you about GamerGate..." at which point I shut off my brain and stopped listening to him, cringing internally.
The only good thing from GamerGate is that it exiled some of the most retarded fuckheads from Sup Forums over to a different website.
They didn't go anywhere, they fueled the entirety of Trump's early online support through the Primaries.
Gamergate itself had jack shit to do with redpilling people online and the rise of Trump. We were already redpilled and would have supported Trump anyway.
What Gamergate did was change how people voiced their opinions. SJWs won Wikipedia, Twitter and, to a lesser extent, Facebook. The only Trump supporters who stayed vocal after this were the crackpots who wouldn't stop talking even if they actually were falsely labeled as white supremacists.
What else changed is that MSM began to rely far too much on what people were saying on social media. They didn't realize just how deeply split social media was from what people believed offline, and how SJW extremism was making conservatives bite their tongues, rightly or wrongly, because they feared being labeled as racist or sexist or homophobic.
No they didn't. Sup Forums itself had more involvement in Trump voting by far than GamerGate....what the fuck does GamerGate have to do with Trump? Their supporters are like 1/10th the size of Sup Forums's userbase, or even less than that. They're a bunch of virgin autists.
The /ss/ stayed strong on Sup Forums throughout the debacle, you tourist.
>and how SJW extremism was making conservatives bite their tongues, rightly or wrongly, because they feared being labeled as racist or sexist or homophobic.
It's more to do with the fear of being harassed and doxxed for having wrongthink
But it's cool though, it's not the government attacking you for wrongthink, it's internet people
Gamergate created a generation of right-leaning Libertarian males. It was a political awakening, despite claims to the contrary. It was a mess run by teenagers but it's net effect was massive.
Sup Forums IS Gamergate. Who in the fuck do you think was rigging polls and harassing [people on Twitter? The dedicated autists of the CFG and TrumpGenerals, you seriously think these are all separate people?
You're out of touch with what was going on here during the primaries. Gamergate was dropped by EVERYONE, but they never forgot what they learned about "cultural marxism" and media collusion. They wanted a fight, and they found a man who they could fight alongside.
That's like asking niggers to get a job.
Ιt was for me at least. I also find it fascinationg that SJW's won the war on every media front, except for vidya games.
Video games are highly specialized, so any outside / inexperienced opinion is easily dismissed or rebuked.
I was a pol user before Gamergate, but as a free speech absolutist and video gamer, gamergate absolutely did stir the fucking pot and piss me off to a level that was useful for this election.
I knew there were lies on the airwaves, but having already been primed and pissed at SocJus and suddenly having a narrative shoved down my throat from all sides, from the most liberal sites that had a couple years earlier been pushing Inequality for All or Capital in the 21st Century, this election the status quo was fine and I should vote for President "Because I'm a woman."?
No, go fuck yourself you smug above the law, out of touch cunt.
Thats one thing I noticed about gamergate clusterfuck was that a fuckton of forums throughout the net straight up banned discussions of gamergate no matter what side you were on the mods of those forums just locked them down.
There were only a few large forums outside of the chans that allowed gamergate discussion where even the mods were like "that ain't right" but they were far and few between.
It always surprises me at how many people who say that GG "redpilled" them. Sup Forums was always talking about media collusion WELL before GG.
But there's more. Who was ultimately resopnsible for GG? Zoe Quinn. What really fanned the flames? Her getting moot to ban GG discussion. And how does Paul Combetta fit into all this?
Simple. They all came from Something Awful.
>yfw SA's been orchestrating Trump's rise from the start
GamerGate was all about finally visualizing the enemy. It gave the alt-right a proper, formalized target, and also helped to properly formalize themselves as well.
What I think nobody is mentioning is how hard everyone dove into protecting themselves and the Gamergate "movement" from shills. There was very, very real paranoia spreading around because of it, because this was one of the first instances of people seeing leftists use underhanded tactics against them. This was where most people first witnessed false-flagging like with Literally Wu, shilling, thread-sliding, etc.
It also showed the limits of an anonymous campaign in winning over others. There's the potential for too many loose ends. As long as one single twitter troll can still have the brainless audacity to be telling someone else on Twitter directly to die, even if they're false-flagging, they can be linked to the anonymous group and from there demonized further.
Unfortunately, people DID sniff out the bullshit on the alt-right. We wanted the SJWs, the leftists, and the liberals to cull their own, to get rid of the subversive elements inside their own ranks that deteriorated us all. With that in mind, we wanted to make zero effort to do the same within our own ranks. For a fight over ethics, we weren't ethical enough.
I think Sup Forums has fixed that, though. Unless it's some normie bullshit that any asshole can understand and fall face-first into, usually Sup Forums operations involve at least a bit about their identity. That identity helps keep the digital foot soldiers in line, it helps them feel respectable instead of turning to just slogging around in the mud.
If you didn't realise the MSM was corrupt before GG something is wrong.
That's what caused it to explode from a regional internet kerfuffle into a net-wide clusterfuck, the systematic simultaneous censorship on almost all, supposedly independent of one another, fronts.
20,000 posts in one reddit thread, deleted. That'll go down as the trademark spark in the petrol can.
What even happened with gamer gate? What was it about?
Can water stop being wet?
Can Aussies stop shitposting?
>Be me
>tyr to post links proving the existence of gamejournopros a full year before it was exposed.
>Sup Forums "fuck off gooblygater
>Be me
>Try to post proof that Leigh Alexander was funding most of anti-GG rhedric
>Sup Forums "fuck off gooblygater"
>two years later
>"We were strong through the debacle"
Yes, yes you were. Pretending like you guys were full-shilling now doesn't change the fact you were actively suppressing the truth back then. Crippled assed hotwheels has more of a spine then you guys.