Get your priorities straight
Get your priorities straight
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying south america is relevant
>implying argentina is uncucked
Isn't Macri a puppet of the kikes though?
Are we trying to get Farage to be PM
>no Geert Wilders
Jobbik in the homeland and Mad Max Bernier for Canada too!
+ no Hofer
UKIP can win 2020 if they fix themselves up. Meanwhile, people understand that tories are pretending to be like UKIP, while being globalist backstabbers. And Labour are losing the white working class northern vote.
I'm not too sure about a 26 year old being president of france though.
Can I get a list of these guys parties and names? I only recognize Trump and Farage, but I've seen the German chick before.
This logo looks rather Skypeish
>he wants south american commie migrants forever
Hoist the white flag already.
Now is not the time for infighting, we must unite
Look, Trump created a wave, we conservatives (or right wing in general) need to surf it properly, we can do it if we help each other
Brazilian guy is Jair Bolsonaro from PSC (Partido Social Cristão aka "Christian Social Party" or something)
Maybe but he's still a lot better than the psycho socialist bitch we had to deal with for 8 years
Not only that, but CTR, Broke, DNC, CF, HRC, Soros, Pedosta, all just scurried away basically unscathed and richer. And Based Jules is still in prison.
All that talk about fighting G L O B A L ism was just russian pro-trump shills trying to fire up the red-pilled to get Trump elected, not actually battle the desecration of humanity.
I guess
It's piñera no matthei
Macri has more things in common with Trump than with Hillary, that for sure. When it comes to "political bloodlines" I will say that he's a center-right candidate with a pseudo mask of "liberalism" but no one here buys it, we know he's right wing and people like me love it!
Bet you guys would like Bolsonaro
Literally who is that Australian and why isn't Pauline up there
New Integralist movement coming soon
>QI 90
They want it so badly cause she's cute.
Can you point ONE flaw in Bolsonaro? That's what I thought, commie
>voting for women
Well..that might work if they don't try to please leftists.
Women ruin countries mate
I'm researching who the fuck that bitch is right now. I have no idea what that party is in OP's pic.
We want Bolsonaro. And after him his 3 sons in the presidency. Deal with it.
Women can be great leaders, if it wasn't for Margaret Thatcher the right wing would have died out. Anyone from the right wing can be good
8 years of presidency for each son!
Shes Debbie Robinson
>8 years of presidency for each son!
If Bolsonaro is not elected in 2018 I'll move to Chile or Bolivia and live there until I die.
These guys
dont fool yourself, macri was the best option of the two but he's in no way a good president
I thought staying in the South of Brazil would be enough but goddamn the commies dominate this place. Might try going to Canada if Bolsonaro loses, heard they are starving for immigrants to populate the south
I never comment but I'm triggered now. Every single day I see shit "us whites..." and the I check flag
i want mathei. she is extreme right wing traditionalist and says how it is, which is nice, piñera is just an ultra neoliberal who literally cares about himself only. she plays the piano too, shes a person, piñera is a literal meme.
Why though, they're all native-looking manlets
How yours commie recovery going on?
Make it happen Sup Forums together we can unfuck this planet.
>Anyone from the right wing can be good
Angela Merkel is right wing. Your argument is shit.
is right
Based asia we don't have no problems like weak old sickly europe... sad to see what happened to them... low energy globalists
Literally no one said that
>cheap land
I can buy some land and build a home far away from everybody and everything.
Igslamicg gommunist had tagen polang :0
The only positive thing about Macri is that he isn't a Kirchner puppet
no u
>Angela Merkel is right wing
She is on the right of the left spectrum. Center to center-left just like Lenin taught "We'll be our own opposition".
t. pedro.
>Women are shit!
I want to see a female president with right wing ideals in control of a country I have no idea why most girls out there are left wing, but there's hope!
It's much easier:
Just kill all the jews.
There are plenty white people from Chile, Argentina and Brazil. If you actually knew something about demographics rather than spouting memes every 5 seconds maybe you would know that.
He's not even the leader of a political party atm...he doesn't want to be PM
>not including sweden
That's Assange
They're 'white', not white.
dude weed lmao
You're right
America did it:
Britain did it:
For the love of all that is White, Uncuck yourselves.
Sup Forums is an ideology more that resides in more than just skin color, i am black myself and with you guys in most isues, i think Sup Forums should drop the ''whiter than thou'' meme and focus on whats more important: DOMINATION.
Get something in your stupid fucking head, if you live in a country where blacks represent a big percentage of the people you WILL NOT get rid of them, you gotta understand that you must redpill as many blacks as you can (i know i do my part) for when the overkike comes for divide and conquer he will feed on differences to take us apart.
Lets not have a nation of hyphenated citzens who see themselves as not part of the whole, this is crack where by witch globalism exploits to recruit, these people also have things to lose by allowing the nation to be sold to globalists.
Po qui ta paando, ve que to ta ben. Si m espano sssh si entiendi mai que lo dema pais e!
Whatever the fuck you say Muhammad.
Bob Chipman tweet is my favorite part of the video
We want to be considered white. Please accept us, my white brother.
Matthei is my godfather's neice. I'm also voting for her. My godfather is based. Absolute saint and loves his country.
Shaun King is dead.
Redpill me on M5S, i honestly couldn't stand them at first because Grillo sounds like a lunatic conspiracy theorist when talking politics
>implying argentina is uncucked
this coming from the white flag bearer
Rocky, but slowly recovering from the fucking tsunami of bullshit from the left, they stole so many millions of dollars it fucking insane, but he Justice System is hitting hard on corruption for what is worth, so there's some hope there.
Argentina by many in the region is considered "the whites from the south" so yeah.
Dividing a country based on differences is a Marxist technique
Men vs women, white vs black, poor vs rich...
The alt right falls to that tactic like little ducks unfortunately. Get one thing in your head: Before being white men you are all [insert your nationality here], and you must fight for your country and your culture, anyone can help in that fight, even women and blacks
Why them band not lega nord?
t. peruvian intellectual
>i think Sup Forums should drop the ''whiter than thou'' meme and focus on whats more important: DOMINATION.
Don't you know CartaCapital readers spend all day here?
Seriously. They pretend they are white and spend all day spreading this shit "I'm whiter xD XDD look at my eyesss"
It's impossible for brazilians to do something on Sup Forums because of that. We need a Night of the Long Knives in every university before we do something.
SA is cool.
>Lets not have a nation of hyphenated citzens who see themselves as not part of the whole, this is crack where by witch globalism exploits to recruit, these people also have things to lose by allowing the nation to be sold to globalists.
What's this bullshit with calling whites stupid names. If I was a shitskin I wouldn't be defending whites, you stupid nigger.
UFSC student here
Seeing these occupations makes me so depressed, I worry about our future, fuck
It's impossible to redpill these commies and they might outnumber us if we do nothing soon
Riete huevon! Hay que shitpostear y pasarla bien ;d
But how will those fat autists get to feel superior to the rest of humanity just because they get to have white skin, despite not contributing whatsoever to the greatness of Western civilization and generally being a lowlife?
Ashley Boyer is a liar.
Advice, stop saying "Bolsomito", people that aren't underagers cringe and think you take politics as a joke
>what is Margaret Thatcher
Whats the point of including south american countries no one cares about?
I think UKIP are not going to be able to win by 2020 or even at all, unfortunately.
>No stable leadership
>No attempt to pivot from an "Eurosceptic" basis
>Farage leaving
Not only they are in larger number but they are well financed
Panama's leak showed that Midia Ninja receives money from George Soros.
I'm speaking on behalf of Brazilians and I can guarantee you most of "White eyes here xDDD South is my country ;)" are marxists playing the divide and conquer card.
I've been in their facebook groups. Literally 15,000+ people discuss these tactics every day
Margaret Thatcher wasn't far right.
Not sure I feel it counts as a redpill (fuck no I'm not typing a long ass post), but keep in mind a couple of things about M5S:
1- Grillo =/= M5S. It's the dudes in the Parlamento and Senate. He's nothing but a founder/figurehead good for attracting (not necessarily good) attention.
2- They are the only Movement in Italy that not only is not corrupt to the bone, but also embraces the "Question of Ethics" aka "Questione Morale" when it comes to politics.
3- Italy first, everybody else second.
4- Anti-Europe
5- Anti-Enstabilishment
Dare I say they are actually Trump-Lite
the aussie party looks amazing
>checks flag
>inb4 Portugal is not white
>if so, America's definition of white also counts North Africans so Americans are actually less than 50% white
It should be the far right NPD party in Germany, with neonazi Frank Franz.
lol memes
Total population
c. 12,000,000 (2000)[1][2]
The world don't have a right wing leader since Francisco Franco/Pinochet.
Every other is a center/center-right at best.
Nigel has stood down as UKIP leader...
He can't be PM
By being part of something greater than just themselves and their stupid race, something that will rid the world of the cancer that is killing it.
Achieve something for fuck sake, lets stop tripping on nostalgic racial achievements because no matter how great they were it is all at stake now.
Did your ancestors got you this far just to let you get fucked by a bunch of aidetic pink haired circus clowns ?
Just show me a single example of an american place with a more traditional white culture than the South of Brazil.
Forgot to say they also don't like Migrants one fucking bit