/Italy/ thread: Italians here. Foreigners ask us anything Sup Forums related

DISCLAIMER: This is not Sup Forums. Many Italians are here and we would love to answer your questions to the best of our knowledge... but we will keep it Sup Forums and world-news related (wars, conflicts, LGBT rights, church, migrants, etc.).

DISCLAIMER 2: Bantz are welcome, but let's keep this thread as meaningful as possible. English will be the main language.

to quote the previus OP:
Here is some background info on upcoming events. Just in case someone doesn't have a clue what's going on here.

Italy is going for a big referendum.

Background is neatly explained by Wikipedia:
>The Italian Parliament is described as a perfectly symmetric bicameral legislature, in that it has a lower house (the Chamber of Deputies) and an upper house (the Senate of the Republic) with the following characteristics:
>[1] The two houses are elected simultaneously and for the same five-year term.
>[2] The Government must have each house's confidence, and is responsible to both of them.
>[3] All legislation must be passed in the same text by both houses: whenever a bill is amended by either house, it must be sent to the other one in a potentially endless process known as the navetta parlamentare (parliamentary shuttle).
As you might imagine, this system is shit for many reasons:
>[a] Countless MPs roaming the country
>[b] Two houses are elected *at the same time* (unlike Amerifag Congress, which is renewed 33% every 2 years)
>[c] Difference is the Lower House is voted by people 18+, whereas the Upper House is voted by people 25+
>[d] Other difference is the shape of the Districts are Different (we have less senators than deputies).

Other urls found in this thread:


The new referendum proposes to:
>[1] Lower House will be the legislative bodies
>[2] Senate number of MPs is reduced
>[3] Senate will legislate only on certain matters
>[4] Members of the Senate will not be elected directly by the people -- rather, they will be elected by the members of Regional Councils (akin to State Governments in Australia). So, basically, every Regional body elects its own representatives to the Senate.
>[5] President of the Republic is still allowed to nominate up to 5 Senators for life (usually: scientists, statesmen, Nobel prizes, and former Presidents), which will weight more considering the number of Senators is reduced from about 350 to 95.

we're fine with romanians, they don't cause trouble and all of the romanians i know are hard working people

>vote NO to the constitutional referendum
vote NO to the constitutional referendum
>vote NO to the constitutional referendum
vote NO to the constitutional referendum
>vote NO to the constitutional referendum
vote NO to the constitutional referendum
>vote NO to the constitutional referendum
vote NO to the constitutional referendum

one more step towards freedom from germany

Romanians and slavs(they're different things) are ok, great workers, the problem is that they feel like they should be complimented all the time for working because they're not stealing and raping like the rest of their brethren.
They completely killed blue collars jobs with undercutting and are slowly killing plumbing too but we needed some competition anyway.

Romanians are LATIN

thread theme


And are still shit

That's what I said if you read my post
>Romanians and slavs(THEY'RE DIFFERENT THINGS)
I already implied they're different.

ruspa enabled


that's the spirit!

purge of the gypsy camp when?

Romanians are cucks, I fuck their women for 20€.

How do we ensure that when Trump and Putin inevitably declare war to Germany we aren't on Merkel's side?

5th of december

voting NO is a start

Only real hope for Salvini is to throw away that meme party of Lega Nord and form a new national one with Meloni and some other people from the right side of Forza Cuck.

soon my friend... soon

(((their women))) btw bitches are for losers

Nobody wants you on their side.

How catholic is Italy compared to Poland?

Why is Belpietro always so smug?
Is it the chin?


Latin blood isnt good germanic blood is better + the shitty position of Romania

Maybe it's his strong germanic jaw
He's like the smuggest person in Italy

we're not very traditional but most of us are at least slightly religious

We are Catholic, but most youngsters don't go to Church.

It's basically a strange thing: we ARE Catholic, but we do not need to go every Sunday to Church in order to show it

What do Sup Forums Italians think of Sardinia?

>what was Treaty of London

Not so much I'd say, at least in the big cities, most teenagers are atheists and only southerners and sons of southerners baptize them.
You have to understand that while on Sup Forums people only consider the positive aspect of the FAITH itself, in Italy we have firsthand knowledge of Vatican scandals like money laundering for the mafia to fund Solidarnosc, Banco Ambrosiano scandal, the fact they refuse to pay taxes on property on Italian soil and shit like that.
Personally I have nothing against Catholicism but the Vatican is awful.

What are you talking about? We won both world wars :^)

Le ol' switcharoo always works.

if my peers give any clue, very little, modernity is getting to us
old people are kinda catholic


Why do italian men love black/mixed race women?

we have a bretty big army dude

Catholicism is just a facade for most of Italians, nowhere near Italian americans

do we?
i can't stand non-white women

we will win WWIII by a landslide :^)



What about inferiority complex towards northern countries and France? Is it a thing in Italy?

Fuck off Tyrone, don't you have a Soros sponsored riot to attend?

you got that wrong
it's not goats, it's sheep

>Latin blood isnt good germanic blood is better
Get a load of this heretic

watch it Bruno

I think it's a remnant of our colonial campaigns. Keep in mind east African women look quite different from west African sheboons and can be quite beautiful.

inferiority complex?
nah, more like "yeah they are rich alright, but i wouldn't step a fucking foot in there"

Your referendum sounds like horrible cancer and Jewish tricks. Vote No Italia!

How come we are usually on BOTH sides then? :^)

Somebody repost the "Mussolini was a cuck" copypasta.


let me fix that

Why is Sardinia so militarized?

Hi. I studied abroad in Italy and I noticed Terrone areas of Italy had more pro-fascist graffiti.


here it is

The meme fascist anthem is literally about race mixing with Ethiopian girls

Nuragic empire coming soon

only piddini vote yes, and they are a minority, we will win YUUGE

I don't understand what will happen of Titolo V if yes win.
Is it a trick to let all the privatization stuff happen to water and other public stuff?

Some consider kinda esotic to fuck with a nigress...it's like you say "i'm fucking with an alien" something like that.

yeah ok but it's about cucking Africans, not getting cucked by them, there's a big difference between being the bulls and being the cucked ones

there's less gommies in the south

My question would be: why half of your men are sick perverts, the other half faggots and your women mostly whores (in a good way though)?

Thank you.

What is the deal with Pope Francis? Is he really the pope? What about Benedict?
What is the theory going around Italy about today's Catholic Church?

well the actual fascist anthem is really different


if the YES wins regions will lose a lot of power, you can figure it out i'm sure

It's already happening, some regions are having a lot of FUN with that. As in getting fucked in the ass with ridiculous bills.

Small population and vast landscapes are perfect to store military weapons for our American overlords and we just say Eja don't worry put a shit ton of bases near my pecore


Dude the titolo V was the worst thing happened in Italy since ww2.

Titolo V need to go.

mostly whores?
oh god, tell me where, i haven't found a woman that isn't an ice queen yet

i'm considering a change of denomination because of this pope, that should suffice


Italians girls are less easy than European ones

>why do people closer to shit are more vocal about the smell?
I wonder why

You guys never should have voted out your king.

Because southerners aren't beta cucks like northerners.

sorry Nigel but you aren't in the position to insult anyone

austro-hungarian diaspora needs to go

Mashallah brother, you tell the kuffars

>t. northern terrone

I've always heard that when the war was over and Italy had a big referendum monarchy vs Republic, monarchy actually won but they rigged the outcome. Don't know if true or just conspiracy theory

>you can figure it out

No I can't, really.
Stripping regional government of decisional power seems a good thing to me. Federalism was a mistake, things were better when everything was controlled by central State. With privatizations everything went to shit.

The first eurochick I banged was an italian and she met me herself. Her face was not really good but her body was fucking stunning. Was a very chill and easy going girl

He's still with us, only now he's a tv host man!

i've been saying that for my entire life

all we know is that the republic won by a fucking small margin

Strategic location and they really hate them.

The king was a french cuck and in bed with the freemasons. Good fucking riddance, such a shame we allowed their ban from entering in Italy to be lifted.

Latin blood is Germanic blood. The original latin Patrician class was descended from Indo-European invaders from the north.

It was the heat of the moment, keep in mind the destruction and hunger most people endured and they see a rich guy that enabled Mussolini not losing anything.
Of course they want revenge.

It's a shame because the Savoia as a family is one of the most ancient families in Europe, dating back as far as the XI century AD, and it's only thanks to them that Italy exists at all, even if neo-borboni retards insist they were good when they were all peasants and shit.

Who /repubblicamarinara/ here?

lucky bastard, i only meet fighe di legno (our version of ice queens)


only a small group ...

they had already mixed with the locals for almost a millennium
and Italics don't seem to be connected with corded ware culture at all, they probably came from east from the danube area

fuck off nordishit

Wooden pussies
Try to grab them and get schegge in your hand

who /romacaputmundi/ here?

Who are the driving force behind the referendum, what is their chief goal in bringing it up now?

Also what's your educational system like, I'm curious because of the shitfest we have over here.

schegge are splinters, for those who don't understand

Mio amico

Your country literally pays jizya to Muslims.

My country is 92% white. Your country is literally 0% white except for a few Germans who live in the parts of Austria that you stole.

the Partito Democratico, the current ruling party, well, they claim that they want to reduce costs of politics but we all know that it's all bullshit to get more power.
you'd be surprised to know that our educational system might look like shit but it's probably the most detailed and thorough in europe